The Kingdom Of Hell: Reflecting Back On 2014-BT3

The Bermuda Triangle- Portal To The Worlds
Kidnapping Of Amunet
Fatema Post 1
Upon leaving the restaurant, Fatema decided to take a break to see some of the sites since they were in a large tourist area. She left her laptop and the statue with the attendant at the front desk to be put into the safe. A few tourist brochures on the desk caught her eye, so she began flipping through them to see what looked interesting. She and Samiyah had seen the mosque from their window and decided on another site with the help of the desk attendant's recommendation. They had him call for a car and driver to meet them later, gave him a nice tip, then left the hotel to walk to the Holy Mosque.
Their hotel, the Hilton Makkah, overlooked the most sacred site of Islam, the Haram Mosque, which holds the Kaaba. It was a short walk for them in the dry heat to the site located in the center of the city. They walked along the great wall to the grand entrance, tall minarets stretching into the sky on each side. Pilgrims filled the expanse, the marble floor cool on their feet even in the heat.
Once inside, Fatema and Samiyah saw the Kaaba, a large black polished stone cube that was originally built by Abraham and his son. Five times a day the Muslims face toward this holy shrine in prayer since the time of Muhammad. The corners of the Kaaba face the four directions of the compass, the outer walls being draped with sheets embroidered with silver thread that is changed yearly. Fatema looked up with her hand shielding her eyes to admire the great beauty of the shrine against the skyline.
The sisters walked around the Kaaba to the eastern corner which held the black stone. A couple of pilgrims tried to kiss it while they circled around the shrine a total of seven times. Some believe it to be a meteorite, but the pilgrims believe it was a white stone that fell from Heaven and became black with the sins of man. Muhammad set the stone into the Kaaba where it now sat for the pilgrims to point at on their seven rotations.
Samiyah and Fatema walked past the Zamzam well, where Ishmael found water by rubbing his feet in the sand, on their way to meet the car that had been sent for them. They drove up into the mountains to see the Mountain of Light where Mohammed first spoke to Gabriel in the cave. Looking down from the mountain, they could see Makkah in all its splendor in the valley below. The afternoon was waning and the girls were tired and feeling grimy, so they had the driver take them back to the hotel.
Fatema handed him a large tip, then went to the desk to collect her laptop and the statue. Both sisters craved a hot bath and clean clothes, but went to find their siblings to discuss what they were going to do next. On their way to the elevator, Fatema noticed a couple of men watching them, instinctively hugging the statue closer to her body while waiting for the doors to open. She thought about the odd feeling the men gave her until the doors again opened at their floor. Mastema and Lucius Jr. were not in the suite the girls shared with them so they walked back to the elevator in silence, trying to think out what to do next since they were now on their own.
An elevator farther down the hall opened up, Fatema and Samiyah moving toward it to go back to the main floor. Suddenly Fatema gasped, stopping short when she saw the two men that had been watching them downstairs, walk out of the elevator. She recognized them as archangels, higher ranking angels, noticing a strange look in their eyes.
She yelled at Sam, "RUN!" grabbing her sister's arm while running back toward their rooms. Just as her hand reached to open the door, a ball of sonic energy smashed into it with a bright flash. Fatema gripped the laptop and statue in her arms, suddenly feeling her body pushed back by an unseen force, flying through the air with shattered debris.
Moments later, Fatema's eyes opened slowly, her head and body screaming in pain. She looked over to see Samiyah beginning to come to also, her own groans indicating she was sore too. Her laptop laid a little away from her, smashed into pieces with the force of the explosion, but the statue was not harmed where it lay. The girls got up and brushed off, realizing that they had fallen to the floor below them.
The archangels were fast approaching, Fatema looked around for an escape. She noticed that outside of the window was a suspended scaffold used for cleaning the exterior glass. Picking up a chair, she threw it to break the window, then both girls crawled out onto the scaffold. They lowered it three floors, then smashed the statue through the window to enter the room. Once inside, Fatema grabbed the statue and they ran to the elevator, limping it down to the main lobby.
Running outside, they pushed past guests to the taxis, but saw a man park his BMW and leave the keys for the valet to park it. Both girls had the same idea, jumping into the car to speed off, leaving the man staring at the back end of his car driving away. Fatema drove to no certain destination, noticing after a moment that there was a car on their tail. The cars raced toward the desert, their speed rising until the car slid out of control into the sand. Suddenly a hole appeared directly in front of them, sucking the sand and their car into it.
Fatema screamed, the car falling downward hundreds of feet to land with a sharp sudden thud, making her chest slam into the steering wheel so hard her breath was forced out. Her lungs burned in pain, sucking for air a few moments, her hand pressing to her chest until she could breath. She then looked to Samiyah to make sure she was ok, but something caught her eye outside of the window.
Opening her door to get out of the car, she saw that they had landed in front of a large ornate building that was covered with mosaics made of gemstones. She grabbed the statue and moved closer to the structure, running her hand across the doors which looked to be crafted of solid gold with precious stones set in patterns. Pushing the door open with caution, they entered into a large chamber filled with more mosaics on the walls and large statues of people lined around the room. Across from the doorway was what looked to be a large alter with gold candle holders and rolled up parchments. The building seemed to have been well preserved under the sand, one could almost imagine a priestess standing there in her robes.
Fatema saw an eerie light out of the corner of eye, looking down to see the statue in her hand glowing. This light made visible different passageways out of the room, each one leading into a tunnel of darkness. She also noticed a picture on one of the walls of a woman in the sky surrounded by angels that she hadn't seen before. Below the scene were words written in ancient arabic that caught her attention.
She moved closer to look at the picture, standing by a golden fountain with clear spring water flowing through it. A flash in her mind made her look into the fountain, an image of Amunet, her niece, being forced out of her bedroom by two men with their faces covered appearing on the surface of the water. "Samiyah, look at this!" she called out, pulling her cell phone from her pocket and dialing Tamuel. "Tam!" she exclaimed when he answered, "I just saw the weirdest vision of Amunet being abducted!"
Makilah was standing out on a balcony at Zam Zam Grand Suite overlooking the cuboid shaped building in Islam. "The Sacred/Forbidden House." is considered the most sacred ground. She watched as All Muslims to face the Kaaba during prayers, no matter where they are. From any given point in the world, the direction facing.Makilah was very intrigued by this and she had to explore more up close
The hotel was only .few yards from the Holy Mosque and It features a restaurant and views of the city and the Kaaba. Masjid Al Haram is 100 yards away.All the units at Zamzam are air conditioned and elegantly decorated. They include a sitting area with satellite TV and work desk. They also have a minibar and a safe. Some rooms feature panoramic Haram/Kaaba views.
She had to see for herself what this so called holy miracles of the center of the earth is about. She headed into the elevator and was annoyed how everytime the muslims prayed the elevator would stop before and after prayer for a few minutes.Figures she was on the 11th floor and had to take 2 elevators to get to her room. She was quite overwhelmed by the luxury of the hotel but they needed WiFi!
After many scenic bus rides, she finally arrived. Makilah was not one to pray but walked up close to check it out. Her finger grazed across it for it The entrance is a door set 7 ft above the ground on the north-eastern wall of the Kaaba, which acts as the façade.Many muslims were shocked that she touched it for non-muslims they are forbidden to touch it.Makilah yelled at the muslims "Stop looking at me!", you think I'm gonna be cursed now that I touched the damn thing?" Pffft! It's nothing but a damn rock. "Your sins are not gonna be forgiven.,your talking to a damn rock that so kiss the stone all you want!"
Makilah was sent word that some of her family members were around. She hoped to run into some of them there. Until then she stood there chomping on her gum listening to the Tourist chat about the Gold doors that was made by chief artist Ahmad Badr replaced the old silver doors made by his father, Ibrahim Badr.There is a wooden staircase on wheels, usually stored in the mosque between the arch-shaped gate of Banū Shaybah and the Zamzam Well. To maintain peace among the perpetually warring tribes, Mecca was declared a sanctuary where no violence was allowed within 20 miles of the Kaaba.
This combat free zone allowed Mecca to thrive not only as a place of pilgrimage, but also as a trading center.After Ibrahim had built the Kaaba, an angel brought to him the Black Stone, a celestial stone that, according to tradition, had fallen from Heaven on the nearby hill Abu Qubays.According to a saying attributed to Muhammed, the Black Stone had descended from Paradise whiter than milk but the sins of the sons of Adam had made it black. The Black Stone is believed to be the only remnant of the original structure made by Ibrahim.
~ By this time Makkilah was getting bored, she liked action so she decided to break way from the group to walk around on her own. Hours later she was standing in front of a hotel when she heard a loud crash of a window. Makkilah looked up "WTF!" "Holy shit!" I think that was Fatema!" She screams for a taxi to follow that BMW but no one came so Makkilah did what she had to do. She grabbed her beretta pistol and stood in front of a car pointing it straight out to make the car stop.
She grabbed the man and pulled him out and took off in the Bugatti Veyron Super sport as she shift it up to 267 mph in 0-60 in 2.4 secs, "Hell Yeah!" I must tell my fatha to get me one of these babies! She followed them to a building. "God, I hope she is not stealing shit again!." She slammed the parking break on while skidding and jumped out of the car to head into the passage way as she heard Fatema's voice call out to Tamuel. Makkilah ran to where her voice was." Fatema! "Where are you?" She held up her pistol not knowing if they were in trouble or not as she slowly positioned her gun in front."Are you alright?"
Razakel boarded his private plane taking his favorite seat- the window. A window view had always given him a warm feeling that he was going home. No matter what part of the world he was in that seat meant his return.
Private Jet Pictures, Images and Photos
He took his seat and placed his belt on as instructed by the stewardess and eased his back into the padded seats. Allowing his thoughts to drift off until departure. As he sat there looking out the window he juggled the pros and the con's of this trip he had taken to clear his mind but instead found out it filled him with a million unanswered question he must seek the truth in but in the same token this trip rewarded him with a cruel reality check unlike any he had ever received. He came to the realization that he needed his family and his twin even more . Even if they were always at each others throat. It is how they all coped with their bullshit but it worked.
A few minutes later the pilot announced there departure. With eyes lost in the window. His mind was a million miles away connecting to his brother who was also boarding a plane en route to Peru. Funny how they were connected in this way but different in others areas. Throughout their adolescent years and into their adult life they shared many a things yet they both treaded carefully when it came to their relationships. Razakel was aware of his brother's troubles with his ex wife Mastema and the kids yet stayed at a distance if his brother should need of him. He was just a phone call.
As the plane was taking off on the runway he sat there deep in thought concerned on the possible insanity Tamuel would commit to ease the pain he was in. His brothers rage was like his own venom at times and no one knew this brother better than Razakel. He knew his brother's pain would send him on a killing spree just to satisfy his hurt. It had always been how Tamuel coped with a lot of things in his life.
Even though a heavy guilt sat on Razakel chest like an oversized rock when he thought of how he hadn't spoken to his twin or siblings in all his time away. He knew a simple word would fix everything . In a instant rage took over and without realizing he closed his fist vowing to himself he would make things right with everyone. He took his phone in hand and dialed Tamuel hoping he would answer.
Razakel had dozed off on the plane when he felt his I-phone vibrate. He immediately grabbed it from the table in front of him. When he looked at the screen, he saw there one message, most likely of whomever had called. Immediately he retrieved it and began to listen. He could never have prepared for what he had just heard. His whole body went completely numb and his knees felt as if they's give up holding his weight. His first reaction was anger then a part of him went into the million and one questions as they darted in his mind like a fast played cartoon. He asked himself the why would she be alone and without the guards ? when did this happen ? and Who the fuck would do this to her ?
He stood there a while motionless and unable to reason or make a move towards the pilot. His chest as his heart raced a million beats a minute left a burning and nauseating feeling that ate at his insides. He fought within himself to come to grips and comeback into reality. He stood there for a few minutes more. Until he snapped out of his numb state and barge into his pilot's cabin shouting commands I need you to do what you must to get me to Egypt, immediately . There has been a family emergency and I need no bullshit . I need to be there like yesterday. Do you hear me " shouting order's as he had never at his trusted pilot. The news had sent him into a frenzy and his tone was the last of his concern at this particular moment.
Raz returned to the seating area and began to pace back and forth. Feeling as the plane trembled under his feet as it accelerated it's speed of travel. Without thinking he grabbed the bottle of imported cognac that sat at the table before him , throwing it across the plane watching it smash into a million pieces " fuck fuck fuck ….no no no " placing his hands to his face as he felt tears run down his cheek. He felt helpless and without resolution while still on the plane and needed to land so that he could proceed on how to handle this kidnapping with everything in him . He had failed his daughter once but never again.
An hour later he heard the pilot announce they would be landing. Raz took his seat fastening his seat belt. Feeling as numb and before but , only now the thoughts of Amunet overtook his mind. He braced himself for the landing and didn't even feel when they touchdown. Once all lights were off he ran out of the plane pushing the door's open. Running down the flight of step's even before they had properly opened up.
Rushing towards his driver who had been instructed to meet him there upon arrival. He shook his chauffeur hand asking him " have the other's arrived , take me to them immediately "
Staring out of the airplane window, Tamuel was in deep thought. He knew something was wrong all day. He didnt know where Mastema and their kids had taken off to but at this point he didn't care anymore and decided to leave the country. To a place he had not been to since he was a child, he sighed.
He knew the place all to well, with him and his brother growing up in Nod. Although it was hidden from the rest of the world it still existed along the Arafats but unknown to humans. From there he would make his way around the world to every country on a blood sport.
At night fall he would make his way through the dark city streets in search of a victim. His anger was growing and this was his only way to sustain the insatiable need in him. The turbulance from the plane was rough as it touched down at the airport in Peru. This was his last stop before returning to the states.
Tamuel took his cell phone from his pocket and dialed Mastema's number but hung it up before the first ring "Fuck It" He exclaimed as he unpacked his suit case. It was now night and the city was busy with the rich sent of the natives and tropical scent in the air.
He didn't need much for his blood sport, not when there was the largest jungle on the planet to disappear into. Dismembering a human limb by limb and slowly watching their lives slip away was the utmost ecstacy in his book. Tam took a quick shower and slipped on a shirt and some blue jeans with some black combat boots. Tamuel made his way out of the hotel and into the crisp night air of the city.
Not knowing where to begin he just kept walking along the path leading out of the busy part of the city to the slum areas where all the local bars were and there he took a seat at the bar and ordered a drink. A few minutes later his blackberry started to buzz in his pocket. He looked at it and seen it was Raz finally answering him after all this time, "Hello? Yo wassup brother. I'll meet you in the private spot that mom use to take us too"
After speaking with his brother Tam felt a little bit better. He hardly ever see his father and his mother seem to just disappear off the face of the earth. He looked up and seen a man and woman enter the bar. Tam could tell that they wasn't from here by the way the flaunted their money and buying everybody drinks.
Tamuel made his way over to them and started partying. He started asking them all sorts of questions like where were they from. They responded by saying they were from the states and in Peru on their honeymoon. Next they asked him if he knew where to get some cocaine and weed. "Hell yea. I know where to get that shit from. Follow me"
Tamuel pretended as if he was drunk as he staggered out the bar and followed them to their rental car. He gave the directions as he sat in the back with a few right turns and off the main road they were approaching a large building tucked away in the woods. As soon as the car came to a stop, Tam smashed the guy's head into the stirring wheel, knocking him out cold.
The woman started to scream and make a run for it but he grabbed her by the hair and dragged her inside of the building. He tied her up to the chair then went to the car to get her husband. The woman started to plead for her life, "Shut the fuck up bitch" he yelled out. Just when he was about to get busy his cell ranged again, "Hello" he answered. His face went blink after hearing the message. "What? My little niece has been kidnapped. By who? What The fuck" The phone went dead with no other details. He grabbed his shit and went to meet his brother at the airport. "I'm sure he got the news about his daughter. Fuck!"
Tamuel rolled the car over the two bodies as he sped off onto the dirt road rushing to get to the private plane to meet the rest of his family.Arsinoe Post 5
Clutching the long shawl draped over her head and across her face, she hurried to the market place with quick steps. Her clothing was simple, her identity shielded with only her eyes and the top of her nose visible from behind the muslin shawl. Quickly scanning over the merchant tables, she finally found the one she was looking for positioned on the edge of the market by a large building. Moving closer to the table, she picked up a bracelet on the outer edge, pretending to inspect the piece while waiting by the building.
It wasn't long before a deep voice spoke from the shadows of the arched doorway of the building. The voice spoke her language, but the tone was oddly eerie in nature. She kept her attention on the jewelry in her hand, never looking in the direction of the voice, but listening carefully while still shielding her face. Coincidently, no one was near the table she stood before, not even the merchant, so they spoke in quiet tone without worry of being overheard.
"I want you to assist in kidnapping Cleopatra's daughter, Amunet," he began, "In return I will bestow upon you great power that will help you dethrone your sister."
"My neice?" she stuttered, "I do not wish to harm that sweet child..."
"SILENCE!" the voice sternly commanded, yet kept his voice low enough for only her to hear, "Do you not remember how your sister killed you? Sending her lover to execute you on the steps of the very temple you took refuge in so you would not challenge her reign? Do you not want revenge?"
Arsinoe nodded her head, her thumb tracing over the lapis scarab beetle on the golden bracelet in her hand. She thought how ironic it was since Cleo had killed her in the past, and she now wanted revenge by taking her kingdom for herself as it should have been. "I will do as you wish," she finally replied, moving to the far end of the table without waiting for an answer to pay the merchant for the bracelet in her hand.
Her body jolted into wakefulness, her eyes opening to glance around her. She was still in the realm of Duat, the place where the dead had to pass through gates that were guarded by demons to have their heart weighed. Evil creatures also hid along the way and only spells or magic could ensure success. If ones heart weighed more or less than the feather used as balance, it would be tossed to a creature to devour.
She lifted her arm when she noticed a glint of shine, the golden bracelet from her dream resting just above her wrist. Excitedly she rose to her feet, concluding that the deal made with the voice in the shadows was much more than a dream. A snap of her fingers brought two elf like demon creatures to her, creatures that she had helped escape from a larger demon so they owed her a debt. She instructed them to kidnap Cleopatra's daughter, Amunet, and flee Egypt. An evil smile formed over her lips, her years of planning were finally coming to light.
Closing her eyes, her hands lifted, palms up to the sky. A chant formed in her mind, the words unknown until she spoke them out loud. As her chant went on, she spoke louder and more intensely, her arms lowering to cross over her chest, each hand at the opposite shoulder. Her mind was lost in the chant, her body seeming nonexistant a moment until her eyes flew open at a flash of red.
Arsinoe looked around upon hearing her name called out. She was shocked to see her sister, Cleopatra, standing there with her own surprise showing on her face. Quickly she composed herself to shield her real reason for her return. "I waited for my chance to escape the underworld to return to you," Arsinoe told Cleopatra. "I want your forgiveness for trying to over throw you so long ago, so that we may be like we always should have been." Her voice was sweet and loving, bearing no hint of her plans of revenge.
While Arsinoe kept Cleopatra busy, the two creatures disguised themselves with masks and clothing to look like humans. They then went to Amunet's room and drugged her with a potion that they poured into her glass of wine while she went to check on her brother RJ. Hiding in her room, they waited for her to return and drink the wine, then fall into a deep sleep. They bound and gagged her, covered her eyes and took her from her room to be transported out of Egypt to the Bermuda Triangle.
Amon & Terra Post 6
Amon was enjoying a day in the front wing of the palace. Sitting at the bar with a glass of Brandy. Thinking about how so far he's only really met but a few people around. This thought kind of stung on him. Wondering what it could have been that was holding him back from meeting someone new.
Amon was the wild type. Though these past few days at home were a bit calm. He looked around to spot none of his family. This was a bit depressing. He called upon the bartender to pour him another round. "If I don't go out anytime soon with a bang, then I just may leave this place Twin" He said to the bartender.
The servant just smiled, pouring him another glass. "Don't speak too soon, you haven't begun to meet the people around the palace young prince." Amon grabbed the glass and pressed it upon his lips for another drink. "Well I hope they come around soon. I'm pretty bored Twin"
It was evening when Terra arrived at cleopatras palace. She came in on a storm, it was some rift -raft about Cleo's assitant and Cleopatra may be looking for another one. Terra was the girl for the job. She was already a General a position in her fathers kingdom.
She was born to excel at doing extra poltical jobs. She required the position a long time ago, when she grew weary of being just her daddies little brat princess. Terra struts inside in a black cat suit and high heeled boots and belt and holster around her waist.
She uses her hand to flips her straight jet black hair and pushes it behind her shoulders. Her heavily mascaraed eyes gazes around the room. Shit, I can't find anyone around here to help me she complains. Then she thinks about it, No wonder cleo needed a new assistant. This is fucked up! She groans out loud and continue to pace around.
She walks by a door and she could smell the faint smell of brandy through it. She could read two body signatures, two forms inside. She turns the knob with her hand and peeks inside.. Hello.. she smiles looking at the gentlemen.. Do anyone know where I can find Queen Cleopatra? I am Queen Terra, she tells them.. She winks at Amon
Amon took notice to Terra's arrival. All drapped up in black which was his favorite color. Her outfit was rather enticing. His eyebrow raised, wondering what was the occassion. He looked at Twin who just smirked back while he dried off a glass he held. "I told you so."
Twin called out from behind the bar. "She should be in the west wing Ms. Terra. I know she's been having a rough patch lately. I believe she's expecting you." Amon was speechless, he couldn't really say anything. The young prince was a bit awe struck by her figure. He mere just nodded his head.
Terra steps inside as he talked to her so could hear correctly. On directions on where the Queen was. Have you, forgotten I am a princess of Hell. She grins with firery eyes and bears it. From the man wiping the glass calling her Miss Terra. She shrugs it off and struts in her form fitting suit. She leans down on the bar bending over her bubbly backside poking out.
Some of her clevage spills out on top of the bar, as she rest on her elbows on top of the bar." Can , I have a drink before, I see her" she asks nicely. She pats her bust as she stands up all erect and graceful she pokes out her curvy hips and round bottom. "What, you guys serving up" she smiles let me get one of those Cleopatra specials. She smiles at the man and Amon. Who was watching her, I would like a cherry martini Please.
Twin took heed to what Terra had commented upon. He knew the rule of the house was strict and he didn't want to loose his job due to a simple mistake. "Of course Princess Terra, my apologies." Amon looked at Twin with his eyebrow raised. Amon knew Twin knew better than that shit.
Twin listened to the request of Terra. He nodded his head in assurance. "Excellent choice Princess. One Cherry Martini coming up." He went behind and gripped Grey Goose vodka and Cherry Mix from the shelf. Within moments he was pouring the contents into the shaker and shaking them up really well. Pouring it into a Martini glass.
"Here you are Princess," Twin said sliding her the Martini. He looked at Amon and smiled gleefully. Amon shook his head laughing inside for Twin being such a kiss ass. Though he was always grateful for his servant
Terra was smiling at twin as he catered to her request. This is sweet set up twin, she says as she looks around. I am assuming your the Prince, she asked Amon, You have your mother features all over you. Terra tells him. She places her hand on the steam of her glass and swoopes it up to her lips and swallows the elixr. Mmmm this is really good she says setting it down again. Dear Prince, do the cat have your tongue your not introducing your self.. Terra asks narrowing her eyes
Twin bowed his head lightly to Terra's compliment. "Thank you Princess. I appreciate the compliment." He said while proceeding to his duties. The conversation switched to Amon who was lightly sipping his Brandy. He couldn't complain to much about the atmosphere of his surroundings though he was a bit drained from sudden events.
"No Terra, I'm Amon. It's a pleasure to be of aquaintance. I'm just kind off lost in thought at the moment. Not really in th spirits of proper introduction. How rude of me." He said raising up out of his stool. "I hope you have a pleasant evening." He proceeded to walk out of the room. Twin raised his eyebrow in dismay. "Always the stubborn type Amon" He breathed under his breath.
Nice to meet you to, Terra half smiles, The prince appeared startled by her presences. She had that effect on men They did not know what to make of her. She was absolutely beautiful and she was pure diva, divine. Terra however was here on other matters. It appeared the Pervious Assistant salome and cleopatras sister arsinoe was plotting, they both was scheming. They both happened to misplace Terras niece Cleopatras daughter Princess Amunet.
Terra leans into the bar to show Twin a picture of Amunet that she took on her phone. I am looking for her she tells him her face serious and hard. The young Prince sister. Terra smiles softly as she tilted her head to the side watching Amon walk past her. Softly her hair drops to her shoulders.Terra knew he just arrived and it was irresistable to be ease on him. Terra's main concern was mainly over Amunet Kidnapping.
Twin, I really need to get right to work. I may need your services I can pay you a 100 bucks and hour.She asks him as the prince left. I have an all female squad coming in to. Eygpt , their here , already to help, me, find my niece. Here, track amunet she hands him a electronic Gps hand held device. I am going to see cleo right now. I will be back. Terra disappears for an hour or so and returns.. Can I require Your services.. Twin.. she smiles.. I already have things ready to go..Will you join me? Your bar is really slow now..smiles
Twin looked toward the door watching Amon leave. He couldn't believe after all that talk about being bored he really pulled that excuse to leave out of his bottom. Though it didn't matter to him much. He was quite busy with his own affairs apart from being a servant in the Royal Palace.
Twin took heed to Terra's talking. He had wondered what he could be of use that was so important. In any case, he wasn't going to pass the offer. "Sure Princess, what is it that you request?"
Twin smiled politely listening to her propersition. He was quite pleased that she was choosing him out of all the other service. "Of course Terra, I must admit it is pretty slow around here." He responded while coming across from the bar. Sitting on the stool he started to try using his 3rd sense to track the were abouts of the princess. "This family has way to many kids" He giggled to himself as he worked his magic.
At the doors to the bar, Terra teams burst in carrying heavy equipment in steel cases. I am using your bar as a temporary base of operations. She turns to Twin. She had four, females in tight black body suits with high heeled boots with silver buckles all over criss crossed across they suits some type of body armor a fashionable bullet proof vest. Hey, girls this is twin., she introduces him.
Tanya set up communication. I need a line, for a conference call, Tell everyone, meet me at moon star Island. Where ever aumnet is at I have been getting dead air.. a dead signal. So, this is not a drill , they going to need to tool up. Tanya opens a sonic airwave phone ..Terra I am hailing everyone now. She points to twin, I need to know, how to get to where amunet was taken next she tells him. You know how to drive a bike?.. as she listens in on her phone..
Twin was quite amused by how quick everyone just burst into the establishment. Though the ruckus was quite alarming, Twin remained with a smile of sheer confidence.
He looked around the room at all the hit squad setting up. They were all professional in their outfits. He paid attention to Tanya speak and immediately bowed toward her. "I'm not getting through the airwaves. Where ever she is, it's impossible to know her where abouts." Twin responded, feeling a bit disappointed. As he was asked by Terra of being able to handle a bike, he nodded. "I can handle a bike very well"
Twin confimed there was no signal and Terra set her jaw hard and looked away. No one was getting through to Amunet and Terra needed another course of action. This is not working she pounded the table. Tanya , terra said.. He know how to ride a bike, so set him up for a jetty. Terra continues to speak as I suspected. We are going to have to get a phone connference with Raz and Tamuel. I am going to have to hook up with him .Razkiel should be out looking for his daughter to.
Terra waves at a burnette with brown hair and large bust over to her. She was holding a M-16 and strolls over in her high heel wedged boots. Terra holds out her arm for introduction. This is Sara Kana. She is in charge of our artillery, Twin. If you desire a weapon just ask. We got jetties and if you can ride. Your welcomed to your own. Or you can ride with me. Terra smirks you can get on behind me on my bike.
She smirks. She looks around slowly in everyone faces then strides to the center of the room. Holding her arm and two Hands up. She shouts, Ok Listen Up! Check your clips.. do an inventory check. Like I said this not a drill. So someone get me my nephews. Someone get me Raz or Tamuel on the Phone l. I need them in a conference call now. Terra barks her command .
She then walks back over to Twin. Terra sits down crossing her legs. Sara Kana comes over carrying. A metallic case she sets it on the table, sitting in front of it staring at the screen. Terra look at this, I think I found something. I think I found your niece. Sara pointed toward a lingering spiral in the ocean.
A distoration between dimensions a coefficient of pure energy gathering a mass like beings or celestrial enties entering another realm says Sara in a nerdy voice. Sara sits back showing Terra the screen and raking her own locks a sign of disblief.. this is big..really big.. terrs whooo . Terra nods slowly listening to sara , her nostrils flare.. Yes, it appears my niece has been taken.
Cleopatra Post 7
Cleopatra tried to compose herself upon seeing her sister. Her emotions were filled with confusion and anger. She clinched her chest with her hand as she stepped closer, looking at her in disbelief. "Arsinoe" she exclaimed.
Her eyes searching hers as she stood before her, "There is a great will at work. My daughter has been taken and now my sister has return, asking for my forgiveness" she placed her hand to her face, tracing the contours of her features. She was real and there, like time had never moved on, "My sister" she grasped her in her arms. "I forgive you and hope you forgive me for taking your life. I was young and foolish then but now I know the meaning of family"
She kissed her sister tenderly on the lips and tears streamed down her face. "Come we must prepare the search for my child. She's the daughter of a Hebrew demon" her words were cut short by a voice.
"She lies! Do not listen to her."
"What?" Cleopatra stepped back from her sister, not sure what to think or believe. "You must be famished" she said to her then ordered the servants to bring food and spirits for her sister. "Sit there for a second and i'll be right back" she excused herself from the room and into another where she locked the door behind her. Cleopatra turned and looked into the mirror at herself and it was Naamah's face instead of hers.
Naamah: "The bitch is lying. I can feel it. Do not trust her Cleopatra. I want to help you but If I separate myself from you, you will die"
Cleopatra: "Why has she come and what do she want with me? Did she take my child. Answer me and if that's the risk I have to take to get my child back then so be it"
Naamah only separated herself within their reflection in the mirror. Standing side by side with her,"I can not answer any of your questions because I am here with you. When you touched her I felt her coldness and her lingering animosity towards you."
"I see then; I must play her game to get my child back? IS THAT IT?"
Cleopatra's shouting alerted the guards and they began to bang on the doors. She took a deep breath and sighed, "I'm fine i'll be out in a minute" she looked back at the mirror but Naamah was gone. She wiped away her tears and gathered her composure before opening the door and before she stepped out the voice of Naamah spoke again.
"Seduce her!"
The words echoed in the back of her mind as if being etched in. She leaned against the wall in silence with her eyes fixated upon her sister. By then the servants had brought her food and something to drink. She stood there just watching while her mind raced to come up with something then it hit her. "The book" she mummbled under her breath.
It was a book that was secretly given to her by her birth mother. The royal servants during her time of birth all knew that her mother was a royal Nubian consort of her father. His sister whom was his royal wife was not able to produce a male heir so he took up with his consort and she gave birth to the last for of his children, unlike Bernice and Cleopatra VI.
The book had been handed to her on her birth mother's death bed and from there Cleopatra succeeded where her birth mother couldn't. "The book, Terre d'Ange!" First, by becoming the chosen heir and co-ruler of Egypt. Second, by securing herself as sole ruler of Egypt with Caesar and her liason's with Mark Antony.
This was her moment to put what ever plan she had into motion. She didn't know what she was up against but she needed Naamah this one last time and the price would be stiff. Cleopatra left her sister and walked alone, down the corridor of the temple until she reached a room that remained locked. She unlocked the door and stepped inside without notice, "One last time" she whispered as she kneeled to the floor and removed the book from the golden chest.
Naamah's Prayer
And tho their wanderings bore them oe'r barren stone and harsh crag, threwe forest dense and ice and snow, bless'd be didst come alast to a land sun-gylded, where grewe olives ripe," and melon and grape, and the folk turned not away in feare, but ope'd their arms in eager welcome. And the sons and daughters of Yahweh didst therin abyde, and 'twas thus called Terre d'Ange."
A simple prayer spoken in old tongue brought forth the essence she needed. The altar in front of her began to glow with a round ball of surging light. Then a face appeared within it and the familiar voice spoke out to her, "Cleopatra you know this is dangerous for you. The more you connect with me the more you will lose yourself. The darkness that I am a part of will consume you and your soul will cease to exist. It will fuse with my core and we will be one entity"
Cleopatra sighed deeply before responding to Naamah, "I know but my daughter is more important. I'll give my soul up to save her life, even if that means you and I becoming one in the same. Merge with me, take my soul and you become I and I become you" she waited for Naamah to answer her. It felt like for ever but she knew Naamah would do anything for her but the price to pay would be unchangeable.
The surging light surrounded the altar began to increase to an almost blinding sight. The room was consumed by it and Cleopatra felt faint as she colasped to the floor. She cried out in an agonizing tone, "What is happening to me..Erghh!!" she squinted her eyes as her back arched up off the floor. Her hues becoming slanted like a serpent and her body heated with a radiating light. Her flesh were cracked and glazed over with a thick armour and her hair formed and shaped itself into slithering snakes.
Cleopatra's long slithering tongue darted out between her two venomous fangs as she laid upon the floor in a massive pile of coiling serpents that slithered across her flesh. The image of Naamah's face hovered over her from within the electrical charged mass. The aura surrounded her and she cried out until several flashes came about the room then finally darkness fell within the room.
Cleopatra laid there for a minute with her breathing in a rapid state. The serpents were gone and her body was normal but something was different about her. Unlike before she felt the overwhelming sensation burn within her. Cleopatra left the prayer room to return herself; to where she saw her sister whom was sitting there with a concerned look upon her face. "Arsinoe I must take you to meet the rest of my family and find my daughter.
Cleopatra looked at her sister but did not utter a word more. Later they made their way within the palace where everyone had already gathered. She seen Razakel standing next to Tamuel by the bar. She rushed over to him, "I know you don't have anything to do with this. These creatures have come from another realm. They intend on killing our child for her essence" she looked around the room at everyone else. Amon who was once there by the looks of the empty glasses. "Where is Amon?" His butler replied; "He was last seen with Queen Terra..My Queen"
Cleopatra looked at everyone else "The private jet is ready to take us all to the Bermuda Islands off the coast of Florida. We wont land so gather what weapons and supplies we will need. The jet will fly directly into the vortex and take us hopefully to the right place to save my daughter. She seen Fatema, Samiyah and Makilah also had made it there to take the journey. Cleopatra unrolled the map that was given to her by Naamah in the temple. "Here is where we need to go. She pointed at Aman on the map.
"Before I forget, everyone this is Arsinoe my sister" she looked at her sister then back to everyone else. "Let's get going" She made a phone call to General Ahdaf Khalid and ordered him to gather two hundred soldiers to follow her on the mission. Cleopatra then headed out to the Egyptian air base to board the plane.
All of the military aircrafts were loaded with supplies and soldiers. Including the one carrying the royal members. The United States had given clearance for the air force to travel into the zone and lift off. They were now settled in and on their way through the Bermuda Triangle
Middle Earth Post 8
The Labyrinth{The Maze Is Your Strategy Defense}
It has twelve covered courts — six in a row facing north, six south — the gates of the one range exactly fronting the gates of the other. Inside, the building is of two storeys and contains three thousand rooms, of which half are underground, and the other half directly above them. I was taken through the rooms in the upper storey, so what I shall say of them is from my own observation, but the underground ones I can speak of only from report, because the Egyptians in charge refused to let me see them, as they contain the tombs of the kings who built the labyrinth, and also the tombs of the sacred crocodiles.
The upper rooms, on the contrary, I did actually see, and it is hard to believe that they are the work of men; the baffling and intricate passages from room to room and from court to court were an endless wonder to me, as we passed from a courtyard into rooms, from rooms into galleries, from galleries into more rooms and thence into yet more courtyards. The roof of every chamber, courtyard, and gallery is, like the walls, of stone. The walls are covered with carved figures, and each court is exquisitely built of white marble and surrounded by a colonnade
The skies crackled and popped in a casting ray of lights. Leaving the guardians of the Labyrinth to look on in astonishment. The moon was blacken out and the skies rolled like funnels of grey smoke. With a purple haze engulfing the only source of light in the sky, then suddenly like shooting stars they fell from the sky and crashed upon the mountain side.
Muttering sounds came from the creatures as they conversed amongst each other. Their armor plated skin thick and layered unlike anything ever seen. Like giant beetles, with their long hooked snouts they were ready to confront what ever that had fallen from the skies and into their world.
Word had spread quickly through out the Labyrinth and the beks ascended upon the dark fields waiting for their leader to sound the alarm. The great warrior stood on top of the out post looking down below at the millions of legions that he commanded. In his native tongue the general spoke to his people.
Warning them that this will be a treasure to achieve from the vessels. The waters that ran through the Labyrinth rose to great depth and parted. From the mist of it came forth the great Sobek. His appearance was one to behold with a head like a crocodile and the body of a human male. His mighty snout opened and from the pits of his stomach came forth a might roar.
The God was beside himself to smell the scent of the Egyptian Queen in his plain. Not only was she a queen but a godly one from the underworld. His inner loins burned within as he thought of such beauty being captured and held as his very own. To bare his offsprings was enough to set fire into Sobek's eyes. "Bring me the QUEEN!!!! Kill the others"
Sobek raised his staff into the air and like a disturbed ant pile the creatures of the Labyrinth set out to bring them the Egyptian Queen.
The Raging River
The waters of hell began to boil over and rage against the shores as it's vast movement washed it's burning waves through out the rings. The molten waves moved like a Tsunami through out the realms of the underworld until they all merged and converged amongst one another. Each bodiement stepping forth from it's liquid form into a solid mass.
Phlegethon stepped forth from the flaming waters of his home and stood upon the shores. His blazing eyes were like an inferno as he looked upon his brother Acheron, "I hear our Master has open the Abyss and freed Lamashtu?" Acheron smirked at Phlegethon. "Quit the small talk why have you assembled the rivers?" Acheron with the look of woe upon his face. The souls of the damned stretched out their limbs from beneath his skin. The tiny figures moaning in agony as they moved about within him.
Phlegethon laughed at his brother, "Same old Acheron. So cranky brother but now is not the time. The worlds are about to merge into something that is not for the better of us. Where is Styx, Lethe and Cocytus?" and before Acheron could answer a settled voice said, "I am here brother" Phlegethon look behind him to see Lethe was now there at their side with the words of the forgotten etched into his solid form. "What's so urgent that you call all of the rivers in hell together?" Lethe asked.
"Like the wind that blows I hear the words echoing through the waters an carried to my ears my brother. There is a plot that is being carried out my brothers and if it goes through then our waters will dry up and the souls will vanish" Lethe couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was this even possible that the rivers of the underworld could sieze to exist and if so what about hell? what would happen to hell. "Is this the end of days. The great prophecy" Acheron asked his brothers and Phlegethon lowered his head and spoke the words. "Yes!"
The three brothers merged together into one big massive body of water and took themselves back to the depths of hells floor. Up into a massive swirl overtowering the infernos, the liquid hurricane moved swiftly down the burning infernos of hell unlike anything ever seen before. The sounds and roars of their waves were deafening upon the ears of the souls and even the demons as they scurried out of the way of the sight of it.
Never in the history of the underworld had the rivers passed through out hell like they did in such a fury. Casting fear even in the fallen court as they flew to the mountain tops to lay witness to such a historical event. "Where's Memnoch? Where is he?" they cried and panic as fear flew into their hearts as they took suit to follow the massive moving body of water. They gathered their armor, "It is time!" Leviathan yelled out.
Like a swoon of dolphins the water rose and fell to the floors, kicking up waves that would block out the sun. Upon reaching the 5th circle the water came to an haulting stop and the brothers manifested themselves from each other into a solid entity again. Looking for their brother and sister they'd found the two. "Styx and Cocytus?" Phlegethon shouted. Styx with her hatred was visible as the two did what they always did in leisure time. Cocytus was sitting there weeping and lamentating from a fight over the where abouts of the Iron Hades Dildo.
Lethe yelled out into the wind, "Stop! We must go to the Labyrinth and flow with the Queen of Hell. let us bring forth the woes, the hatred, the cries, the oblivion and fires of hell for it is judgement upon the worlds and the gates shall open to hear the sound of the Arch. Jibril blowing his mighty trumpet" Phlegethon burst into a mega size flowing liquid of fire and consumed the other four rivers and they once again raged on towards the Labyrinth!
The Temple
Sobek sat upon his throne talking to his general but he couldn't hide the fact that he was beside himself of knowing the Ptolemies were in his world. Sobek remembered all of the Egyptian royal families and how they worshiped him at one point and he would reward them with fertile lands along the Nile. Then Ptolemy came into rule and changed the name of Sobek's city.
Ptolemy Philadelphas renamed the city to Arsinoe in honor of his wife/sister, Arsinoe II of Egypt. The Arsinoite nome was bounded to the west by Lake Moeris and watered by the Canal of Joseph, and contained various pyramids, the necropolis of Crocodilopolis, and a celebration of Sobek's home, the Labyrinth.
"I want the sisters both in my reach. Cleopatra and Arsinoe will serve me both as my beloved wives" Sobek was so consumed by that reason only that he didn't think of anything else. He stood from his throne and stepped over to the giant statue of Arsinoe the 2nd and is mind went back to a time when he would visit her at the Nile and the two would make love. "Arsinoe, your blood is here with me. I can smell them and it is intoxicating. I bet they are both devine just like you were" he felt his loins flare once again and grew agitated. "I want every warrior there is; on the trail of them and do not fail me!"
Fatema The Crash Post 9
The call to Tamuel went dead before she could tell him where she was or about the archangels that had been chasing her and Samiyah. "Piece of shit," she muttered, shoving the useless electronic into her back pocket. The image in the fountain slowly faded away to a smooth watery surface with small rings passing over from the water falling from the fountain. Fatema skimmed her fingers over the spot where the vision had been, hoping to see it once again.
A voice calling to her in one of the passages made her look up at her sister, "Who's that?" she inquired. Moving closer to the entrance of the passage, she made out Makkilah's voice calling to her, asking if they were alright. "In here," she called back, "Samiyah and I are in here." Her aunt came out of the dark passageway with her pistol pointed directly at her. "Point that at someone else," Fatema shouted, "Did anyone follow you?"
"Do you have transportation out of here?" she added, "We need to get to Egypt because Amunet has been kidnapped." The three females went back through the passage to the car Makkilah had acquired, since the one Fatema had taken was pretty smashed up from falling into the cavern. Makkilah drove them back to the airport while Fatema called for a private jet on her cell. She also kept looking behind them to see if the archangels were still on their tail.
They swerved through the traffic at high speed until they finally made it to the airport where one of the family jets sat waiting for them. The car was left on the side of the runway, the girls running to get on board so they could hurry to Egypt where Amunet's mother lived. Fatema felt the idol she had been carrying weighing down the pack on her back, but her mind was on other things now. She grabbed a glass from the bar, filling it with scotch before sitting in one of the comfy seats.
She picked up a laptop that sat on the floor since hers had been smashed when the archangels had attack her and Samiyah. No one seemed to know where Amunet was or why she had been taken, but she found out that Tam and Raz were both on their way to Egypt also. Fatema didn't get along with her brother, Raz, very well, but she felt badly for him to have his daughter missing. They would find the princess, no one would dare to hurt a grandspawn of the King of Hell, his favorite one at that.
Fatema fell asleep on the flight, her body feeling the aches and pains from being tossed like a rag doll by the explosion caused by the archangels. Their hard steel glare haunted her thoughts, visions of Amunet bound and gagged before a shadowed dark entity making her sleep restlessly. The shadow turned to look at her, it's glowing red eyes full of fury and it's cold black hand reaching out to grab her. She jumped, awakening from her sleep, the moment the plane touched down to land.
The three left the plane to rent a car and driver to take them to the palace of the Queen Cleopatra. Fatema watched out the window at the sights they drove by, but a chill ran down her spine with thoughts of her dreams. She hoped someone had answers to why she and Samiyah had been chased, and why Amunet had been taken. Before she knew it, the car stopped in front of the grand palace.
They were led into a room where Tam and Raz were in deep conversation by the bar. Queen Cleopatra entered the room with another striking woman, inquiring where Amon was. The group moved to look at a map she unrolled to show them where they were headed. Tension was thick among them all as they made mental lists of what they needed to gather for the journey.
Cleopatra introduced the other woman as her sister, Arsinoe. Fatema smiled and held her hand out to her in greeting, "Nice to meet you." The moment they touched, she felt another chill, making her pull her hand back quickly. She covered with a quick smile, then rushed off to gather what she needed for the trip.
Her small butterfly knife that was always on her person was not going to be much help in this instance. She loaded an automatic rifle and a pistol with plenty of rounds and laser sights into a large military bag. In the pockets she stuffed grenades and other explosive charges, along with a gas mask and night vision goggles. She took everything out of her pack and filled it with dried food and water bottles, picked up the idol and stuffed it back inside too.
Fatema loaded her stuff along side the rest of the gear in the private jet, taking the idol out of her pack and keeping it with her. She grabbed a drink from the bar, then went to find herself a seat, but as far away from Arsinoe as she could get. After replying to a few texts on her cell, she snuggled into the chair to rest on the journey, stealing glances at Arsinoe inconspicuously. The moment her eyes closed, she saw the red ones of the shadowed figure glaring at her in her mind.
The plane jolted and the lights flickered with turbulence outside. Fatema sat up straight in her seat just to see Arsinoe watching her, giving her an eerie chill. The plane tossed and bucked in the harsh wind, the lights in the cabin going out just as she felt them losing altitude quickly. The skies were an odd dark purple color, bolts of lightening flashing across it in jagged streaks.
They all knew they were going to crash land into the void below them, the metal of the plane groaning loudly as the wind ripped at it, twisting it unmercilessly. Each occupant strapped themselves into a seat, bracing for a rough landing. Fatema stuck the idol beside her in the padded seat, pushing her body against it to keep it sandwiched securely so it wouldn't get lost in the crash. Her hands gripped the armrests tightly, her knuckles turning white from her clinging to the stable object within the plummeting plane.
The engines exploded into flame, causing the hold to fill with thick black smoke that smelled of jet fuel. A horrible metallic crunch sounded loudly through the plane that impacted hard onto the land, then skidded along before finally stopping. Alarms sounded off, flashing lights being the only beacon to aid them in feeling their way to their gear and out of the plane. People shouted, but only shadows could be seen in the smoke, Fatema hoped they could account for everyone once they got outside. She grabbed the idol, unhooked her belt, and felt her way to her bag of gear before climbing out of the wreckage.
Soldiers were running all over to collect cargo and passengers that needed help getting out of planes. Fatema was confused a moment from the choking smoke that made her cough and feel light headed. She moved away to get a breath of fresh air when she heard a strange sound. Looking up, she saw a huge swarm of strange creatures running toward them.
She grabbed her rifle from her bag and began to shoot at them, but her bullets didn't seem to do anything. There were to many of them to shoot and they quickly bore down on the soldiers still collecting weapons and supplies from the planes. Human screams of suffering filled the air when the creatures dismembered the soldiers without even stopping their onward attack. Fatema grabbed her bags and ran the other direction with the rest of her family, hoping that everyone had made it out of their plane. Nyghtwolfe Post 10
Fishing was an enjoyable pastime that the Dark goddess often took the time to indulge in. The autumn breeze tickled the bright colored foliage in a gentle laughter. The morning air was filled with the pleasantry of bird songs as she walked the familiar path to the lake. After setting down her gear, Nyghtwolfe baited her hook and cast it into the osculating waters of the lake. Patient wait for a nibble gave her the opportunity to inhale a sweet tranquil mood deeply into her soul. It was such a beautiful morning!
The treetops rustled in a hushed song. She heard soft whispers of conversations, barely distinguishable from the other natural sounds of the woodlands. Mesmerizingly watching the cork bobber play upon the water, it suddenly dipped down sharply beneath the surface, indicating a bite. Nyghtwolfe's pulse quickened as she yanked the fishing pole upwards to snag the hook deep into the fish's mouth. The voices became a low sinister drone that seemed to vibrate beneath the ground at her feet.
She was subtly conscious of it, yet determined to catch a tasty breakfast. Off to the right side of the lake, a ripple swirled into a larger ripple and ate its own watery tail. It spun faster and faster until becoming a small whirlpool that churned and bubbled outwards towards the center of the lake. The Dark goddess felt the tug of the hooked fish and shouted out in victory as she began to hurriedly reel it in
"Silence!" the resonating whisper demanded as the wail of a woman rushed through the trees. Nyghtwolfe's body jolted to an attentive posture. Her gaze drifted cautiously to the left and to the right. The vortex swallowed up the lure, bobber and proceeded to let out the drag of her pole. It zipped in a steady stream of raspy noise.
"Huh?", she asked aloud, redirecting her gaze to the erratic throbbing motion of her fishing pole. The line went taut as a flock of starlings exploded from the branches and took flight to the sky.
"What the hell...", her voice trailed off as the fishing line became snagged around the crank handle and tore it out of her hands. She fumbled for control, being lurched forwards by a force greater than a tornado as the whirlpool sucked in the surrounding air. The wind tousled her long black hair into her face, blinding her. The long skirt that she wore tangled frantically around her legs, tripping her up. Nyghtwolfe fell to the ground with her mouth opened wide in surprise as she was pulled quickly towards the lake.
"Arwooooowl!" the Dark goddess howled for help, lifting her head up above the spray of water. A dozen yellow-grey eyes appeared in the forest. Her wolf pack sensed the danger that their mistress was in and loped forwards to join her. The spiraling whirlwind sucked her into the open funnel of the whirlpool and also along with her wolves. Their legs flailed every which way in the corkscrew plunge deep into the vortex's twisting belly. Her howl drowned as suddenly she, and her lupine friends were puked out the other end of the vortex, and landed violently upon a stone floor with a bone shattering thump. Her wolves rained down on top of her.
"Uggf!" She grunted and winced as suddenly a tremendous whine of engines pierced the air from somewhere above, unseen. An explosion shook the floor beneath her bruised body. Gunfire could be heard just outside the temple. For it must be a temple given the sharp angles of the towering block walls. Stunned, the Dark goddess rolled to her feet and whistled for her wolves to accompany her to the stream of daylight flooding in through the entrance.
Shielding her eyes with a hand against the brightness, Nyghtwolfe was astonished to see the familiar form of Cleopatra running for the structure of a labyrinth. There were others following close in tow, shooting off automatic weapons at a swarm of very large mutated insects. She held her breath for a minute, mentally counting backwards … 3, 2, 1. She would have to have an extremely fast sprint to exit the temple and cross the courtyard in pursuit of the other women.
“Go, go go!”, she boosted her courage and mustered all her strength into her legs. Nyghtwolfe launched herself outside and ran like the wind. The swarm was between her and Cleo’s group. Realizing that she was weaponless, brought new worry to her mind, but there was no time to think of alternative resources. There was safety in numbers. She had to get where the other women were, at all cost. Lucky for Nyghtwolfe, the insects had not noticed her yet.
She dodged behind a one of them and grabbed its hind legs, swiveling her body around in a 360 circle as she heaved it into another. The insects collided and shrieked a warming to the others. A few of the wolves swerved through the swarm, narrowly evading their powerful mandibles. Gunfire cut several of the insects into pieces, opening a clear path for the Dark goddess to run through them. The insects could not react fast enough to the chaotic distraction of wolves and so thus Nyghtwolfe was successfully able to slam her body through the labyrinth door, almost plowing down Cleopatra and her group.
Panting out of breath, she gestured to one of the automatic rifles, “Say, can anyone spare one of them bang ‘em up shooters? Just for now. I’ll think of something useful in a moment or two, after I catch my breath.”
Tamuel Post 11
Tamuel was glad the long ass plane ride from Peru to Egypt was finally over. He was a little jet lag for the most part but it soon faded away after taking a few shots of bourbon in the back of the limo. He flipped open his phone and called his brother but no answer so he called his sisters and no answer. Tam was starting to get worried now, this was unlike them.
Moments later he arrived at the palace and from the looks of it some shit had went down. Guards were laying dead and servants was ate up on the floor, "What the fuck happened here" Tam stepped over the mangled body on the floor. He pulled his gun out the holster and krept through the hallway, "Raz?"
He knew his brother had to be somewhere then out the corner of his eye he seen something run pass him. "What the fuck was that" he broke out behind it and fired off two shits. The bullets hit the wall and missed the thing. "Fuck" Tam finally caught up with the creature and shot at it again. The thing turned and looked at him and laughed then it faded away.
"This place is to fucking huge to live in" Tam mubbled as he krept through the palace. Peeking in each room he saw no one alive. Then he got down to another part of the palace and seen his brother. "Hey man. The weirdess shit. Some fucked up creature ran pass me and I shot at it and missed it but where's my neice? "
Tam looked up and seen Fatema, Sam and Makilah come into the room and before he could say anything Cleo had come on the room with another chick that he never seen before. Tam listened to her talk about Amunet and showed the map of where she might be. After she did that he was shock to learn Cleo had a sister. Now they were set to roll out but Aunt Terra and Amon was missing.
They got to the airport and the army was loading weapons and supplies on a carrier plane. "Fuck another plane ride" Tam thought to himself as he stepped on baord the plane and took a seat. This plane was laid out just like the palace with all the bullshit on it. Looking like a flying palace.
Tam felt that uncomfortable feeling coming on again as he strapped into the seat and felt the plane rip down the runway. They were off again and his mind was flooding from memories of the last trips into the unknown then the pilot kicked in on the speaker informing everyone turbulence was coming up.
The plane started to rock and shake from side to side. The skies lit up with streaks of lightening and thunder. 'Whoa" his eyes widen from the bright specticle in the sky. Then everything went black and the plane was going down fast. 'Oh shit we gonna crash in the Bermuda" Tam started shouting.
Tam was holding on tight to the seat his eyes closed and his face felt like it was being pulled and stretched back on his face. It was painful and started to yell but then a big gigantic boom sounded off and the plane flipped and rolled on to some hard surfice.
Everything inside the plane was blinking and it was dark inside. He tried to look around and focus on everyone but he couldn't see from all the smoke and debris. "Is everyone ok?" he starting calling out names to everyone. His arm was a little dislocated so he popped it back in place. The bone made a loud snap sound as it clicked back into place.
Tamuel crawled from the plane wreakage and seen he was in another realm. He looked up and see the other planes falling from the sky and crash landing with the soldiers parachuting from the plane along with the cargo. "Hey over here" he called to the men then seen everyone staggering from the plane. "We need to figure out were we are"
Next thing you know a loud noise came from over the hill and he couldn't believe his eyes. Thousands of giant creatures were heading there way and fast. "Run! grab your shit and run. Look over there. Some kind of pyramid" he shouted and took one of the guns and started shooting at the creatures.
"Everybody get to those pyramids quick" The creatures ripped clean through some of the soldiers. Tossing their ripped up bodies in the air like a rag. "Oh shit. This not good" Tam grabbed what he could in his hands and tried shooting with the other as he ran towards the huge structure. "Come on and lets get barricaded in"
Razakel Post 12
Razakel had finally landed in Egypt and couldn't be more eager to return home. He felt a little jet lagged but despite the turbulence during the flight , the plane ride wasn't something he could complain about. He had more important issue that he needed to handle. He took his cell phone from his pocket and checked for any messages. None at that moment so he dialed his driver , hoping he was in the airport awaiting him.
Moments later her arrived at the place and entered the foyer, his eyes couldn't believe all that he saw. The main guards were all laying in a pool of their own blood with guns drawn still in hand. He nodded his head in disbelief as he made his way over the bloody bodies , thinking the worst case scenario. He called out for Cleopatra in a frantic voice as he made his way down the halls leading to the rest of the palace , shouting " they better not have harmed her or my family or they will deal with me " his footsteps heavy as he continued deeper into the palace .
No answer came from her, he proceeded to calling out for his children , each step he took filled him more with rage, he clenched his fist and continued walking , shouting out their names over and over looking into each room " Ashiat, Rj, Cleo, what the hells is going on here…anybody ". His mind venturing to a million thoughts vowing to kill if any harm had come to his family.
Razakel walked over to the open bar and poured himself a double shot of a cognac, in hopes of taking the edge off of his nerves after all of the bloodshed he had just seen in the palace. He was in complete disbelief but glad none of his family had been in the pile of the dead ones.
As he turned his back , walking towards the sitting area, he heard his brother Tamuel enter the room rambling on about the crazed creature. He couldn't help but laughing with amusement at how he described the beast.
Raz walked over and welcomed his brother, patting him on the shoulder a few times , saying " I heard shots man, was that you ? the fucking bastard took out all of the staff man, I dont know what the hell it is but I do hope you got him " he raised his glass again and finished off the remainder of his drink.
He took a few steps and began to fill Tam in on what he knew so far about dissapearance of Amunet and what they were attempting to do to rescue her. As he finished his last sentence his attention was moved on to the ladies entering the room, he nodded and raised a brow as he saw Fatema, Sam, and Makilah talking then Cleo with Arsinoe came in with a map in hand. Raz nodded at Tam and walked towards them to listen in on the details.
A few minutes later they were all at the airport and ready to board the private plane . Raz took a seat closest to a window and buckled in. Turning his attention towards Tam as he heard him complain about another plane ride , he jokingly said " get a drink man it will help ease the plane ride . Make the best of it dude " . Raz closed his eyes laying his head back and tried to think ahead on the landing.
The take off was smooth but we hit bad turbulence a short after take off. Everything after that took a turn for the worst . The plane started to shake like a wild ride in great adventure theme park and things didnt look good. Raz could feel his heart pumping fast against his rib cage. He knew this gut feeling was bad. He looked over at Tam and they others, shouting " unholy shit we about to crash "
The plane started tilt and turn, lights started to flicker , sending objects flying everywhere. He braced himself , digging his nails into the arm rest. The loud boom was the next thing he heard as they crash landed. The impact of the crash echoing loudly in his eardrum.Raz shook his head and looked around. He could not see a damn thing . The plane was in complete darkness. The only thing he could see was smoke as it filled overhead .
He instinctively raised his hand to his face to make sure he had survived. Everything was in complete silence until he heard Tam shouting in the distance, he shouted back " yeah man Im cool how bout you ?" he then proceeded to shout for the other's " is everyone alright, anyone ?".
He came to his hands and knees and started to crawl through the plane making his way out to see where they were. He couldnt believe what he saw, there were soldiers in parachutes coming down from everywhere like a hail storm . He thought he was imagining this shit or he had hit his head during the crash. He ran his hands over his eyes to make sure.
When he looked again he saw oversized creatures coming at them that he had never seen before. They were fierce looking and ugly . It all looked like a bad monster movie and he knew shit was about to get even crazier. He jumped out of the plane and looked back before taking off running . He saw Fatema , Sam, and Makilah who were behind him coming out .
Raz started to run for cover , shouting " run for it as if your lives depended on it . get to those pyramids ahead, Come on ". He took off running for cover with all he had in his hand. Fighting off the brutal beast with his bare hands. He knew their power was nothing to take lightly but he had no weapon. His life was on the line so he ran faster than a speeding bullet , before they killed him, shouting " holy shit, oh fuck! " as he felt them tear at his arm.Penetration Of StyxThe thunderous roars of the rivers flushing upon the plains in Hell blew like a trumphet in Memnoch's ears. He took flight to the highest peak in the fifth realm and there he saw the wall of flames pour from the depths and the bowels of his home. Up rooting the very essence of the foundation.
The Raging River
His eyes rested upon one particular river for she carried the hatred and the deceit upon her back as they swept her out of the fifth circle down to the fourth. Memnoch out stretched his arms and with a mighty swoop he gathered her onto himself. Pulling the hated Goddess from her brothers. Allowing the four to sweep themselves out of the realms and into the Labyrinth. With the spoken words of old tongue, Memnoch cohersed the goddess into her solid form.
And there upon the highest peak for all to see, he stripped her of her glory and her hated crown. The fallen court flocked around them like a temple and they roared in laughter from the under belly of their cores. "Mortificare your waters are starched and without worth like a nat on dogs shit. Your river shall flow with my semen and you will carry it onto the shores of your beloved Greece and when you make it upon the shores of such and Aggamemon lay his lips upon you he shall take with him the flavor of my unholy cock and salty seed of my semen within his mouth, thus becoming the Djinn he always wanted to be"
And with that said he penetrated her in front of all with the covering hymen being stripped away like the stripes on a demoted general, he plunged deep into her liquid core. The rippling effect of such penetration caused the moving rivers to burst upon the lands of the Labyrinth and with them they carried the lost souls of man from the beginning of dawn. He thrust deeper into her hated pool with eyes of fire and the screams of man and their sins lashing out against such torment.
"From this day forth you are used goods and no longer will your sacred valley hold any meaning for it is I who taketh away your virtue. Everytime you speak you shall spew my seed from your watery lips"
The legions howled into the winds upon the words being spoken and they etched it in fire upon the great wall. "When you cry you shall weep my seed and when you flow like a river through Greece you will carry with you devastation for you are now the running semen that fell from my cock!"--The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water--
When the rivers poured themselves into the Labyrinth, they brought with them the destruction that only could be prophecized. Destroying a third of the land and boiling the waters within the ocean into blood.
Acheron looked back but he did not stop as he saw his sister Styx condensed form being pulled and detached from the monstrous movement. "Woe be Styx the goddess of hatred and betrayal. May she suffer her wrongs in the eternal torture of Memnoch" and with that said, Acheron separated himself from his brothers and took to the land as a giant wall of water.
The weeping souls of those who died before man knew their names. The souls of the predated beings who had no clue of such knowledge and lastly the children whom Eve placed her sins upon, cried out into the wall as they felt the goddess and god mingle together upon the tallest cliff in Hell. Acheron swooped low then he swooped high to divide the land just like that of the underworld. And Memnoch said, "Let there be darkness in the Labyrinth to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years that will never come upon the land in which thou see'th"
Memnoch thrust himself deeper into her condensed vortex. Her liquidized spaced captured his loins like an open vagina. Pulling and rippling upon the element that served as flesh upon the devil god until he filled her void once again with his thick semen. He forced her down to her kness and the lower half of her fluidized form colapsed against the mountain.
Her waters sprinkled upon the unholy beings who watched them from below. Like a baptism she showered them with her rain and the god took upon himself her head to his phallus, parting her lips with a vast intrusion. Thrusting deep inside her throat until the goddess had no choice but to swallow his everlasting load. Then came the thunderous laugh that echoed across the valley and he said unto her;
"Only a fool would speak out of turn and make the assumption, that the virtues I stripped you of came from a pussy. No, Mortificare that is not so for it is the virtue of the flow of the rivers, and we all know that your valley carries no depth for real penetration but a metaphor of your true meaning in hell but only a silly man born a man would make such judgements upon himself and give away his on ridiculous secrets and a true jinn is born of smoke and fire and not from a cervix the bleeds once a month you silly bitch."
Memnoch looked upon the stale and stagnant water that once, bathe the forgotten gods of Greece and the used goddess Selket's distillery form in and frown, "It takes a whore to know whore and only a whore can speak ill towards another now go and spread your filth in the dead valley.
And so it had come to pass the river known as Styx was cast from the underworld to flow her last days upon earth. Alone and without her Iron Hades Dildo she would flow with the oceans, lakes and streams, thus becoming one in the same to spread her bitterness until there would be no suitable water to drink amongst man.
The gates opened and her waters spewed from the depths of hell. Crashing upon the lands of Greece and there of. Memnoch took her precious iron phallus and embedded it deep into the mountains of the Dyage to never be seen, touched or used again. Goodbye Mortificare!
Terra Post 13
Queen Terra glanced up as Twin and Amon as they walked in as royalty with their heads held high. The pair walked in twins bar room all a glow, straight backs and side by side . The group followed Terra and strides over to them meeting them at the center of the room. They all huddled around forming a round circle with Terra in the middle.
Each guardian held a weapon that was already locked and loaded. Sara Kana strides over to Terra in a hurry in her black body suit adorn with criss cross straps and silver buckles,she stood next to Terra. Then Sara speaks "Queen Cleopatra has already boarded her plane".Terra nods knowingly she glances over both sides of her shoulders flipping her hair. Then she looks in each and everyone face that made up the team."
" Load the plane" "Queen Cleopatra is already boarded on her plane she says fly right into the vortex". "Ok, listen up, folks its time to move out"!!! Terra stops giselle,"Gisselle, how is our supplies"? Giselle speak glancing up at terra then flips a sheet on a clip board,"We have food and water already aboard". "All our weapons and ammo, and cargo are in bags and back packs", filled already aboard". "Great"! , Terra says moving to Tanya. "Keep tracking that power beacon of Amunet", or that Bermuda vortex on the lap top".
Tanya nods as Terra soon faces Amon and Twin. "Twin grab your tools, Amunet has been kidnapped and we are on our way now to get her back"."You should join us Amon, in trying to find her" Terra tells Amon.The team began to hustle moving forward to get on board the aircraft. Each squadron leader had their own unique cargo bag to be in charge of. Terra's aircraft was high tech silver aligned alloy with stealth and weapons. Her plane was made by her daughter's motor company custom made.
She started the company with her many years ago. Terra could provide any vehicle you would request or could name. She had a many bountiful resources from her businesses in France from St.Malo the city she control no matter what jupiter said. She was now , arranging businesses with Queen Cleopatra , setting up a new enterprise called Egyptian Star Inc. Terra planned to set up her daughter Freya also, obtaining a motor company just like Terra other beautiful daughter Illeane her twin sister. The two looked exactly alike and being a single mother was a challenge but Terra loved it all the same.
Softly sighing she looks up at the flashing lights they are blinking red to fasten the seat belts. Terra Looks around at everyone buckling in their seats for lift off. Paired up in their seats was Twin and Amon, Terra and Sara , and Tanya and Gisselle. The whole team altogether was about 25 to fill the aircraft .
Queen Terra pressed a button and some white head phones fall from above her out the overhead cargo drawer. Terra speaks calmly into the mic to the Captain through them"Anytime Captain , anytime.. We are ready to lift off..After a couple of hours of flying in the air, the captain announced into Terra head phones and to the group over the intercom. We are now entering the Bermuda Triangle , everyone strap in.
The swirling vortex comes into view. Terra had an intense stare looking out the window. Her amber eyes glare hard, her beautiful jaw line was set hard in place . They begin to dive erratic. They started plummeting into the downward spiral entering, the plume colored grayish force vortex hole.
Queen Cleopatra, had already instructed them to fly straight inside. Terra was staring down into the beast through the window,the vortex was like a powerful vacuum sucking everything around it in.Terra watches the spiral swirl of the vortex spin around particles floating downward being sucked in as flashes of lighting strikes sparks into the billowy tornado like storm clouds.
The vortex was a parting between time and space the thick density, made them dive off out of wack in a downward spin position straight off the wall pandomdium. The temperature dropped. The air got frigid and the wings of the plane icy causing havoc turbulence.. the alarms in the aircraft started buzzing out loud the noise was wretched on the ears blaring loudly..
"Whats going on captain"? Terra asked into her mic to talk to the cock pit. She hears the autopilot in the back ground, screeching bad approach.."plane not aligned". "Puck, we going to have to crash. Land ""The nose is not aligned this aircraft is to icy on the wings making the aircraft unstable." We are going to have to prevent this plane from crashing, once we get out into open atmosphere. The most we can do is brace ourselves now in th vortex" the captain says" if I do not guide this plane right, we can be all doomed"
" The radar shows an open track with width and length we can land." Co-pilot told the Captain from his navigation reports. The Captain was braced at the aircraft wheel he proceed to pull up the nose of the plane. They had descended out into the clouds the plane was shaking and rambling but held together. The co-pilot shouted the descent in feet to the ground
Fuck this Captain is going to save our cargo landing gear droped open out the belly of the aircraft. The wheels already expanded into position labyrinth added an odd structure to the land, strange statues and masses of blocks stood aligned as oddities in a canvas. It was a rich lemon-color of light that illuminated the entire aircrafts echoing an rumbling of the engines break the threshold of sound as the remaining.
Passengers in the group clutch their ears. The pilot had fired a fleet of lasers engery beams to clear a path to land breaking the ground to soften the landing. As they came to an abrupt stop slamming wing first in dirt pile hill which caught a small fire.. Their bodies jerk from the impact, the wing burst out in a small flame. Terra unbuckled her belt and slides out of her seat into action. She hoofs it on the heels of her boots, pumping her arms up and down.
Running towards the aircraft door as fast as she can. She slams down on the button with a open palm to the air locked door. The door hiss open, Terra stands in the door way she closes her fist and punchs breaking the fire hose glass, and grabbing it pulling it out in a whirl of the wheel. Using the hose she cluthes to splash out water to terminate the fire, right away on the right wing of the air craft. The whole thing felt like a roller coaster ride. The plane was free of fire damage but the plane was embedded in the dirt hill and had to be dugged out the pile." At least we can get the cargo back packs,- terra pauses- out the inside of the plane.
Everyone is alright? Prince Amon are you alright? She asks as Sara Kana springs into action. Sara walks over to the cargo door. She jumps in the belly of the plane and start handing out back packs and weapons. Let's get together, A flash muzzle sound goes off , holey."Let's move out that sounds like gisselle baby uzi" Let's find out what she shooting at?
Amon And Terra Post 14
The crash landing was an out of body experience. There was an delay in recovering back to their senses but these women and team was good real good, they had already sprung into action. Tanya had a block on the laptop and was setting up to gain direct transmission again, on Amunet where about.. Sara Kana took the cargo hold and was unloading the bags and supplies giving the bags out to each and ever passenger and member.
She was being tactical instead of freaking out. She was also checking for damages to the cargo hold• She could feel an soft draft as the cargo hold was being emptied, a rip on the lower belly of the plane was exposed and let in air and light. She also notices one of the cages broken and open , the canvas cover, that covered it was now laying beside the cage on the floor.
Sara calls out to Terra "TERRA! "What was in this cage?" She asks staring at the rip in the plane wall. "Terra, whatever it was or you had in this cage it has escaped!" Terra" gives a low growl", her eyebrows furl, Just as she was about to speak, she hears Gisselle, baby uzi go off.Terra springs into action she catches her weapon being thrown at her into mid-air. Terra slammed a clip into her black monster and her eyes were ablaze, her itchy finger on the trigger.
Terra had jumped out the plane and sprinted to giselle side," What was that"? "What, you shouting and shooting at?."
Terra was amped up she looked like she was going to bust out with a jet li move. Glancing around slow and deadly, Terra shows the calm of a woman who'd seen way to much over many , many years. She drew a deep breath and thought about it carefully. "Did you see a sleek black panther, run like a bat out of hell from this area ?" "Yes , I did" gisselle responds and put her green eyes in an hard gaze. She points to the entrance of the labyrinth. "The panther ran in the labyrinth", surly glances pass between the two and Terra answers ,"That was my sister Styx. Do not shoot her, she finally makes to the labyrinth as an animal".
Even though the plane crashed causing a bit commotion. Amon did not tend to budge or do anything for that matter. His mind was clouded upon things that he didn't understand. Why exactly of all people was Amunet kidnapped.
The thought didn't simmer to long however, as Twin shook Amon back to his sense. Standing in front of him was the personal servant. "We must go young prince. We're sitting ducks if you stay strapped to your chair." Amon looked around at everyone from Terra putting out the fire, to Sara grabbing cargo packs for everyone else.
Amon immediately unbuckled himself, regaining his sense as he stood up. Trying to alert himself of what was going on in the present. He and Twin both went over to Sara grabbing a pack. Twin gazed upon Sara with a devious smirk as he grabbed his pack an sets it behind her shoulders. "Let's see how many heads you make roll. Eh, Ms. Kana?" Twin took his silver Desert Eagle from his holster, cocking it back and breathing in deep.
Amon requested a shotgun. Fully equipping himself, he finally gained momentum and said to everyone. "I've been waiting to murder since I came home. So this should be fun."
The air plane door opened and Amon couldn't believe his eyes. Some of the most ugliest looking creatures were fighting amongst others from hell. Some of who he knew. Others who he's seen but never spoken too. Within a moment of breath one of the creature charged straight at the opened door. Amon's trigger finger reacted on sight. Blowing the creatures chest open. Amon then swiftly jumped off the ledge of the plane and aimed down for it's head, shooting it clean off.
Running down the battlefield the war was on. Amon pulled out the headset in his bag and spoke directly to Terra. "Terra, we're gonna have to have snipes taking heads if we plan on surviving this shit. You got any takers on your squadron?" Amon ran behind a huge bolder to hide himself for a brief moment. Looking from the side he noticed everyone fighting. Raz, Tam, Cleo, everybody. He didn't even know they were here. He watched Twin make a run for the hills below. Screaming out the top of his lungs. "I want hearts!!!"
His started shooting viciously upon creatures from side to side. One of them counter attacked him and slit open his back. Twin fell the floor, face full of shock. Rather surprised that left himself open for something so tedious. Before they could react to kill the scrambling servant, Amon ran over pulling the trigger to his shotty, blasting the creatures head wide open. He ended up shooting up a swarm that was gunning for Twin.
With great effort, Amon helped his servant up. Trying desperately to scurry away for their were far too many of these creatures around. As he ran, as much as he could he spoke through the ear piece.
"Terra we gotta find shelter. There's far to many of these sons of bitches." Amon ran desperately trying to find a place to hide. Only hoping some way Terra and her gang would be able to spot them. He knew by now he gang had their hands full. Amon spotted a cave upon hill to the lower section of the battlefield. Amon threw Twin inside and went back to help Terra and alert her about the cave.
Blasting his way through many nasty creatures he came towards Terra as she was fighting. "We gotta get the fuck outta here Aunty. We can kill em all now."
Cleopatra Post 15
Along the Nile River the cool breeze swept across the water like a lover's kiss. The night was clear and the stars were visible by the naked eye. They lit up the sky along with the beautiful image of a full moon. A twinkle eluminated in the Queen's eyes while staring into the water of the deep blue river. Her mind was elsewhere and not fully upon her surroundings until she heard the servant speak to her.
The young male servant bowed his head, "My Queen we are almost near the temple" Cleopatra only looked away from the young boy without muttering a word. He took to his feet and scurried off. Cleopatra inhaled deeply with the sweet scent of the Nile filling her nostril before exhaling with a sigh. She knew this would be a memorable moment in the temple with a significant purpose.
Upon reaching the docks the men tied the boat to secure it, and dropped the anchor. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion for Cleopatra as she stood waiting for the bridge to be let down. Finally for what seemed like forever, she took her first step downward with her feet carressing the soft rose petals that were thrown at her by the maidens of the temple. Odd that they wore phallus head dressings upon their heads but of course it was Styx's temple after all. Cleopatra giggled at the thought as she continued to walk towards the entrance to the temple.
Upon reaching the massive doors to the temple, Cleopatra's eyes traveled the length which were some 30ft in height. She lowered her gaze and removed her robe, letting it fall to a puddle around her feet. Her glistening skin gleamed in the moon light from the Egyptian oils that coated her flesh. The dredging sounds of the massive double doors opening was deafening to the ears.
Cleopatra took one step forward and stopped in the center of the doorway. She closed her eyes and gave it some thought before proceeding. Candles were lit on both sides of the entrance and down the long corridor of the temple. The temple maidens followed behind her chanting the old ancient Greek tongue. Upon the walls were ancient drawing of the underworld. A tale of how the Goddess Styx had come to be and what she stood for.
Finally reaching the end of the corridor was an open space held high by giant pillars. They were massive and unconceivable, more than any Egyptian temple. The Maidens stopped in their tracks and allowed the Queen to take the journey alone. She followed the assorted rose petals across the great room and into the next. Cleopatra emerald hues lit up upon seeing the great altar in the middle of the room but the floor was made of water. How could this be? Water that served as a floor and yet it did not spill or flood the temple.
Cleopatra placed one foot forward and down upon the liquid surface. She felt the cool crisp water carress her foot. She took another step with the other until she stood directly on top and she did not sink to the bottom. She was bewildered at this point but she kept walking towards the altar. Once she'd stepped foot upon the dry surface surrounding the altar, she laid herself upon the cold marble top and began to chant:
Sé que cuatro de ellos bien
Los ríos de amplia respaldados del Infierno,
Su culpabilidad negro y fértil
Depositados como sedimentos.
Sé que el odio río,
Su tráfico y el transporte de mercancías.
Cuando estaba en la bondad drouth
Su boca ha sido mi boca.
Sé que el río Ay,
Su resaca tidal,
La manera en que te traga-
Un lugar sombrío para ahogarse.
Sé que el río Quema-
Su giro y su giro.
Cuando la esperanza del amor había huido,
He arrojó sobre su cama.
Sé que el flujo de las lágrimas-
Lo he vadeado por años.
Y he sorbió su salmuera
En cosechas como el vino.
Los ríos del Infierno en la inundación
Curso a través de mis venas como la sangre-
Soy íntimo con cuatro
Pero hay un río más:
Rodillas en su borde,
Todavía no podía beber
Las aguas de Forget.
Por lo menos, todavía no, todavía no...The Goddess Styx
The water began to sway and crash against the altar in big moving waves and she continued to chant the words to the Goddess. Her long black locks were draped over the marble side of the platform. The golden flesh upon the Queen began to trickle with beads of water that splashed upon her. Her breast heaved up and down upon her chest, as she took deep breaths. The coolness swept across her form, taunting and teasing her like a lover's embrace. The palms of her hands moved slowly over her rounded breast to her stomach.
Cleopatra heard the waves dominating the room and yet she continued to chant upon the altar. Then something else was within the room with her as she heard the roars and growls of a beast. She kept her eyelids closed and did not look to see what had entered the room. Cleopatra didn't have to because the beast spoke volumes in it's roars. Cerebus the guardian beast of the temple had appeared and kneeled before the Queen.
The water began to rise up and over the platform in which she laid upon. She could feel the coolness of the water over taking her as she laid their chanting. It splashed and swept itself over her flesh, placing her in a state of bliss. Then the voice came to her as clear as day and the image of the one who infused with her, "Naamah?" she opened her eyes to look upon the figure she knew all to well.
Naamah: Wake up Cleopatra. Your life is in danger. This is not what it seem to be. You are not in any temple. The plane crashed into the Labyrinth. Wake up!
Cleopatra: Wait! Where am I? Where is Amunet? What is this place?
Naamah: I need you to wake up Cleopatra. Your life is in danger and people are dying around you as we speak. The ancient God of the Nile is here and he want's you as his concubine. Don't trust Arsinoe at all or she will be the death of you. I can not help you anymore because If I do this will be the very last time and you will die.
Within a flash Cleopatra opened her eyes and everything around her was moving in slow motion. Still a little dazed and confused, she heard the multitude of gunfire ring out. She grabbed Arsinoe's hand and pulled her from beneath the wreckage of the plane seat. Together with the rest of the royal family they ran for cover as the monstrous things were devouring her troops. There were so many to count and the way they tore into the bodies of soldiers they didn't stand a chance.
Cleopatra seen an old dear friend of hers, "Nyghtwolfe? How did you manage to get here. Give her a weapon and let's move it" A soldier gave Nyghtwolfe an assault riffle AK47 to help shoot the things but they were clearly out numbered. They ran towards a structure that looked as if it was once used for worship. Then an alarming sound came from a different direction and that's when she saw the giant wall of water approaching but this was no ordinary Tsaunomi. It had a face that looked in the direction it needed to go and it was towards them "What in the name of Hell..RUN!"
Finally they reached the temple door and burst through them in a heated rush. "Quickly everyone inside" The soldiers were still be devoured by the creatures and what damage they didn't do the water manage to do the rest by drowning everything in it's path. They sealed the doors as best as they could and backed away. The screams of the creatures were loud and the crashing waves of water hitting against the thick temple doors wouldn't hold for long.
Cleopatra looked around and noticed a tunnel, "Over there everyone. Let's move it" She towards the opening and stopped dead in her tracks. The rocks beneath her feet rolled over and off the cliff then she heard it hit bottom. "Looks like we are all going down. Let's get some ropes and make our way down. It seems to be our only option or stay here and get ate alive"
The soldiers immediately began to install the spikes inside of the stones along the cliff and drop the ropes. All of the women would go first, so she sent Fatema, Makilah, Samiyah, Arsinoe, Nyghtwolfe and herself. She looked over at Terra and seen she was already equiped with her crew and gave her wink. "Now the boys can follow us down then the soldiers" Cleopatra placed the rope around the metal clip on her waist and lowered herself down the rocks until reaching the bottom.
It was to dark to see anything until she cracked the light sticks and tossed them across the room. Soon, the area became lit and to her eyes there were so many ancient heiroglyphics upon the walls. "What is this place exactly?" she asked in amazement. The language was very old to where not even she could read it but the giant statues were obvious with one looking almost like Arsinoe II.
Everyone was almost down, including the wolves that accompanied Nyghtwolfe. Good thing none of the creatures got a hold of them, she looked towards Nyghtwolfe. Cleopatra's general did a head count on the soldiers. Four had perished during the plane crash and thirty were killed by the attack. A hundred and sixty plus men were still with her for the journey. A strange smell began to fill the room, "What is that smell?"
Cleopatra looked up and seen the water was coming in the first level and running down the sides of the wall where they were. "We have to move now, quickly!" A loud thud filled the air and the rushing waves from the water came blasting in. Swiftly they ran down the dark tunnel until reaching another opening that looked exactly like the first one instead this one had images of the Crocodile God Sobek. There were giant statues erected in his image and the glyphics showed him with Arsinoe II
"These drawings depict my bloodline. When Ptolemy came into power to rule over Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great. This place is death, we crashed into a void. This is not Middle Earth. No wonder, it's a trap...." before she could finish her sentence the floor beneath her gave away and swallowed her whole......
Arsinoe Post 16
It took all the inner strength Arsinoe had to not cringe in disgust when her sister reached out to softly caress her face, taking her in her arms and kissing her lips. She hoped it wouldn't take long to carry out her plan of revenge, she wasn't sure how long she could force herself to pretend to be a loving sister. Egypt should have been hers, but Cleopatra had used her womanly whiles to get one of her male conquests to murder her in front of her own sanctuary. Thoughts of hatred and anger filled her mind, but she kept her guise of the loving sister seeking forgiveness ever visible.
Arsinoe sat to eat the food the servants had brought her, savoring the flavor of the high quality wine. It had been some time since she had eaten such delicious food, but she didn't forget that Cleopatra was the reason for that having been. She wondered where her sister had suddenly gone to, but she was sure her act had been flawless. There had been plenty of time in Duat to perfect it, hiding her true feelings from those around her.
It was to bad that the child had to suffer for her mother's sins, but Arsinoe rationalized that Amunet was only paying the same price that she once had for being unlucky enough to be related to Cleopatra. She didn't know Amunet anyway and certainly didn't owe her any leniency. She also didn't know, or care, what was going to happen to her neice, all she cared was that she would get rewarded with what she deserved for her part. Hatred had twisted her mind for so long that she didn't know anything else.
Arsinoe finished eating to her fill, continuing to enjoy the wine. She wondered what was taking her sister so long, beginning to question if there was a chance she suspected. Finally Cleopatra returned to the room where Arsinoe sat visibly concerned that she had been found out. Something seemed odd about her sister, but Arsinoe nodded her head, taking one last sip of the wine before following her to meet her family.
Carefully she glanced over everyone in the room, amazed that Cleopatra had so many people that actually cared that her daughter was missing. She watched and listened, taking in all they said and did, analyzing who might be a problem for her. Upon hearing Cleopatra introduce her, she smiled as sweetly as she could muster. One of the woman greeted her, but quickly pulled away her hand and left the room. Arsinoe noted to watch that one very closely.
Everyone in the room scattered to pack things for the journey, but Arsinoe had nothing with her to pack, not even a weapon. She stared at the strange things they put into large bags, wondering how such cold metal could help them any. Wandering off through the castle, she found a bow and a scabbard of arrows in a room with ancient weapons. She also selected a dagger with jewels encrusted in the hilt, which she stuck in the twisted folds of her tunic before finding her sister and the rest of the group.
Everyone began to climb into huge shiny beasts that seemed frozen, yet roared so thunderously she covered her ears. Her panic filled eyes watched them walk into the belly of the beast, but she lifted her chin courageously and followed. Inside was a large open space with large seats that everyone began to sit in while chattering amongst themselves. She found a seat against the wall so no one would be at her back, sitting stiffly, although the seat was very comfortable, and laid the bow and arrows at the side of her.
The beast began to move, slowly gaining speed, until it began to lift like a huge bird. Arsinoe felt her stomach sink, a pressure pushing against her as her hands gripped the armrests of her seat until they turned white. She closed her eyes, trying to relax until the pressure finally lessened and her stomach settled. Opening her eyes, she glanced around, seeing the woman she had met earlier sitting at the opposite end. She stared at her, trying to figure out what she could possibly know.
Her thoughts wandered to her future and what it would be like to watch her sister be strangled to death as she had been so long ago. Once Cleopatra was out of the way, she would have to finish off the rest of them so that none would try to get revenge on her as she was doing now. So hardened had Duat made her that she had no regard for the fact that some of them were her family also, neices and nephews by her sister. She had waited a long time to regain Egypt, often thinking it would never be.
The small glimpses of her country upon her return had shown her that Egypt had been ruined with her sister's rule. She hadn't seen the beautiful pyramids, only large ugly buildings that blocked the view of the horizon. Many noisy shiny beasts moved about with people in their bellies, she could only imagine what evil sorcery had created them. Arsinoe vowed to return the land to it's former beauty, destroying the herds of what must be Set's demons.
Suddenly the beast lurched, making her once again grab the seat. Through the window she could see jagged lightening cutting across an angry sky. "The gods are angered," she whispered, holding tightly while the lights flickered and loud noises filled her ears. "Bes, I pray you watch over your servant," she whispered again to her god of protection.
The beast began to fall, quickly losing height but gaining speed. Arsinoe clung to the seat, but flew through the air among debris upon the impact with the ground. She laid in a heap under her dislodged seat in a dazed state, until she felt her hand grabbed and someone pulling her out. Cleopatra pulled her along as she stumbled a moment, shaking her head to clear her thoughts while leaning down to collect the bow and arrows from a pile in the wreckage. She then saw the horde of creatures decending upon them, ripping apart any they came across.
They ran from the creatures, some of the group blasting at them with the metal objects, but nothing seemed to slow them down. A great bank of water appeared in their path, booming thunderously toward them with a face and seeing eyes that directed it at the group. She quickly followed her sister into the temple, not knowing or caring who else made it safely inside. Just as the temple doors were secured, the water crashed down upon all who were not inside, slamming against the structure.
Cleopatra found a tunnel that headed over a cliff, seemingly their only escape from what might make it through the temple doors eventually. Someone tied a rope around her waist, directing her to follow the other females down the side of the cliff. Strange lighting sticks were used to see in the dark, revealing the language of their ancients on the walls and huge sculptures of their elders. Arsinoe recognized her namesake among them right away.
Water began to slowly seep into the chamber, then suddenly crashed into the room to send them running through another tunnel in the other direction. There were more sculptures, this time of Sobek with her ancestor, who had been his lover. Arsinoe heard the words of her sister as she began to figure out what was going on. Slowly she backed away from her just before the earth opened up at her sister's feet, sucking her into the unknown. "It has begun," she murmered under her breath.
Zula Post 17
The Amazonian PrizeIt was steamy hot in the jungle. The nomadic tribe of Amazon women had traveled south to camp for the summer. Long had they traveled, hunting along the way but finding little food and much resistance. Several warrior women had been sent out after camp had been placed. Leading them was Zula, a long, lithe and lean warrior. Dark as the night was her skin and silent was she of foot. The women separated once deep in the jungle. All knowing danger lurked in the most unsuspecting places.
With a dory in one hand and short sword in the other, Zula tracked her prey through the dense foliage and trees. A pig and been through not long ago, leaving a sure trail through mud, mire and mosses. Rubs, wallows and diggings were easy to find. A clump of large leaved fronds had the Amazon warrior ducking. A faint sound ahead of grunting could be heard. With dory posed for a quick strike, the muscles rippled all over Zula's body. She had to be fast or otherwise she could be wounded by the pig's tusks.
As she came nearer the edge of the large leaved fronds, the wind shifted. Zula hurried forward, ripping through and ready to stab the beast. But the pig had caught her scent and went running off in a squall! Zula huffed and then she saw why the pig had stopped there for so long. Not only was the moss that the pigs enjoyed grow thick here, but another surprise laid in it!
Slowly the Amazon edged forward, looking over the woman. Dark hair, creamy skin and beautifully dressed. Zula slowly moved the edge of her sharp dory to the exposed shod foot. A gentle nudge brought no reaction at all. The woman was unconscious! Slowly the warrior crouched, looking over the woman, taking in the splendor. Lavish and well attired was she. Breasts arose in breathing as turtles do upon the river water. The dark eyes of Zula couldn't help but travel over the softness. This was a noble woman but Zula couldn't tell were from. Perhaps this one was worth taking! Thoughts went all through her mind of possibilities. But desire the woman she did!
Slipping the short sword in its loop upon her girdle and laying down her dory, Zula turned the woman gently on her side. Bending, she slipped the languid form up over her shoulder. Getting her footing solid, the Amazon arose and stood with the body hanging over her shoulder. Her right arm gripped around the back of the woman's legs as left hand grabbed the dory from the air she had flipped up with her foot. "Mine!" she muttered harshly, looking around with narrow eyes as if something there was going to rush out and take the woman from her. Her hunt had been profitable, even if the whole tribe wouldn't find it edible. The Amazon loped off with her prize and headed back to camp.
The girl children ran out as Zula came in from the jungle path. Little hands stroked in awe of the fine material that hung from the woman's body. An old woman hurried to call out the Head Woman of the tribe to see. Zula's arm tightened about her prize. With chin held high and eyes filled with determination, she greeted the ranking woman. Children was ushered away by the old one. A conversation was struck up and the leader agreed. Zula could keep her prize unless trouble began. With a curt nod, the Amazon warrior moved off with head held high toward a Yurt not far away.
Pushing away the animal skin opening, Zula brought in her prize. She took the woman to her own bed that was piled high with skins not far from the fire pit. Stooping low, she worked the woman gently off her shoulder and onto the skins. Her hands touched over the bare flesh, feeling an unusual coolness there. Quickly she went to work, piling branches, twigs and treated moss into the pit. With flint and stone, she lit the mass to warm the Yurt. A skin of water she took down from the pole and poured it into a bowl that held a cloth.
Zula knelt by the woman and began to undress her. Dirt covered the woman's legs. When the attire was all removed, the wet cloth was taken up and bathing of he woman began. With gentle hands and much changing of water, clean she became. The fire crackled merrily and the Yurt was warm now. Zula had begun to sweat from it, but she was already scantily clothed enough. The woman needed to be warmed but no fever had been found, nor wounds. She couldn't understand why the woman still slept.
Rising, she went to a small table. Upon it was arranged bottles with stoppers. Oils that Zula used to rub out sore muscles or take away the sting of an unwanted bugs bite. Another for her skin when it went ashy. Then a fragrant one that she had acquired during a battle with men upon the desert planes. It had a wonderful aroma and made desire well up in using it. Perhaps that is what the woman needed, to desire, if not for sex maybe just to live.
A tiny metal bowl she took up, a part of an old helmet that had survived a fight. Moving to be by the woman, she sat and poured some of the oil in the pan and set it then near the fire to warm. Zula's dark eyes could not stray long from the woman! Creamy and soft, beautiful in every way. Perfectly formed. Why would anyone let this woman be away or alone out in the jungle?! A treasure she was!
Slick, rich and aromatic was the oil that Zula poured sparingly into the palm of her hand. Putting the pan back by the fire, she turned to the woman. Softly she spoke as she leaned close to the face. "I will not hurt you unless you make me or want me too." she cooed, a smile uplifting the corners of her lips. In gentleness did the now oil coated hands slip onto the woman's shoulders, lightly massaging down the arms and onto the hands, Then hers trailed up, slipping about the neck to knead the tight muscles there.
Hands splayed down in behind the woman's back onto the hidden shoulders, then slid back over the top to move onto the front of the woman's body. Slowly and methodically did she rub in gentleness, retrieving droplets of oil from the pan as it was used. The body was gleaming as fingers ran over the mounded flesh of breasts. Unknown to her how noble this woman was! A queen of the highest ranks among those of the earth! Nipples hardened as fingertips encircled them. The hands trailed down, working over rib cage and abdomen, rubbing the oil into the skin, warming it.
Behind the back and buttocks was lifted by Zula. Oil gleamed and warmed, scenting the creamy skin. It was pleasing to see to the Amazon woman. Such light skin she had never had the chance to experience before. Onto outer hips and down upon thighs went the oiled hands, feeling the muscles and smelling the scent mixed with the woman's. Each leg she did, working into the skin and muscles thoroughly. Then the hands slid back up towards the innermost thighs. Long, lean but thin did they slowly work in between the legs, rubbing the skin and brushed against the rich rosy lips of the woman's sex.
Zula licked her lips, watching how beautiful the sight was of her dark hand against it. "Praise Artemis for this harvest..." the warrior muttered in feeling that need and desire for intimacy. Long had it been for Zula and this was a temptation beyond all she ever had experienced.
Nyghtwolfe Post 18
Razakel had suffered multiple injuries upon his arm by the nasty bite of the giant insects' razor sharp mandibles. He was lucky to still have an arm left. Inside the pyramid, they were safe, but trapped from escape. Several hallways branched off from the main central room; some leading to dead end corridors and others intersecting back upon themselves in a maze. The lack of adequate lighting made each corridor a safety hazard.
Some of the flooring was missing in sections, whether by purposeful design or accidental erosion of the structuring corridor beneath. It was far too easy to snap an ankle bone and render oneself useless to fight and a burden to the others. Nyghtwolfe took observant stock of what provision the others were carrying. Little doubt they would find anything deeper inside the temple worth benefiting themselves with. The Dark goddess patted her AK47 for reassurance of luck.
In the true spirit of leadership, Cleopatra barked out affirmative directives. It was important that nobody panic and react in a manner that would divide their efforts to survive. There was strength in group cooperation that could be jeopardized by individual heroism. The ceiling of the temple rained down dust upon them as the insects outside clamored upon the stones and scrapped into the ventilation shafts with their stingers and pinchers.
The small band of humans gathered around the center of the barren antechamber they had entered. There was much befuddled chatter going on among the others that had survived the plane crash. They cogitated of the disappearance of Amunet and it was from this idle talk that the Dark goddess pieced together that this was supposed to have been a rescue mission gone terribly wrong.
A vast majority of the supplies that they had stored in the plane was now scattered across the outside terrain. It would be too dangerous to any of them to attempt to retrieve, but Nyghtwolfe had an idea. She spoke quietly to Terra, "I will send a few of my wolves back to run outside and grab whatever extra supplies they can."
The wolves whined in protest that the humongous insects would get another chance at making a meal of them, but they were devoted to the Dark Goddess and would obey her bidding. As the other continued to discuss Amunet and the current predicament they were in, a mere small number of the wolves returned with a parcel of supplies clenched in their jaws.
Many wolves were injured to the extent of not being able to continue the journey. They laid down to patiently await death. The wolves sacrifice had increased the human's percentage of survival. This labyrinth would test the limitations of their intelligence and determination to survive.
"Take only what each of us can comfortably carry", she remarked unnecessarily as she flipped open a canvas backpack and stuffed it full. She slung the pack over her arm and hurried to catch up with the others, who had already progressed forwards to explore the many intersecting corridors. Something large slammed into the outer walls of the temple, spewing a torrent of water down though the ventilation shafts.
It was all too surreal for the Dark Goddess to fully comprehend. Cleopatra seemed to be moving too confidently towards the south corridor as if she was familiar with the layout of this temple. Nyghtwolfe got the distinct impression that the Egyptian goddess was following the guidance of her subliminal intuition.
After Cleopatra's beckoning voice, Nyghtwolfe called out with a wave of her hand to get their attention. " This way everyone! I believe Cleopatra might know something more than we don't. Let's stay together and follow her."
The floor was missing where Cleopatra stood, looking down into the dark depths below. Preparing for the descent, an apprehensive shiver coursed through Nyghtwolfe. What unknown perils laid ahead in the earthen bowels of this temple?
The ropes and jigs clanged noisily as the group painstakingly lowered themselves down into the gaping hole. Using a harness built from ropes, her remaining few wolves accompanied the descent with everyone else. A second crashing of water waves slammed into the outer temple, shaking the stone foundation. Cleopatra was musing aloud,
"These drawings depict my bloodline. When Ptolemy came into power to rule over Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great. This place is death, we crashed into a void. This is not Middle Earth. No wonder, it's a trap...." before she could finish her sentence the floor beneath her gave away and swallowed her whole......
"CLEO!", the Dark goddess shouted out a warning as the floor crumbled beneath her own two feet. She tumbled into darkness along with the others. The wolfs yipped in fear and their howls echoed much too loudly long after the absolute abruptness of their silence. With another bone jarring impact, Nyghtwolfe again found herself in a strange netherworld, but this time she had landed on a carpet of moss. She remembered falling through layers of sedimentary rock and fluffy clouds.
"What the hell...", she sat up and rubbed the fresh aches from her arms and legs. More dead wolves laid around her; their necks and spines broken from the fall. Her heart constricted as she bent her face into her hands and quietly mourned their loss. from somewhere in the canopy of towering trees, she heard an ominous growl. Unknown danger raised prickles upon her neck.
It was several dozen of minutes that passed by before Nyghtwolfe noticed Cleopatra was not among the dazed army that wandered aimlessly in the thick growth of jungle that now surrounded them. The temple was nowhere to be seen. She stood to her feet, nodding in acknowledgement of Fatema, Makilah, Samiyah and Arsinoe gathering themselves together for discussion.
"I don't think we're in Kansas anymore", Nyghtwolfe remarked sarcastically as she inspected and tossed away some of the crushed supplies in her backpack. Thankfully, her AK47 was still attached by belt to her. She rejoined the circle of others as more of their accompanying soldiers emerged from the dense jungle. They adjusted their walkie-talkies in a test to assure they still had communication.
"Where the hell are we?", she glanced around warily for potentially dangerous native species, "... and where is Cleo?"
"Well, spread out and look for her!" she yelled at the soldiers. One commander irritably shoved a walkie-talkie into Nyghtwolfe's hands, "We are already are on it, miss Nyghtwolfe. No need to worry yourself. Have faith and trust in us to find her."
He whistled to his regime to follow him into the jungle in search for the missing Egyptian goddess. The contraption in Nyghtwolfe's hand sputtered out a crackle of static as she heard the droned voice of a soldier, "We've split up eastbound and westbound. Rendezvous is at 016 hundred hours."
The Foresaken Realm Post 19
They stood in the shadow of a large pine tree waiting for night to come. It was only an hour'swait, but it felt like an eternity, or at least Qylenn thought so. It had been a long journey here in almost complete silence because Tijin felt idel chatter to be a waste of time. Why Molian depended on him so strongly was lost on Qylenn, but worse was the fact that he was almost always selected to accompany Tijin. He guessed it was due to the fact that Tijin hadn't threatened to rip his head off and use it for a ball. As he had all the others. He yawned loudly causing Tijin to turn and glare at him.
"Be still!" Tijin hissed at him, in a low menacing voice. Qylenn didn't bother to respond, he knew it would be a waste of his time and only make Tijin angry. Finally after what seemed like a life time dusk turned into night. The two of them now prepared to make their way to the palace. Where they would find two servants to kill and assume their identites and duties in the palace. They stayed to the shadows until they found the servants entrance, right where Arsinoe had said it would be.
Two maids made their way across the courtyard on their way to the palace to do their nightly duties. The two vampires swooped down on the maids swiftly snapping their necks. Qylenn wished they had more time, he would love to drink and feed from the beautiful blond. But he knew they only had a small. Window of time to carry out the plan if they were going to get back before morning. They took on the maids identites and made their way into the palace.
Where they were met by the head housekeeper. "You two." she spoke in a stern voice. "It's about time you be gettin' here. The mistress has ordered her bed be turned down. She's wanting to retire early this evenin'. So be about your duties quickly now." she said glaring at them both in turn. The two young maids shared a telling smile as they made their way through the palace to Amunet's chambers.
Qylenn set about turning down the huge four poster bed while Tijin poured the nightly glass of wine. An evil smile played with the corners of his to brightly colored ruby lips, as he mixed in the sleeping powder.
Once Amunet drank the wine she would be subdued and easily removed from the palace. All they would need to do was wrap her inert form in the large area rug that they knew had to be taken out and beaten nightly to remove the day's dust and debris.
Once this part of the plan was carried out, they made their way through the palace unhindered by anyone. After all they were just two young maids going about their nightly duties. When they got back outside, they stayed to the shadows once more. After all it wouldn't be wise to be caught carrying the area rug away from the palace.
In the hour just before dawn they made it back to their realm and proceeded to take the girl to the dungon and secure her with the living ooze as ordered.
He slammed his fist down on the makeshift table, glaring at each minion in turn. Those who thought themselves brave held his gaze a moment longer than the others had. But soon they too looked away.
He sneered enjoying their fear, But if the truth we're told, it wasn't him they feared. There wasn't one of them who wouldn't gladly kill him and sup on his remains. The one they really feared was the master of this godforsaken realm. For he was a most fearsome old sage. None knew for sure what the master was, after all one tale depicted him as an elder vampire, while yet another story attested to his being an old evil wizard. Not that any of this mattered, not when he became enraged. All knew then that not even Memnoch himself could be more deadly, or so it seemed.
Coughing loudly to clear his throat he began to speak in that God awful whinny voice of his. "Now that I have your attention has the task been completed?"
"Yes your lordship it has." It was Tijin the bravest and smartest of all of them that answered. "She is here and bound as per your instructions, your lordship." Tijin informed him.
"Very good then, Now run along to your supper and remember speak nothing of this business to anyone, nor speak of it amongst yourselves. The master wants her for himself." He warned.
He sat watching as they all clamoured to their feet and rushed through the open doorway. Taking flight in their excitement at the news of fresh flesh and blood.
He shook his head. He often wondered why the master even kept the likes of them around? He guessed it wasn't their intelligence as they lacked even common reasoning skills. So he assumed it had to do with their enormous size and gruesome looks. They were a fierce looking lot that was for sure. He remembered the first time he had seen one. It had been on his first day here. As the master showed him about the place.
They were just entering into what the master referred to as the common, though looking around the place Molian didn't see anything specific that set this area apart from the rest. Nothing but mile after mile of wastelands, at one time this whole area had been a large Kingdom thriving with it's peoples. That all ended when the vampire discovered the place then things began to slowly change. The vampire of course fed off of the humans. And those they didn't change they killed. But still the realm seemed to have a certain balance. That is until the more hideous lower vampires came. This lot was a more vicious group.
They hunted and killed not just for blood but they also had a fondness for human flesh. They found it to have a sweet taste they said. Their insatiable appetites we're what brought this realm low. Gone now were the humans and the evolved vampires. All that remained now we're the hideous lot the master insisted were the best choice to guard his realm, and himself. His thoughts now returned to his fist day here and the first time he had seen one of the lower vampires. He and the master walked through the common to a building that the master referred to as the public dinning hall. Which in truth was just another ruin from centuries passed.
As the two of them approached the doorway one of the hideous ones stepped out of the shadows and blocked their way. "Who goes there?" the beastly looking thing had asked in a voice that thundered around them.
All Molian saw were a long pair of bat legs with huge clawed feet. Looking up He saw how tall the vampire bat was taking a few steps back he prepared to run. The master's voice was what kept him from bolting. "It is I Master Renfeild." he said. The hideous beast lowered it's head so that it could get a better look. The face of this thing was gruesome to behold. It's eyes were beady black things, if they had pupils it was impossible to tell.
The features of the face were that of a normal size bat, but this thing had a skin across it's face from one side of it to other. Molian couldn't help staring in horrified awe at how ugly and evil this thing looked. But now years later all he felt was revolution for these stupid piteouus creatures. Someone should have taken pity on them long ago and done a Mercy killing when the species was young. He often thought.
Sighing he scraped his chair back from the makeshift table which was in fact and old warped table top raised up on old chipped straw and mud bricks, the actual legs of the table had long since been broken off and been used for fire wood. He made his way out of the dinning hall, intent on going to have a look at the female the master found so fascinating that he had to have her kidnapped in the middle of the night?
He stood on the hillside looking down at the ruins below, he remembered when this had been a thriving kingdom. Although the name it had then now escaped his mind. Gone were all the mortals and evolved vampires. And with them all of the beauty of the surrounding countryside. Gone now we're the trees and fields of wildflowers. All that was left was a damaged, scarred land, in which nothing would grow.
Turning his head to the left, he sighed the huts and homes of the villergers now lay in ramshackled ruin most had collapsed roofs and walls that had caved in. Looking off to his right, he saw what was left of the once thriving market place. But now it too laid in ruin. Thanks to the lower species of vampire he now employed. The castle was no more then a large pile of ruble and the gardens had long since become barren. All that remained of this once glorious kingdom was piles of rubble and wood.
He sighed once more before gathering his robes around him, he had business here to attend to and the sooner he got to it the sooner his plans could be carried out.
Cleopatra Post 20
Falling into nothing is what it seemed like with nothing to take hold of. She looked around at everyone as she slipped into the darkness that was beneath her feet. Her voice echoed into a loud scream with out reached hands but it was to late for anyone to help her. She'd perished beneath the temple and away from the others.
Cleopatra's mind was gone into something she could not understand or comprehend. Voices called out to her in ancient tongues. Who were they and why couldn't she see them. Was she in limbo? Did she finally die and this was the real afterlife? So many questions were running through her mind at the moment.
Unable to move she laid there still in the darkness with quivering lips. "Naamah?" she thought but could not call out her name. Perhaps she had done all she could do for her and now she was living her life inside her body while her soul was trapped in some damnable place. Her fear turned to anger and pain as she felt the tears roll down her cheeks but maybe this was her punishment for the 2,000 years of selfishness she placed upon herself. Then a voice came subtle and smooth like a mother rocking her child to sleep with a lullaby.
Voice: Hello Cleopatra, I've waited so long for this moment. You do not know me but I know all about you.
Cleopatra: Where am I? Am I dead?
Voice: (laughter) No Cleopatra you are not dead. As a matter of fact you are somewhere peaceful.
Cleopatra: Peaceful? What do you mean by that. Where...
Voice: Relax and open your eyes.
Confusion was felt then suddenly ease came to mind as her lids fluttered open to the sights before her. What had just happened? Did she not have her eyes open at first. She looked at the woman who was speaking to her which was a very beautiful older woman that she had never seen before. Cleopatra looked on in curiosity at the woman standing there in all white with something in her hands.
It looked like a small chest or something but she wasn't to sure. All around her was just a dark void as if the light only shined upon the woman and casting everything else in darkness. The woman said no more as she stood there hoovering over Cleopatra. The woman's hands slid over the top of the small chest she held, before unlocking it. She raised the lid and a light was so bright it nearly blinded her.
Cleopatra: Wh..What is that? (Shielding her eyes)
Voice: These are the cores that were sent to you from Lucifer.
Cleopatra: Who are you?
Voice: You do not reconize me? (The voice grew angry)
The scenery became almost a blur as the lights from the cores grew bright and the woman became distorted. Her demeanor changing and her appearance becoming more sinister. Cleopatra eyes widen for she had never seen such a thing happen. It was unconceivable to try to explain what she saw, as she laid there helpless before the being. Then it dawn on her, on who this woman was.
Cleopatra: Naamah? It is you but what has happened to you?
Naamah: I waited for what feels like an eternity for this moment. For you to look upon me as I really am. The being that can not be understood by the human eye. No flesh, no disguise but the pure power of a being that will consume you. Do you except your fate, Cleopatra?
Cleopatra: Do I have choice in the matter? I no longer care on the matter. Take my body and live your life. All I ask for is my daughter to be safely brought back home. Is that to much to ask from you Naamah? [Pause] And wait a minute. How are you able to get these cores?
Naamah: Yes Cleopatra, It's really me and cores were sent to me when you entered the vortex. My being split from your body long enough to find a few answers but there were really none given on the matter of Amunet. However, Lucifer sent you the cores of his grandaughters to consume. It will give you strenght to fight what is to come and I need you to trust me. Allow me to possess your body, you must willingly allow me to take control of you. Trust in me Cleopatra..Do you trust me?
Cleopatra: Yes! I'll do what ever it takes to get her back. I love my child. Yes!!
Naamah: Then say the words, speak them as you did on the night you called upon me to become the sole Queen of Egypt. Invoke me!
That one symbolic word was all it took for the Goddess to manifest herself before Cleopatra in full view. Voices began to chant out loud, growing louder and louder until a seemingless endless aura surrounded them:
Cleopatra: Naamah Nahemoth Nahema, Liftoach Shaari ha-Sitra Ahra!
O mighty dark goddess, you who are the mistress of the black earth, I, Cleopatra who seek the mysteries of the Nightside call upon you!
Demonic seductress, you whose lustful incantations made the most brilliant stars of Heaven fall down to Earth, in order to awaken our spirits with their dark luciferic light, I become one with you!
Naamah, you who are the Pleasant One, who garbed in the scarlet dress of the blood rides the seven-headed serpent of fire, hear my words and open wide, both inner and outer dark gates of your kingdom within and beyond!
Oh sinful Nahema, you who are the empress of the Kliffotic shadow of this world of manifestations, let the hidden path to Nahemoth be revealed to me, and through the nightmarish terrors that your mere presence brings forth. Grant me the illumination of Sitra Ahra!
Beautiful and deadly Goddess Naamah, enter me with your blazing darkness and reveal to me the forbidden truth that is kept hidden behind the thin illusory veils of casual existence! Grant me the visions of the sight of your bloodstained webs of death!
The symbolic words were spoken without fear or doubt and now the sinister nature of Naamah was now of Cleopatra. Dominance, cruelty, lust, sexuality, and the majestic way of the demonic Goddess intertwinned itself with the Serpent Queen.
Upon her head she wore a Harlot's crown made of black stone beknown to any other, with a Lapis Smaragdina set over the place of her `third eye.' Her body was adorn with jewels of the sacred temple of blasphemy. Each necklace was a representation of the luxuries and richness connected to her chthonic realm. The black earth that is unseen by the human eye, that hides the treasures, jewels and precious metals of the exoteric underworld of Hell.
Her face was now pale with blood stained red lips. Her hues were jet set black like a shark. Her long black locks fell into a perfect straight down her back. The portal in front of her began to open and the beast stood in the archway and bowed before her. All seven heads upon the fire breathing serpent titled their crowns to her to signify the awakening of the Queen of Hell.
Serpent to Serpent Goddesses served as one with the beast coiling it's slithering body around the curvaceous form of the Goddess. In the horizon a silhouette of a spider was seen within the black moon over the temple. The servant's of Naamah cried in a enjoyish praise to the weaver of the sin. Naamah reached forth with her left hand so that the web of mysteries would weave itself upon her flesh. Giving her the grand art of binding or setting free spirits or souls of men.
Naamah took a deep inhaling breath with her eyes closed, chest heaving up and down. She could feel the Amazonian woman's touch upon her flesh and her senses were awakening with the ancient art. Not many knew the ways of Naamah yet this woman, this inferior human knew the art of sexual enticement to awaken her senses. She needed to feed and what better way to be welcomed back into the land of the living.
Naamah stepped to the portal that was twined in thorny vines. Beneath her feet the ground cracked and the flames of hell sprung forth. The souls of many she entrapped laid at her feet screaming in agony. Naamah gave a wicked smile as she stepped forth upon the crossed boned and skulled puzzled floor, into the room of this nurturing Amazonian woman.
She felt the touch upon her flesh, warm and inviting, it was sensual to her core. Calling and beckening her to awake and she did so. Her lids fluttered open to reveal the dark pupil's of the Goddess. Her mouth opened in a gasping breath of air with wondering eyes. Dazed and confused for a moment, until her eyes fell upon the dark skinned warrior. Naamah's head tilted slightly as she gazed upon her.
Once, dark voidless eyes were now glowing in a deep rich amber. She sat up on her elbows while still focusing on the woman. Her glistening oiled flesh reeked of a sweet aroma. Leaning to one side, she slowly lifted her hands up to the woman's shoulder. Her fingers moved across her rich, deep coco flesh. Naamah forcefully pulled the woman to her with lips locking into an unbreakable kiss.
Her tongue parted the full plump lips of the Amazonian's mouth. In a dancing tangle which swirled about inside of the warrior's, tongues mingling against one another. Her hands roamed across her ebony skin, pulling away at the cloth in which covered her breast. Exposing her perfect mounds in which she cupped into the palm of her hands. Naamah pulled the woman down on top of her while still embraced in a blazing lip lock.
Then she rolled over to her right, switching position to where she was now on top. Naamah broke away from the kiss and looked down upon the beauty. She gave a growl of a loiness, fierce and demanding with her pupils etched in lust. She took hold of her structured jawline and held it in place with a slight squeeze which caused her mouth to open. Naamah deep rich hues lit up like flames and from her mouth she sucked in deep and long. A blue colored aura of energy seem to spring forth from the Amazon's mouth.
Naamah was feeding upon her life's essence, quenching her hunger to feed her nature. Slow and easy she did so, to not harm the brave warrior. Once she had her fill, she released the woman's jaw and proceeded to kiss her again. Her other hand slipped down below to unfasten the cloth around her waistline. They were now pressed together, flesh to flesh, rocking in motion with the essence of sexuality heighten beyond control
Her hand moved between her thighs with fingers gliding between her folds. The warrior was strong enough to feed her urges through out the night. Nursing upon her sexual desires, she ravished her body. Kisses of hunger were laid along her neck down to her shoulders and further to her subtle breast. The warmth of her mouth played upon her sensitive nipples with her tongue in dance upon the buds. A loud moan escaped her lips as their bodies bumped and grind against one another.
Naamah's lips continued their assault upon the chocolate warrior as she moved further down to her lower lips where she tangled in a sweet lovers kiss. Her tongue slithered deep inside of her dripping nectar, feeding upon her creamy juices as they spilled forth upon her tongue. She extended her fangs from her gum line and sank deep into the soft flesh of her apex. Her sweet crimson poured into her mouth and she eagerly lapped away at it. Filling her core to it's desired measure. Afterwards she licked the wounds closed before running her tongue along her inner thigh.
A low growl came forth from the Goddess throat as she raised up. Looking down at the woman with dilated pupils, she snapped her neck from side to side. "There's trouble coming" she sniffed the air then wiped the remainder of the blood from her lips. "I know you want to keep me here but I must go. This body belongs to someone of great importance and something or someone want's her dead at all costs. Your elders and your young females are not safe" she pulled her close. Kissing her lips tenderly, "When this is all over with. I shall return and tell you who I am but for now keep your tribe safe..I must go!"
Dawn had crept up upon them and Naamah could sense Sobek as well as the Spawns. They were about to be in some serious trouble and so was this Amazonian tribe if she did not leave from there. Naamah sprung to her feet and stepped out from the tent and gave a short speech to the warriors she called upon to follow her. They were set and ready to fight til the death. Naamah was raised up upon a black stallion and with one finally prepping speech, she led the Amazonians off towards the mighty river that seperated the upper and lower lands.
From there the mighty forces moved acrossed the valley and down to the rushing shores of the crystal clear water. They set up camp there for the day while Naamah prepared herself in other ways. She walked a great distance away from the camp so no harm would befall the warriors from the act she was about engage in.
Finally she came to a stop and looked out of the calm and serene water as it rushed down the valley, between the tall mountain peak. She walked to the edge until the water swept over her feet. Taking a deep breath she exhaled and spoke out into the wind, "Okay Bitch! Let's clear the air here. I know you dislike me but for now we need to put our differences aside for Cleopatra's sake. I know you are there because father set you and the rest of the rivers free to flow the line and gather the souls"
There was a shift in wind as she spoke and the breeze began to blow heavily. Her long black locks scattered about over her face as she continued to speak out. "I can feel your hatred so come forth my sister and follow me. We must put an end to Sobek before it's to late..RISE!! Goddess of Hatred. You can not deny me for I am the Queen of Hell and you are my sister. Give me you hatred and your strenght. RISE...STYX!!"
The calm and serene river began to move violently and with sheer force. The waves began to crash up against the rocks, creating a rippling effect. It roared like thunder as it began to swirl about. Naamah looked upon the raging water and smiled with such wickedness upon seeing the water gather itself into the shape of the goddess. Overtowering her some hundreds of feet into the air. She stood in her immaculate form, almost reaching the heavens with her golden crown and staff in her hand. The Amazonian's could see the raging Goddess as she towered above the river and they kneeled in fear of seeing her.
"You always knew how to make a grand entrance, Diva!" Naamah extended her arms outwards. She gave a cringe and a mighty grunt, "Urgh..I hate this part" her black wings came forth from her back. Extending like an eagle, she took flight to stand eye to eye with the liquidfied goddess. In the distance she could see the portal opening, "They have arrived" but something else had come through the portal and the sight of it was amazing. The clouds parted and in between the midst the God Acheron poured from sky, "He's coming going to devour everything in sight"
Ankhesenamun Post 21
The phone call came in around 8 am from Ben Frankberg, the owner of a multi fortune company and the Grand Casino, Mirage. The date was set to meet with him and a few other business partners later on that evening around 6pm at an upscaled Japanese Sushi bar at the top of the grand hotel of the mega casino.
Ana was still in a towel and her hair was still wet, taking in a deep breath she went to her closet and opened it. Pulling in her bottom lip as she thought of what to wear. She settled on a black dress that hugged every curve of her body with a pair of black stilletto high heels. After getting dressed she was looking at herself in the mirror . " Wow, this girl is sure to impressed" she giggled.
Pressing her full breast up with her hands so that just a little skin was showing. " No time to do a lot with all of this hair" She moved her hands up to the long dark hair and ran her fingers threw it until she had a pony tail in her right hand using her left hand to brush down the fly aways, twisting her long locks into a bun locking it in place with a gold and jeweled comb.
The assistant walked in and smiled " Your big meeting my Queen, Everything is ready" The assistant turned to walk away then stopped. "Pull some ringlets down" Ana looked back at herself and then placed her ruby ear rings in her ears. Her assistant was right by telling her to pull two small ringlets down one on each side of her face. Looking down at the time " I have to much to do still"
Grabbing up the briefcase and plans she had drawn up, she headed out the door when the phone rang haulting her . Fighting urge to answer it for a moment then shutting the door , in side the elevator . Her cell phone started buzzing but her hands where full." Grr Just call back later she yelled out" The bus boy jumped and glanced over his shoulder at her. when their eyes met she snapped her teeth at him and then smirked.
In the car she rubs the back of her neck with her left hand every part of her was tense. Pulling out some of the folders checking over every detail making sure that every thing was in order. Her casino would thrive and bring real history to a city that draw everyone in with the hopes of being rich. She called it Luxor , It was a way to bring ancient Egypt to this new world and a way to make her mark as a business woman.
Her cell phone rang out again , Ana looked around puzzled for a moment closing the folder in her hand then her briefcase up unzipping the front pocket pulling out her cell.
It was the museums curator, his English was broken and he was enraged. Ana listens to him babble . " Look Rico or Wasobie, what ever your name is you do realize who I am , If you don't then maybe I need to make a trip so that I can jolt your memory." Shifting her body forward as his words fell on death ears feeling a bit overwhelmed. "Look I want that sarcophagus on the next plane. In the mean time, find two replica's and find two vagrants to mummify." Flipping the phone shut when she saw the city lights.
The meeting room was in the back of Japanese bar, in the VIP section. Ana had ten models waiting on her in the dressing room, five females and five males.
She looked them over shaking her head "Oh for the love of Memnoch" Grabbing one of the females pulling her face to face "Open your mouth" She gasped pushing her back. "It's called a mint dear, get one and brush your damn teeth". Walking over to one of the male models running her nails across his chest " Not top of the list to me but you will have to do"
A soft voice called Ana, she never looked in that direction. She barked out "Get them dressed and no one better miss my que or I will have you beheaded" She went into the meeting room and started laughing. Placing everything down on the large round table stopping for a moment with her eyes closed so she could focus. Then she started placing folders in front of each seat and portfolios with her floor concepts and details on themes drawn out right down to the life size mural of Cleopatra. A chime sounded to let her know it was time.
The men entered the room with Ana standing at the head of the large table. The models dressed to match each one of her major themes stood around each side of the table waiting to help seat the group. Ana had thought of every thing including a full miniature display of Luxor in the center of the table. Each man had introduced himself to her. Some had come from around the world to meet with her. Each one high in power from Bill Kent with Microtech Software to Eike Bafista with of a major Mining oil company and of course her business partner Ben Frankberg.
"I have called you here to share my love for the old world. My home, Egypt but not today's Egypt and ancient Egypt. A time rich in history and wealth " Picking up her remote."This is Luxor'" with a click of a button the lights dimmed, casting shadows making the models costumes glow brilliantly.
A show of ancient Egypt bought to life in a casino. Her arms resting over her chest seeing all her work fall in place. When the meeting drew to the end. Ana was looking out the window at the city below letting the males chat . Ben walked over to her "We are ready love" A confident grin crossed her face as she walked back over to the table letting both of her hands rest on the edge. Her golden hues meeting everyone eyes.
"Well Boys can a Queen play in your major league?" Every head nodded as they each searched for a place sign. Inside she was doing flips, holding it together she helped them each sign the contracts.
Her cell phone vibrated and she picked it up seeing it was from home . She excused her self and went out side returning the call. A servant answered and became frantic as she told Ana about Amunet.
Ana stood there in a moment of silence with her eyes closed. She sighed deeply as the servant said two things that disturbed her. One, Cleopatra's sister had just come out of nowhere and they were heading to the Bermuda. Rage started to consume her body, trembling from head to toe. She was finding it hard to stay in control as she closed her phone and tucked it away.
Elevators to her right started to chime as the doors opened, she looked around trying not to lose control for it would cost her everything she had worked so hard for. Ana needed to feed and kill something just to put a handle on the things that were racing through her mind. She was relieved when a house keeper opened the door to the stair well, she dashed in knocking the female to the floor as she ran down the stairs as fast as she could clearing each level with ease until the fourth floor door flew open and a couple stepped out.
Ana stopped, Licking her lips as her fangs broke threw her gums and her manicured nails extended with her hues brighten into a radiating blue. Taking in the sweet scent that damned humans made enthralled her fully. The two argued all the way down to the first floor and out of the exit. Ana simply watched listening to his threats , Her left hand moved up and pulled the comb in her hair free, shaking it down as she glided slowly behind them.
Then it happened he pushed the female against the wall his hands around her throat he was growling and shaking until her face started to turn red. Moving up behind him letting her long fingers trail from his shoulders up to his hands. "Weakness Is A flaw you need a real woman" Ana pressed her cheek to his ear . "Your sick of her your sick of protecting her from herself" The male yelled out as Ana's taunting pushed him harder. The female was pulling at his hands as fear filled her face.
A loud crack stopped her from fighting him he had broken her larynx . The male pulled back his hands and fell to his knees. " Look you did not kill her" Ana laughed . The female was grasping at her neck trying to find air when she slid down the wall flopping around when the air did not come. Stepping out from behind him she moved over to the female crouching down over the female with her head tilted .
"Tisk Tisk stop fighting and die if you let him make you beg it is what you deserve" Redirecting her attention to the male who was still on his knees crying and ranting. "Aww look at you.. how many times did you beat her? Now you can find someone else" In a flash she was in his face glaring at him moving her left hand up to his jaw as if to comfort him
"It's your turn" she took hold of him by the throat and pulled him up to his feet. Her index finger grazed down his chest with her nail popping off each button to reveal his flesh beneath. "Mmm your ripped" purring as she looked him over " Her nails found the lower edge of his right breast, making an incision into his flesh and muscle.
Then hurling him back wards into the wall on the other side of the alley. "You bitch.. you stupid bitch" He covered his open wound in vain. Ana glance over her shoulder and then back at him. " Look your weak female is dead" The male tried to attack her but she moved to one side. Laughing when he fell down beside his dead female companion.
She covered her mouth "Aww Your not so tough now" bending down on him stretching his arms over his head so his wound would open even more " You are dirt to me.. males like you deserve what comes to them" Ana leaned in and took hold of him by the jaws with his lips near hers, a blue mist flowed from his mouth trailing into Ana's. His skin started to wrinkle and his breathes where laboring in to gasps with lungs in need of air. Breaking away when he was close to death "No you will not die that easy" releasing her grip on the man as she stood up. "what will I do with you tough guy" She walked over to a dumpster and shoved it back away from a large hole.
The chattering started almost instantly and then one after another rats poured out scampering over to the male, covering him entirely. Ana pulled herself together and moved back into the stair well finding her heels slipping them back on. This time she found an elevator and went back to the top floor to the meeting. Ben was the first to greet her,she smiled softly and took his hand "Forgive my rudeness enjoy your night, expense are on me but I have a family emgerancy that must be attended to" Grabbing only her purse and briefcase she made her exit from the meeting.
In the hall she pulled out her cell and flipped it open to call her assistant " I need you here to tie up the lose ends for me" closing her cell when she stepped into the elevator Flipping it back open glancing threw her contact list when a name jumped out at her "Geno" she hit the call button. Rolling her eyes as she listened to the lame music . "Leave a message " She huffed, "Geno as soon as you get this message get to Miami and gather every soldier you can find I need some back up"
Ana stepped out of the elevtor and saw police officers at the front desk talking to an older lady whom was crying and shaking terribly as she spoke of the crime scene in the alley way. "Oh my god he was older, at least seventy and the female was young. The rats ate out his eyes and tongue, covering him when I found them" Ana wasted no time when she got to her car and made another call to her pilot" get the jet ready to fly to Miami" Taking a deep breath, one more thing was on her mind.
She opened her bag and retrieved her laptop and hacked into the police data base, something she had learned from Geno. She put in Cleopatra's cell phone number and tried to trace it. Nothing was coming back, Ana reached her hand up to her head and rubbed her temples. Knowing the triangle was tricky if they drifted into the wrong spot. She closed the computer when she arrived at her jet. The pilot was already at her door opening it instantly and reporting to her. Assuring her that every thing was ready the 747 was fueled and he had taken the liberty of gathering some soldiers.
Ana nodded as she stepped from the car and moments later, onto the plane. Taking a seat she drifted in and out of sleep, her mind was drawing its own picture, keeping her from resting. The time passed fast and the landing gear woke her when it came down. Looking down at her seat belt seeing it was already fastened. "wow I did fall a sleep "
The jet came to a halt and the flight attendant came back over to Ana holding her things. Stretching each one of her arms out then up before she unbuckled herself "Lets get this party started" Ana made her exit and was met by soldiers who were loading gear on to the 747 . She was escorted into a small office where plans were being made for the trip finding herself once again on edge as she studied the plans. She kept an eye on her watch, hoping Geno would arrive soon.Genocide Post 22
The Call Of Genocide
In another time, another realm not known to man somewhere the entity known as Genocide still raged on within his own core fighting within wars that continued since the dawn of mankind was 1st born. After such a long period of time has surpassed, once again had Genocide rose from his tomb within another galaxy of time and space where no soul could ever reach as if exiled from Heaven and Hell yet the two kept watch over Genocide.
Called forth again to do what he loved most that was filled with blood and flesh, carnage with wars of mayhem that took countless lives feeding his lust and desire for more, thousands of armies banned together in an onslaught nearly wiped out the entire battleground until all was left was dust and wind stirring up. Bodies hacked limb from limb, blood spewing all over faces with screams of torture and pain only raged Genocide more.
Mounted with a vast of armory and weapons, his hands dripping with blood craving for carnage as he and his armies charged into battle taking hundreds of thousands of souls as their main prize. Wasting no time as Genocide slaughtered countless souls he lost count after the first 45,000 still he raged on as his powers continued to grow and quickly yet fueling his army as well.
"ONWARD ALL OF YOU MERCY IS FOR THE FUCKING WEAK, YOUR ENEMIES WANT YOU ALL DEAD, I WANT THEIR BLOOD TO BATHE IN. MOUNT THEIR HEADS ON OUR WALLS FOR FUCKING TROPHIES LEAVE NOT ONE ALIVE, GO NOW GO GO GOOOOO!!!", he shouted at the top of his lungs as his voice echoed through the air leaving his enemies trembling with fear and chaos turning on one another.
In the air all you could smell was flesh burning nearly charred from fires blazing across the ground, soldiers gasping for their very last breath dying beneath Genocides' feet. He trampled over his fallen enemies leaving not one alive delivering the final blow to the captured as his allies took turns decapitating and punishing the enemies, his lips curled licking the blood from his axe and broadsword.
Leaving the war with victory in their eyes, Genocide and his strong armies returned home cheering on his men yet a few were straggling behind. He only looked onward not showing an ounce of care nor sympathy even for his own as they died off one by one in the sands, Genocide continued back home to his tomb awaiting to be called forth again along with his soldiers turning to ash whisking away in the air into nothingness.
As Eons have passed, time continued to change as Genocide still slumbered in his tomb of his resting place undisturbed, until now it is of the Present Time. Un-alerted, Genocide was once again called forth to do one's bidding of destruction and carnage, but yet something wasn't quite the same, a portal had opened swallowing him whole through time and space, all of his memories of the past still intact as he was brought into a world of mankind. "ARRRGGGGHHHHH, WHAT IN THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED, WHERE IN THE FUCK AM I?!?!?", he shouted with anger in his eyes as they shined brightly.
Awakened in a city he was unaware of, Genocide somehow adapted quickly to such surroundings as his vast knowledge took in everything without need of help from anyone nor anything. Clothed in his ancient battle armor with his powers still strong as ever and growing by the second, Genocide took to the alleys of New York searching for refuge.
The city engulfed in such bright lights helped light Genocide's path to rest his head. As he entered such a luxurious hotel filled with beautiful surroundings not to mention an assortment of women, the men looked upon him with envy and hatred as if they were jealous one of one yet the women gazed upon him with lust in their eyes for such a domineering man as Genocide.
Walking up to the desk he reached into his pocket pulling out a small bag filled with riches of gemstones and gold to pay for his stay, the desk clerk was left speechless and yet greed was written all over his face even the guests all fought over the bag of riches nearly killing each other as it put a demonic smile on Genocide's face. "Whatever this place is, I think I'm going to like it and then some.
I'll have to gather my strength and bring forth my vast of armies if I'm going to lay claim over this realm, these MORTALS have no idea what it is in store for them!!!!", Genocide smirked and laughed. Pushing the elevator button he stepped through the door taking the elevator to the top and most expensive suite in the hotel. Amazed and yet satisfied, Genocide looked about his room admiring its accommodations fit for one with such exquisite taste even for an entity like himself.
Disrobing of his armor and weapons, Genocide walked into the bathroom turning on the jacuzzi tub as it boiled over fifty-thousand degrees just how he liked it. The boiling water soothed his skin as he was relaxed, but then images plagued his mind tormenting him from within as he shook violently shouting in the bathroom.
Trying to regain control over himself, memories from his past haunted him as they clashed with the present time he had awakened within. Finally calm, a sound from the living room caught his attention as he jumped out of the tub walking back into the living room, a phone was buzzing on the coffee table with a message that was urgent.
Not knowing who had left it there for him, but the timing was perfect as he listened to the message. A surprised look on his face only he knew what all of it meant to him could only cause him to smile as the message was from Queen Ankhesenamun, such a name with grace and power called for him and his presence with her.
With water still dripping off his mighty and muscled body, his thick dick semi-erect dangled down to his knee Genocide used his powers to conjure up his ancient armies of powerful warriors ready for battle, ready for blood. Genocide's General awaited with orders from their Commander & Chief, Genocide instructed they wait until further notice hidden somewhere close by in the city of New York.
Walking back into the bathroom finishing up, Genocide crept into the bedroom opening the closet door unveiling a wide assortment of attire. Adapting to this new world and realm, Genocide robed himself with the finest tailor-made suits with snake-skin shoes and Egyptian-silk coat to keep his body warm.
Suitcases filled with intel that was delivered at his door from an unknown source, he picked up the folders tossing in a briefcase along with his other luggage filled with weapons and armor, one must never leave home without them.
Genocide and his crew all dressed to fit in with the crowds of mankind, he called the airport booking for a one way flight to Miami. Arrangements were already made ahead of time as a butler waving a sign with Genocide's name written to get his attention.
Jonathan Briswald was his name as he bowed to Genocide with respect, "Good evening sir Genocide as requested from her Majesty Queen Ankhesenamun I am here to escort you to meet with her in Miami, Florida we shall be there within 6 hours tops sir", Jonathan quoted as he took the bags loading within the private jet.
His soldiers were all a board the plane riding coach sharpening their weapons making the other passengers weary and full of fear. As the hours passed and Genocide was found looking out the window as they flew through the clouds, he thought to himself of his memories of Queen Ankhesenamun and Queen Cleopatra how he wished to turn back time to how things once were, yet know is a new day and he kept his mind focused on the mission at hand.
The temperature in the air had changed and so did Genocide as he disrobed on the jet with lighter clothing, still sharp as ever he was clothed with Egyptian silk buttoned shirt exposing his rippling pectorals with fine jewelry that would make a geode crystal green with hatred.
Finally as the jet touched the ground arriving in Miami, there were women screaming for Genocide's arrival, busty buxom women bouncing about, asses jiggling like gelatin molds appealed to his eyes with his lips curled from temptation. Jonathan loaded the luggage into the awaiting limousine filled with those gorgeous ladies craving for Genocide.
Playing along with the party, Genocide had his way with the women inside filling their souls with lust and sexual desires fulfilling their appetites. Sex was in the air as the seats were coated in cum and juices from the women ejaculating from such powerful orgasms like they have never had.
Thoroughly cleansed before arriving at the airport, Genocide stepped out looking ever so dapper from head to toe as he watched his soldiers arrived behind him with their luggage of weapons/armor/equipment ready for anything.
Finally in the lobby with his chauffeur/butler Jonathan bringing in his luggage, Genocide looked about his surroundings loving the sights Miami had to offer, moving further ahead from a far he could spot such beauty that only one could possess.
Genocide walked with such strength and suave appeal towards Queen Ankhesenamun showing respect as he reached for her hand placing a kiss upon her sweet skin, "Greetings my Queen Ankhesenamun, such a pleasure to see you once again, its been so long. I came as quickly as possible along with my army of 150 my choosing, we await for your further instructions", Genocide spoke with a focused look upon his face.
Fatema Post 23
They futilely shot at the giant beetle army that ripped through the soldiers as if they were paper dolls. Blood curdling cries of surprise and anguish filled the air, but the group ran toward the temple without slowing down to try to help them. The thick stench of blood and death surrounded the group to push them to run faster toward safety. Fatema felt the ground shake beneath her feet from the massive swarm of creatures bearing down on her family.
A rumbling noise caught their attention, a giant wave of water, hundreds of feet tall, moving toward them. Clear on it's surface was a watery face, it's large mouth open and swirling like a whirlpool ready to suck them in, bulging eyes looking intently upon them so it could follow their path. Fatema stared at the strange being, but quickly turned her attention back to running for the temple with the beetles seeming close on her heels. She almost could feel their breath on her neck, sending chills down her spine.
Faster they ran for the temple, barring the great doors just in time to hear the wall of water slam into it and screams from the creatures who didn't make it inside. The wooden doors creaked and groaned under the assault, but luckily they held for the time being. Every once in a while, a scream could be heard from a creature as it was slammed up against the temple with another assaulting wave. Since it seemed the doors would eventually collapse, they began to look for a safer place to be.
Fatema dropped her bag at her feet, turning her attention to the idol in her hand. It was an annoyance to carry, but she didn't want to lose it if she was separated from her pack, so she stuffed it securely into her pocket. Although she didn't know it's meaning, she felt it was very important to her and her family. Her attention was snapped back to the situation at hand when the group began to follow Cleopatra.
The queen lead them to a dark tunnel, but quickly stopped just inside the mouth. The abrupt edge could barely be seen in the low light, but rocks could be heard falling far down below them in the dark pit. Behind them the waves still crashed against the temple, shaking the structure with it's force. They had to get further inside for safety, so they decided to venture down into the dark cavern.
Ropes were secured at the top and dropped down for the women to descend. Fatema tossed her bag over the edge before climbing carefully down the side of the dark pit with the aid of the rope. Her feet sent loose rocks tumbling to the bottom each time she stepped backward along the rock edge. It was pitch black until lightsticks were broken and tossed onto the floor to illuminate the chamber. Writing that Fatema recognized as old Egyptian covered the walls, her mouth falling open in surprise to see a statue that looked like Cleopatra's sister.
She picked up her bag and began to move closer to the statue, looking accusingly at the strange sister and back to the statue. Fatema didn't understand, but an eerie chill ran down her spine. Before she could get very close, Cleopatra yelled that they had to move quickly and Fatema noticed water running down the walls. The group ran for another tunnel just as a loud boom sounded and water began filling the room.
The next room had pictures of a strange man with a crocodile head and a woman at his side. Cleopatra was saying that they were in a trap, but she was suddenly stopped when the floor opened up and sucked her into itself. Fatema noticed Arsinoe back away, so she moved her body so that the woman was not behind her. 'What is going on,' she thought to herself, but was quickly pulled out of her thoughts by a tremor under her feet. She screamed in surprise when she felt the rest of the floor give way from under her feet so that they all fell downward.
Since the heavy bag was in her hand, it foraged a path for her body to follow in her descent. She saw a blur of green and heard surprised squawks and howls around her, something hard hitting her arms and legs now and then. She landed with a thud in some dense ferns and other vegetation, laying still for a moment to get over the shock and collect her bearings while her body ebbed in pain. The jungle was alive with screaming monkeys and birds whose peace they had just interrupted with their falling through the trees.
She sat up, holding her head that felt dizzy, to look herself over, noticing large papercut slices on her skin from the leaves. There were also purpling spots that were bruises forming from where she had hit branches on her way down. Moans and cursing were heard all around her, so she stood up carefully to see Sam, Tam, Raz, Arsinoe, Makilah, Terra, Amon, Nightwolf and the soldiers and wolves all pulling themselves from the jungle floor too. She didn't see Cleopatra among the group anywhere, her hand shading the sun from her eyes as she scanned over the area looking for her.
Fatema began to brush the dirt from her pants when she noticed a weird light in her pocket. Reaching her hand into it, she pulled out the idol that was radiating an eerie glow. Then to her surprise, the statue moved in her hand to point to the east. Fatema almost dropped it in her shock, but instead looked up in the eastern direction and then back to the statuary. "Look at this!" she yelled to the group, showing them the odd occurrence, "It seems to want us to go that way," she pointed toward east.
They collected their things and began to move the way she had pointed, until something caught her eye. "Wait!" Fatema yelled, bending over to pick up a piece of cloth. Recognizing it as a piece ripped off Cleopatra's clothing, they knew they were on the right track. Fatema pulled one of her weapons out of her bag, watching carefully for anything hostile to come out of the jungle at them. The sounds of monkeys chattering and exotic birds echoed all around them.
Suddenly a hole opened up directly in front of them, a portal, from which the man with the crocodile head that they had seen in the temple rode through on a chariot with two of the bug creatures pulling it. "What the fuck..." Fatema murmured, shooting a quick glaring stare in Arsinoe's direction, then back to the god. Upon his head was a sort of crown with a sphere and what looked like horns. One hand held the Ankh that was common among Egyptians, and the other held some kind of staff.
Right behind him an army of creatures with crocodile heads poured out of the portal, shooting spears and arrows from bows at the group. Fatema dropped her bag and began to shoot back with her weapon, but their bodies were armored to protect them. An arrow whizzed close by her head from one of the bows, hitting a soldier behind her square in the heart. "Fuck..." she cursed, watching the man fall with a frozen look of shock on his face as his shirt turned a crimson red.
Soldiers, wolves and the travelers all shot back at the attackers with their firearms. Fatema noticed Arsinoe shooting arrows at the army of Sobek, but they seemed to bounce off of their thick armored skin. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a couple of grenades, pulling the pins and tossing them into the thick of the attacking soldiers before covering her ears. A loud boom sounded when they went off, the crocodile creatures in it's proximity flying into the air and landing in a bloody mangled mass. Fatema grinned slyly at the shocked look on Arsinoe's face.
The soldiers Cleopatra had commissioned tried to protect them by placing themselves in front of the group. Someone passed around boxes of armor piercing shells which were capable of boring through the creatures' thick skins, thus keeping them back far enough to be unable to hit many of the group with their primitive weapons. Fatema glared at Arsinoe whom she always kept in her sight, watching her feeble attempts with the bow. "What have you done," she hissed at the sister of Cleopatra.
Movement behind Arsinoe caught the corner of Fatema's eye, making her glance up to see what it was. A huge wave poured from the clouds to settle on the ground, forming a wall made of fast moving water. Looking toward them was the face of a man, his eyes narrowed and nostrils flared in anger. The lips were curled back in a silent roar, white capped teeth extending below them.
A shadow in her peripheral vision caused her to turn her head to look toward the river valley where more water shot up like a geyser, bearing the face of a woman. The sprays of the geyser collected to form the shapely image of a female who wore a crown on her head and held a staff in her hand. Fatema gasped in surprise, staring a moment at one then the other before collecting herself with a shake of her head. "What next," she muttered, scanning the horizon for safety.
Off in the distance she saw mountains, the dark openings of caves showing in contrast to the snow covered peaks. They were trapped with Sobek's army in front of them, the water formed woman and angry wall behind them. Reaching into her pack, she quickly grabbed two more grenades, pulled the pins and tossed them into opposite ends of the attacking crocodile creatures. "Run for those mountain caves!" she screamed above the noise of the moving water and the shots from the firearms.
Without thinking to much about it, she reached out and grabbed a hold of Arsinoe's arm just as the grenades exploded. Even though the creatures were wiser this time and tried to get away from the detonation, a few were injured by the blasts. But Fatema's purpose for throwing them was to cause a moment of diversion to allow the group to begin running for the mountains. Fatema pulled Arsinoe along with her until the woman caught on and ran with the rest.
The creatures quickly followed them, along with the water woman and wall. Fatema continued tossing grenades behind them to slow the attackers down enough to let the group get to safety. Sobek had a look of irritation in his eyes, frustrated with having to chase them in his chariot. The soldiers tried to shoot at the army behind them, but everyone ran as fast as they could toward the mountain.
Amunet Post 24
The afternoon had been wiled away with her little brother. RJ was growing fast and she knew it would be no time until he came to full potential. Being the children of a spawn, demons weren't small long. Pranks and play was a special time for those two. The afternoon had ended with RJ in the deep bathtub with a puppy. The young canine had started out strong, but within a couple hours time expired his last breath. RJ was rough and enjoyed himself no matter if anything lived or died.
The animal had been removed and Amunet finished cleaning him up. The excitement was now over and RJ's eyes got the heavy lidded look of needing rest. She got him dressed in his night pants and put him to bed. A soft song and he soon was breathing hard. A kiss to his forehead and tuck to his sheets, Amunet left his room with the small strobe night light on.
Upon entering her own room, her bed linens had been turned down. It was a normal ritual for her to have this done. She passed the two young maids, paying them no heed and went to relieve herself. Once done, she washed her hands, brushed out her hair and removed her clothing. A light shift she pulled over her head, it barely concealed her body's features it was so fine.
The night was warm and she took a seat on the side of her bed. The young maids had finally got the thick rug rolled and was lifting it. Amunet took up the glass of wine and drank it down without thought. Grabbing her hair from behind her neck, she pulled the mass to lay over her shoulder. Without hesitation, she slipped under the cool sheets and relaxed in the bed. She had felt tired when coming in after the play with RJ and her eyes closed in welcome of slumber.
What happened in those moments after she entered the drugged sleep she had no clue. But upon awakening, a foulness surrounded her, cold and wet but holding her firmly down. It was dark with only a flicker of light revealing how dark things were. The inside of her head had a dull ache. Her mouth was bound well and she couldn't speak.The child of Queen Cleopatra and Razakel Morningstar struggled, immensely angered at being unable to move.
The air was foul with death and filth. Finally her struggling ceased and she began trying other things she could do without moving. None came to work. She couldn't transport herself out. She couldn't reach out with her mind to her father. Those powers had been nulled. A whimper escaped her, knowing she was in big trouble now. Where was the Royal Guard? Where was her parents? Where in the fuck was she?! And why?! Her eyes searched around, trying to see where the pale light was coming from. Whatever it was stayed hidden.
Quiet she became, still as if dead. Her ears listened intently. Her natural abilities would not be stopped. Maybe her demon ones was, but things that she had otherwise would be useful. Sounds came in the silence upon the scent laden air. The slight hiss of a flame. A rat, maybe two, whose nails scraped on stone as they scurried along. And another sound. Almost like breathing in the dark that wasn't hers.
She was being watched. That angered her. They had been there and knew she had come too and did nothing. Who or whatever it was better hope to whatever they believed in that she didn't get loose! Amunet closed her eyes, saving her energy by meditating. Time would come. It always did. And when it did, hell would be welcoming a new member for its own pleasure.
Terra Post 25
The horror of the gigantic insect rampage that rushed the air crash scene had her men shouting shrieks and cries. When they came in first contact with these hideous beast It caught her crew off guard. Some of her men were ripped to shreds from limb to limb right before Terra eyes. It was no longer about Strategy it was about running to safety just to survive. "Gather what you can "she yells in a furious panic to her remaining men and women looking around at her lost, briefly. Terra realized she had ever seat filled to help Queen Cleopatra with a full plane.
Terra was running as the huge insects was on top of their asses, she was like a hellcat hunched down low, firing everything she got in her hands Only slowing down those monsters on slaughter to her squad. Fury in her eyes as she and her squad catapulted ahead on to a plateau with the others just barely having the doors closed behind them as waves of water crashed against the wooden door, that lead inside the majestic temple.
""Where are we Terra"? Sarra asked as they looked up at the statutes entering the building.
The screeches from outside wailed against the door as the blast of water was loud slamming the monstrous creatures against the entrance. The doorway appeared to about to cave in with the pressure behind it bulging up at the seams. Terra looked around at all before she speaks, I do not know she responds but keep your eye and ears open." Terra responds "I do not need anymore surprises like the last one’.
Following Cleo and the others everyone took a rope and went down into the pit. It was a long way down and difficult to get bearings from it being so dark. Sarra digs in her bag once she hit the bottom and cracked open some light sticks. It was still difficult to see but as the others hopped off the pit wall letting go the rope, more light sticks was being lighted.. Sarra kana laid some light sticks down after taking some more out her bag and gave them to the others providing some more light in the pitch darkness.
Once Terra got to the bottom ,Sarra Kana mouth dropped open in awe as Terra stepped up to her" what is it "she asks? Looking in the direction of Sarra and Fatema, Terra scrunch her face at the Egyptian writing and profiles of a man with an crocodile head with a crown on top of it.. It portrayed him to be a god with a beautiful woman standing alongside him looking similar to Arsinoe or Cleopatra this was all foreign to her and confusing, What did it all mean, she could not make it all out because a few yards away Cleo was talking and she could not see or hear what was going on exactly. She had better catch up with them to find out, what was really going on .Terra walks towards Cleopatra and the group quickly.
Terra catches up to the group and joins in listening to Cleopatra, briefly getting distracted from what was being said. Cleopatra suddenly yells it’s a trap, A gush of fluid and rushing water sounds is in the distance being heard coming towards them fast in the distance. Tons of water was released on the group everyone started running in one direction trying to get away from it and Terra follows behind to hauling ass. Their escape was inevitable no one knew where they were going in this unknown temple. Then a huge trap door flies open underneath their feet. "Oh fuck, what now," Terra screams Terra slides down into the fall and she could hear screams and chatter of falling echoes from the others below her.
Sounds of her nails are heard as she scraps them trying to grasp on to something along the smooth stoned walls. She then kicks her legs and arms out as she straight free falls down to the bottom and then boom right into a bright light out into the Jungle. Terra hits the ground on top of some high grass with a hard thud. The gravity of her back pack pulled her down but broke her fall somehow. "Ow that bitch hurts" she complains rubbing her sore head
The animals scatter from around them, screeching monkeys and angry birds and whistling of disturbed trees was noises that surrounded them unsettled by the crashes of the group falling into the jungle. A dazed Terra had fallen on her side and bumped her head on the ground.. She just laid there until she got her breath, back. Looking up into the sky, she realizes she is in the jungle with a mass of trees surrounding her. She gathers enough energy and air to get up. "Is everyone alright, she asked nudging makhilil with her elbow hard." Raising her voice, for her to get up, Terra checks everyone from after the fall.
Terra then, brushes herself off. Terra was amazed she still had her back pack along with her crew. Yet, were was the rest of them, Where was Cleopatra , where was Amunet? Were they still alive after this ordeal? Terra holds her head; boy she was going to have a painful headache from this one. Owww she complains frowning, rubbing the back of her head giving herself a minute to gather her bearings.
After everyone came to, Fatema statue starts to glow, this was an odd occurrence, it appeared to give them a direction it wanted them to go. It wants us to go east she says. Alright gather your things, let’s go east, lets follow Fateema. Sarra Kana walked ahead clearing a path with her machete and after walking along a good distance, Fatema finds a piece cloth torn, she states it was Cleopatra’s.
Terra goes up to her and snatches it out of her hand. ‘’Gimme that" she says taking it out of her hand. She lifts it to her nose and, she sniffs it. The fabric smells of the sweet fragrance of Cleo’s she always wore. Yes, it’s Cleopatra’s; we are on the right track. Fateema was now on guard, looking around as something spooked her. The jungle was alive with animal chattering as if startled from the strangers being in their domain.
Every one was coming back together, Nyghtwolfe and her wolf pack; the soldiers that came with them, that also fell through trap doors into the jungle and now were rejoining the group. Everyone was now regrouping. The size of the group regaining its accumulation, they gathered together to tag on, along. When unexpectedly a rip in the space opened up as a huge dark hole appeared. It was a portal opened wide right before their eyes. Reverberations of a roaring chariot extend beyond two bugged eyed creatures that appear pulling a chariot filled with. Sobek and Arsinoe alongside each other and an a massive army of crocodile headed creatures that outnumbered them followed..
The wolves stopped and growled. The soldiers armed themselves. Terra and her squad got in gear, Terra quickly looks in her back pack takingout to baby uzi’s the ammo they carried was shell piercing bullets. The army was a at least twenty feet away but that did not stop their attack. The shot at them , with spears and arrows. Nyghtwolfe called her wolves to attack, fearless soldiers, dived on the ground avoiding on coming spears and unleashing a barrage of bullets as a new battle began. This was incredible but what the hell was Arsinoe doing with that Sobek , something outlaw was unraveling about this whole kidnapping thing with Amunet.
The bullets the soldiers had was not working they bounced right off those crocodile hides, Sarra kana and Giselle , Carried the ammo, They had extra to pass out the armored tip bullets to everyone. Loud blasts from the grenades going off to keep their attackers at bay were blowing up those crocodile headed creatures. This was an all out battle, Terra could not see Arsionoe but watching Fateema knowing she peeped something going down from her disdain look on her face. Whether Arsinoe was helping Sobek it was still unclear. The wolves and soldiers was gaining momentum but there was so many of them still coming out the portal.
An now Fateema was looking at something else developing, a form of water growing in height. "What in the hell is that? Terra asked, we going to be trapped if we don’t move now, Terra explains as the massive water wall was gaining force and growing tall a face is formed of a woman. "Oh , shit everybody run towards those mountains, Fateema shouted and kept throwing her grenades Giselle had smoke bombs and canisters to aid her in her efforts. As she told all to run towards the mountains.
Heavy panting, arms pumping, knees lifting and legs flying as everyone sprinted fast towards the mountains. They all looked like Track stars running for their lives as they were trying to escape Sobek monstrous army. Terra family and her hit squad were still in the loop. Most of Cleopatra’s army was cut down to size as the brave fearless soliders did kamikaze attempts to protect the royal family blocking the way of the approaching army. Following Fatema instruction all in the entourage hauled ass, running for cover towards the cave.
Sarra Kana had whipped out her machete and was cutting down vines and tall grass out of their way in the jungle, slicing a path for the group to keep moving up an uncharted trail. Fateema and Giselle bomb throwing did help camouflage them briefly with blazing fire and black smoke.
Terra squad was running and shooting, at the same time . All involved i was Sarra Kana, Giselle Z. and Tanya Jones that bore a strange resemblance to her sister Sin. When they were all at a good distance, Terra stopped her squad; they locked and re loaded the armor piecing ammo in their semi automatic weapons shoved in their pockets extra clips. They broke the line as the others continued in their escape. Terra squad provided machine gun cover piecing through those tough armored skins. The crocodile armor was mowed down by the vicious assault on the four woman hit squad. If you ever saw a roach being squashed you would turn your head. White fluid splattered legs and antennas slashed off from the on coming barge of bullets.
The wall of water was directly behind Sobek army but it appeared to be helping them, It devoured up the army that was in the way of its angry path. Then over rode them and formed a barrier between the squad and the army. When upon seeing this Terra nods her head to the side "Come on girls let’s get outta of here and rejoin the group". Lets head for the mountains, catching up with the group. She tells them in her authorized tone. We have to find Cleopatra, pounding her fist in her hand, Where are you, she says thinking out loud.
Ankhesenamun Post 26
Her eyes drifted over the numbers marking the concordance and the two red x's the solder had made on the outstretched map as he explained the times of each entry . "The triangle is tricky I will need two planes one for us and one with filled with supplies , weapons, survival gear , whatever you can put on that plane that will get me to my wife " The soldier standing in front of her moved into action . Ana was still puzzled about a few things the connection between Ana and Cleo was less than a heartbeat. Normally she could feel everything, rage even the erotic but now it was as if Cleo was fading.
When the lobby door opened she never moved her eyes away from the map knowing who was making his way to her.Shaking her head before she turns placing one of her hands on the table and the other firmly on her hip."Well well look what I have here" She inhaled and rolled her eyes. "Someone forgot to wash their pussy off" She smirks as Geno takes her hand and kisses it. Not many males would have made that move and lived to tell about it. "I hope you and the boys are ready for this"
"Walk with me Geno, we don't have much time." Ana folded the map tucked it under her arm.They went into the triangle so this is going to be a one way trip" Ana stopped and grabbed a clip broad from one of the soldiers looking over the list. Her eyes glide down checking the cargo. " Okay look private I don't have time when I say weapons one crate is not going to help are you new at this" She smashed the clip broad into his chest. "Find your officer and tell him the Queen is in danger I need you fucking mortals to get your shit right" Ana hurried to the plane watching the last of the soldiers load.
The mortals all jumped into seats strapping themselves in but Ana was not going to rest not yet.Her eyes looked at Geno in a moment of weakness dread filled her gaze.Growling to cover her weakness she went to the back placing the map on a crate that was tied down.Even in take off Ana and the crowd around her stood still never losing balance. "I know that Raz went in after Cleo did so I assume we are going into a blood bath." ~Pause~ "The marks are the last contact with each plane, Here it is , Amunet was kidnapped , Cleopatra's sister just came back after being gone and lets just say , Losing your head will make someone ready for revenge and the prize a kingdom. I know it is a plan to much bad history for this to be coincident."
Falling into silence for a moment her eyes not moving she could feel her insides boiling again. In a moment of primal rage Ana grabed Geno's jacket. Her face blank with no hint of remorse as her hues flashed a brilliant blue, she could feel his power and all she wanted to do was suck him dry. "Get me to my wife and daughter if it takes everyone of your boys lives, even your own" gritting her teeth .Pushing him back she braced herself once again Geno and his soldiers were like no other but it was rage that was pushing her. She would let them all die to save her family.Glimpsing to him then away she smashed her fist into the crate then walked away from the crowd,squatting in the corner collecting herself.
Each move they made would have to count anymore time lost would be that much closer to the abyss if she lost her mate that's where she would go and only one hand could send her. The plane shuttered and Ana stood up walking to the small window . "Turbulence" leaving Geno to his plans she went to the front of the large craft and rested against the doorway. Listing to the chatter across the radio waves the pilots talking back and forth their fear was so strong it had its own nasty scent.
The night was creeping along in gulping the light, what seemed like minute was hours.They were about to enter the triangle when the darkness took the sun a burst of bright green flashed in the sky. Ana's caught it as did the captain, waves unseen to mortal eyes rippled through the air crashing into large craft. The gauges started spinning, alarms howling out. The oxygen mask engaged dropping down to the soldiers locked into place. Instantly it was day time again ana's brows crinkled as she looked ahead.
The co pilot was in a panic as he flipped switches frantically,shocked at his loss of control . Ana turned his chair around and snatched him out slinging him to the floor . Sliding into his place she had never flown before but she knew panic would wreck them before they made it all the way in.With a firm grip on the wheel Ana mocked the captain she could fill the plane vibrating , A loud whistle was closing in . " Mayday Mayday we have no power both engines are gone." It was the second craft.
The worst of the shock wave hit them, Ana looked to the west seeing a small island but no wrecked planes .The co pilot started talking crazy witch frustrated her more. "Tell that dumb fuck to ride that big bitch down we need the supplies , someone come get this fool" Somehow the engines were still workingThe second plane rushed past them black smoke pouring out both sides."We are to close to that plane" Ana yelled out just as a piece of metal flew threw the air into their port side. Piercing the wall ripping apart several soldiers before falling free of the craft.
Screams filled the air blood spraying the remaining soldiers striking fear in them. The pressure was lost and they was going down the metal fragment had damages their wing when it came free.. "Damn"Ana pulled back hard on her wheel trying to keep it study. When the second plane hit the ground sending earth , smoke , water into the air. "Get as close as you can land on the fucker if we have to"Ana glanced down she was not strapped it. With one hand she pulled her belt over her clicking it into place.
Just as the nose of the plane dropped. The engines seized ,but she remained calm as did the captain. He barked at her "pull those nose up or we are dead" the plane was fighting them all the way , her muscles tense as she fought the wheel at the last moment they pulled the nose up the landing gear locked but they hit massive rock forms cutting the underbelly throwing them into a spin.The plane stopped abruptly still gripping her wheel they had smashed into the other plane.
Her eyes moved side to side attempting to take in the damage in the cockpit. The copilot was missing and the captain was doing the same as she was when they turned to each other Ana laughed out then unbuckled herself letting the wheel fall back . She touched her face and exhaled, but the captain returned his gaze ahead . Ana followed his eyes to the broken trees and bodies , both of soldiers and large bugs.
"What the fuck?"the polite gasped."The triangle" Ana whispered then moved from her seat going into the back looking over the damage Geno and his boys were still around but half the mortals were dead. Body parts strode everywhere.
The panic on the faces of the remaining soldiers irritated Ana "That was mild, we are in the triangle for most this will be one way and no body parts to send home to your family" Her head tilted to a male that had his eyes closed and a cross in his hand. Ana leaned in watching his lips move "That's right pray to that def god in your book he made all of this" She unbuckled him and pulled him to the hole in the side of the plane" I hope you bedded your wife before you left"
"Get your asses moving if by chance you think that the fun is over" She walked to the crate and started unstrapping it " You're in for a ride" She looked for a crow bar but found none grabbing the edge of the crate pushing it up until the nails broke freeing the top she shoved it off and looked inside."Hey holy roller , get these boys armed and ready". Ana pulled out one of the Ak47's and locked a clip in.
Ana wasted no time after making sure the coast was clear she jumped out of the hole and moved over to the second craft. Some how the tail was ripped off leaving the gear scattered the pilot along with the few soldiers that were on the plane were dead.Once again she went to the crates breaking free each one of the tops. She could hear footsteps rushing toward her . Pulling her gun up at the opening she stood behind a crate waiting, One of the soldiers ran in still covered in blood and a goofy smile on his face.
Dropping her gun back to her side she reached in and pulled out another gun and one of the bags that was full of clips."Okay happy boy gather up as much of the food , first aid kit what ever you will need, make sure the others do the same"
Ana walked off the plane and out into the ravaged land the ground was muddy and water still rushing in streams. Something had cut a path through the land killing everything leaving mingles bodies everywhere. She pulled her gun up and traveled forward seeing one of the bugs twitching . It was not as big as some but she did not want it alive.
It was no threat but still trying to move pulling her blade free of her belt she closed in watching its eyes rolled around looking at her its when it screamed out Ana thrusted the blade down into the head killing it. Wrinkling her nose when she drew her blade back that was covered in green slime. Wiping it on the dead soldiers body that laid close by. Finding a large boulder to crawl on top of. She saw the water stream still flowing into an opening but it was covered in corpses closing it off.They had their work cut out for them, Ana pulled her gun up and check everything out threw her scope waiting for everyone to catch up with her.
Genocide Post 27
"Hey hey hey now I was given those 'gifts' while racing to get here in time, besides I got hungry along the way", he chuckled and smirked looking back towards Ankhesenamun with a smile on his face. "Not many males are very clean as I love to be nor show the proper respect to a Queen", Genocide grinned and smirked at Ankhesenamun. As the two marched their way onto the planes loaded with their necessary cargo, Genocide ordered his special task soldiers to prep the rest and to buckle up for their trip.
Loving the sound of command and charge from Ankhesenamun not always able to see this side of her being so forceful, but to no avail the others were just mere mortals who were pawns in this mission at hand. As the planes were set to take off, Genocide stood on foot still as they jolted their way in air, the sounds of the low-class soldiers and crew were all panicking not knowing of what was in store for them.
Aboard each plane were necessary equipment along with parcels of food and water, but of course the Queen Ankhesenamun and General Genocide were acquainted with the luxurious tastes in delicacies. Their minds were set on one goal in mind willing to do whatever was needed even if it meant every soul to be sacrificed. This kind of action only fueled Genocide's hunger awaiting to claim souls to give him the power to vanquish all that would stand in their path. Making a plate for the two, Genocide looked to Ankhesenamun with deep concern knowing her mind and heart is weary wanting her family back in her arms now. As he approached her he calmly placed a hand upon her shoulder, but she clenched upon his jacket.
Their powers so strong as their auras emitting from their bodies performed such a spectacular light-show. "My Queen I live for this stuff, do not worry yourself at all for I guarantee we WILL get them back safe and sound, no scratches what so ever on their bodies you will see", he spoke softly trying to re-assure her. "My men have been trained under the most cruel, vile, grotesque, gut-wrenching, tormenting trials of hard work because of me, hey're more than prepared to give their lives at any cost for you and I".
Watching her in frustration, Genocide walked over to console her never leaving her side for he needed her to stay focused and ready for whatever came their way for the trip was drawing near. "Queen Ankhesenamun, I vow to you, you will see them again, you will have your family back in one piece, I SWEAR IT!!!", he shouted with a thunderous voice of strength and compassion. As he stood to his feet, Genocide brushed her beautiful raven-black hair from her face wiping the tear from her eye. Ankhesenamun left from his side while Genocide went back to his plans of strategy to prepare for a fight, without warning a loud commotion was broadcasting about the plane.
Such a thunderous storm had clashed with both planes spinning them into panic, but Ankhesenamun and Genocide have been through worse with those nerves of steel taking action. Looking out the window was the Sun cloaked in darkness, Genocide turned to see Ankhesenamun in the cock-pit of the plane with the pilot and co-pilot."HEY JUST WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON UP THERE?!?! WE GOT OURSELVES A SHIT-STORM OUT THERE TRYING TO FLIP US INSIDE OUT DAMN IT!!!!", he shouted.
Sirens were blazing, crew members were scared breathing heavily into their oxygen masks hanging above their heads. In a fit of rage Genocide commanded each of his men to attend to the cargo, keep the panicked soldiers in line and configure the planes' engine to make sure they were still intact and with fuel & power. As focused as one could be, Genocide made his way up to the nose of the plane with Ankhesenamun to offer any assistance needed since the co-pilot was in no shape nor focus to take control. Gripping his shoulders flinging the body out of the cock-pit Genocide sat next to Ankhesenamun as she gave instructions to help steer the plane back in order.
"WHAT'S IT LOOKING LIKE BACK THERE GOT DAMN IT?!?! KEEP THOSE FUCKS QUIET OR TOSS THEIR ASSES OUT OF THE PLANE IF THEY WON'T BE OF ANY HELP!!!", Genocide shouted over the roaring sirens going off. Looking out the right side of the plane they could see debris of the 2nd plane as if it were coming apart torn by the storm outside. The screaming sounds of soldiers falling to their deaths as Genocide watched their souls flee from the bodies large pieces from the plane crashed into theirs tearing large gaps into the body, with a quick haste and command Genocide ordered all in the back to remove the debris and patch up the tears and holes in the plane before more cargo was lost.
Watching every move Ankhesenamun made taking control of the plane, Genocide followed suit pulling back on the wheel with such force and power to guide themselves down on land hoping the impact would not be severe as others were afraid of. "EVERYONE BACK THERE FUCKING BRACE YOURSELVES WE'RE COMING IN FOR A HARD GOT DAMN LANDING!!!", Genocide shouted as the plane spun in turmoil from impact of a massive rock cutting the underbelly.
Despite the damage was great having smashed into the other plane, mostly all were mobile with minor injuries still able to move forward. Breathing slow Genocide turned to Ankhesenamun as her muscles tightened from such a shocking experience his hands gripped hers from the wheel to calm her nerves. "Ana its okay now, we made it we're okay and its because of you and your quick thinking too", he spoke softly. "SOLDIERS make a count of the cargo, the rest of you salvage all the food and water along with weapons and equipment you can find this mission is far from over there's still a lot more dangers ahead.
If there are any pussified, scared, whimpy-ass bitches here drop to your knees before me so we can get rid of dead weight RIGHT NOW!!!", Genocide spoke with such determination not willing to make another step with weaklings in their party. As Genocide's men took most of the cargo off the plane onto a near by beach he saw Ankhesenamun wanting to open one of the crates yet she had no tool to get it opened. With such strength and force Genocide smashed the crate with his bare fist pulling the planks apart reaching in to grab the necessary tools fit for this trip.
"EVERYONE SUIT UP NOW", Genocide shouted to his soldiers and the others as both parties from the 2 planes were all packed and ready, but little did they know what they were getting themselves into for this would probably be the last time they would see their faces. After he removed all of his attire strapping up custom daggers, 2 twin sidearms along with a suitcase carrying the almighty .50 Barret Caliber Sniper Rifle and when all else fails Genocide's faithful war axe which has tasted blood for ages. Handing the rest of the weaponry and equipment to his soldiers who were masters in their own gifted techniques, Genocide stood alongside Ankhesenamun who was dressed to kill anxious to get the party started right now.
Fascinated by her methods of execution killing off creatures of the forbidden around them that would block their path, Genocide followed along moving the debris of death around them hacking and dismembering everything in sight so there was nothing left to stand in their way. As they reached the top of a mountain overlooking this new land they had set their sights on the destination at hand.
Ahead of them were large nests which were inhabited by the unknown and yet in the distance were screeching sounds of something horrible just awaiting for the crew to be devoured and dismembered. As they made down a treacherous path of jagged rocks and streams that lead to a large forest filled with those nests they saw from upon the rocks, fully alerted Ankhesenamun and Genocide knew they were walking into an ambush as huge winged creatures with 6 legs, large eyes and grotesque faces screeching loud calling to more for an all out attack. "AMBUSH, ITS A GOT DAMN AMBUSH EVERYONE ATTACK!!!",
Genocide shouted as his elite soldiers took point rushing head on with their swords and axe drawn from the sheath. Conserving their ammo for much needed purposes in case they were outnumbered, everyone began dodging and hacking away the mammoth insects' large hard shelled armor which protected their soft skin. Genocide stood beside Queen Ankhesenamun protecting her at all times yet she too was in on the action killing anything and anyone that stood in her way.
Two of Genocide's elite were blind-sided as their bodies melted before their very own eyes from the attack of the large bugs spewing a lava-like acid towards them. Wasting no time feeling the carnage and rage overwhelming inside his body, Genocide charged head on leaping out of the way from the onslaught of attacks racing up the insect's backs using his sword to plunge deep into their eyes leaving them blind and non-alerted. Striking the final blow to the last standing creature he used his axe to split the bug's head in half with brain matter green bile and black blood spraying all over the tree bark and ground. "Is everyone alright?
Soldiers take a count of everyone still alive and able to push on, the rest we cannot help at this point, MOVE OUT", he shouted wiping his face off from the blood of the insect he had executed then walked over to Ankhesenamun to lead onward. Ahead was an entrance like a tunnel leading inside a large temple, the team marched on wasting no time as time was against them at this point. Sensing more danger was ahead of them, traps surrounded them all as more men fell to their deaths caught in such deadly traps which burned their flesh to the bone, pierced every part of their bodies and or shattered and crushed the bones in multiple places.
"ANKHESENAMUN WATCH OUT!!!!", Genocide shouted as she stepped upon another trap causing them to fall and tumble all the way outside to another jungle of the Amazonian.
"GOT DAMN THAT'S SOME WILD SHIT THEY HAD IN THERE, ANA ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!?!", Genocide helped her from the ground dusting off filth and debris from her face and clothing and yet ahead of them they could hear more danger already taking place with loud explosions and bullets blazing rapidly, "Shit I think we're close by something is going on up ahead and the voices sounds very fucking familiar too!!!". Ahead of them were these large grotesque battle armored and scaly reptilians standing on their hind legs. Genocide grinned with his sword and axe steady in his hands ready for another blood-spewing limb-dismembering battle.
His remaining elite soldiers sprung a surprise attack taking out most of the reptiles while the mere mortals shook in fear using a desperation attack throwing grenades and yet the explosion caused some damage to their thick hides exposing the pink flesh of the crocodiles. Rushing head on once again, Genocide disemboweled the remaining reptilians leaping one after other slicing through their armor and scaly-skin as they screamed in blood-gushing pain. With only one remained it had to been the leader known as Sobek.
The Nameless One Post 28
The harmonizing chants filled the air of the old drafty castle. Words which were spoken right before dawn and right before dusk. These were the words to invoke the Master in whom no one really knew nor did they no where the origins of the powerful one had come from. All they knew was that, this had been the life for centuries on in.
~You who dwell beyond light and darkness. You who are the madness that consumes the minds of the blind. You who are both the absence and the fullness of all. ~
We invoke you!
~We invoke you, O Nameless One! You who engender the wordless thoughts of the illuminating flames of the Black Light. You who whisper the Alogos of truth in the silent vacuum between death and life.~
We invoke you!
~O you whose dreams are the cause of all life and whose awakening is all life’s end. We call upon you! You whose hunger devours the aeons and whose thirst extinguishes the fire of all suns. Awaken now and let the slumbering flame of your unborn spirit ascend! Stir up your thoughtless light and let it shine through the guardians of your mysteries! Traverse the eleven angled path leading to and from your kingdom! Bring forth the purifying flames of the acausal and burn to ash all false forms That have usurped your divine and formless truth!~
We invoke you!
~Let the storm of your just wrath become the avenging swords of your children. Banish and destroy all the deceptions of the fallen world of matter! Liberate the transcendent essence that is kept imprisoned within the profane forms of creation. And raise your black fires within those that have heard the voiceless call!~
~O you who are the Alpha of their Omega. You who are beyond both the beginning and the end. Let now the hidden fires that we carry within us blaze up and incinerate all the causal shackles, So that we may rise up from the ashes cleansed, liberated and deathless.~
We invoke you!
The clinging sounds of pots and pans beyond the kitchen door grew louder and louder. Zen hated the chants "Yada, Yada, Yada" he said mockingly to the words. He'd become tired of hearing the same words, just as he was tired of preparing the same meal each night. It was Zen's job to cook for the Master, although he never really seen the Master actually eat anything, but this time it was a little different because the Master had company. A young beautiful girl unlike any other seen in this world. She had become a fixation amongst the creatures of the darkness. They constantly flew about the castle in hopes to catch a glimpse of her whispered beauty.
Zen was little in stature and not as hideous as the other creatures that existed. This was the only life he'd known and only wise tales of how the Master had found him as an infant and spared his life... he should forever be grateful and in depth of such charity. So, like always he'd do his duties night after night but something had changed in Zen. Perhaps it was because this meal was not for the Master but for the beautiful young woman he'd come to enjoy seeing.
Zen held the tray tight in his little hands while he limped pass the guardians of the gates. The overtowering 50ft tall wooden doors were cracked open on it's rusty metal hinges. Zen nodded his head at the guards and proceeded to pass through. He, being most careful as he took to the stairs leading to the dungeons below. Over the years the walls and floors had become covered in a thick paste like slime from the creatures of the night.
He never looked up at them as they hung from the ceiling. Zen knew they were there from the thick saliva that dripped from the monstrous mouths. That very saliva that coated everything in a gooey slick mucus. Making sounds of a dripping facet splattering into a bowl of water. Zen had become accustom to his surrounding and for him this was the norm.
Finally he'd reached the level in which the young girl was kept. Hidden and locked away from the rest of the Forbidden Realm was the Master's prized possession. Zen took the tray of food and slid it beneath a small opening of the iron bars. "Dinner is served me lovely one" finger tip tapping against his lip as he stared at the young woman.
Zen moved over to the chair and table provided by the caged section of the room. He reached in his waist and pulled out an old tattered book. The leather flaps were worn, crinkled and the binders were now being held together by old dried pieces of human flesh. "You will be the way to the promised land, me lovely" he snorted behind each annoying little laugh. Glancing over towards the prisoned style section of the room, to see if she was enjoying the meal.
"That is the Master's favorite dish. Not sure if it ever gets eaten but that is what's on the menu" He flipped the worn leather cover open to reveal the first page of the book which was made from old dried out human skin. The words were enscribed with human blood.
"The King without the Matronit is not called king. The King who adhered to the slave woman, to the handmaid of the Matronit, where is his honor? He lost the Matronit and attached Himself to the place which is called slave woman. This slave woman was destined to rule over the Holy Land of below, as the Matronit formerly ruled over it. But the Holy One, blessed be He, will ultimately bring back the Matronit to her place as before. And then, what will be the rejoicing? Say, the rejoicing of the King and the rejoicing of the Matronit. The rejoicing of the King because He will return to her and separate from the slave woman, and the rejoicing of the Matronit, because she will return to couple with the King."
"I know you are wondering what does all of this has to do with you me lady" he snorted. Zen's fingers brushed over the passage he read in the book before he glanced up. "Your mother was Cleopatra, the great female Pharaoh" He closed the book and sat it aside. He leaned back in the chair with his left leg folded across the right. "I don't need to read the book to tell you about your mother. I know her history by heart for it was taught to us all a many times over" he snorted.
"A 14yr old Nubian Queen... Someone had to teach her.. Someone had to show her the womanly ways me lady. An angel who'd come down in the form of a beautiful Egyptian Goddess. Whispered the words of seduction into her ears and she took that knowledge and bed her father Ptolemy and became queen. Ceasar and Marc.. so many others like your father" he laughed for once. "Razakel, is that what she said. That he was your father?" he stood to his feet and limped over to the cage.
Zen's hands pressed against the slime coated bars. He moved in closer as he looked at her with glaring eyes, "You have no father me lady. The night you were conceived was a night of the Algol. The Ras al-Ghul, Rosh ha Satan.. The night when the owl screeches and find a place for itself and settle. The night when Naamah summoned Cleopatra to the her temple, she was accompanied by the man believed to be your father. That night she offered herself to him in honor of Naamah for all that she had done for her through out her mortal and immortal life time."
The smile on his face was one of sheer pleasure. It was one of his favorite stories to tell, "Naamah devoured Razakel's sperm long before the semen reached her egg to fertilize it. You are unique and one of a kind me lady for your mother and your father is Naamah and we will harvest your powers to enter the new world and we will see things that this place does not have." Zen was in glee as he spun around the room. "Oh yes me lady. Life unlike ever before. No more darkness and decay. The Master has waited a very long time for your birth and on the eve of the Algol we shall rise up and every beast in this forsaken realm shall enter the world of the living!!"
The Escape 29
The war was in full throttle with Acheron moving in like a massive tidalwave. Sobek's men were caught off guard with the arrival of Genocide and Ankhesenamun. Naamah scanned in on Arsinoe but it was not the time to deal with the bitch. She had to get everyone out of the Libyrinth before it was destroyed.
She looked to her right on the horizon and seen the sky had open and the other rivers had begun to empty into the land "RUN!!" she yelled to them "Get to the other end of the cave there is an opening" She picked the lifeless body of Zula up and carried her through the cave. Upon reaching the open end there was nothing but a 200ft drop into the ocean.
Naamah handed the body of the Amazon over to one of the soldiers, "Guard her with your life" she went back to the other end of the cave. Her burning eyes fixated on the Goddess Styx "Bitch this is not over. You've fucked with the wrong bitch" The rivers were merging into another massive Tsunami. Damn you Memnoch, you sure know hot to make a bitch work" They were coming in the direction of where she stood.
The entire army of Sobek was drowning and the destructive waves were crashing upon the mountains. Shaking everything like a 10 magnitude earthquake, unlike anything ever seen before. The mountain shook and the cave began to crumble with giant boulders "Grrrr" she growled. Without a moment's thought she quickly began to run back to the other side yelling "Jump... All of you jump!!"The Truth Post 29The small gleam of light shun through the small opening of the window.
It was dark and murky with only the sounds of tapping or better words a dripping faucet filling the room. Amunet had tried countless of times to reach the small window to look out of it but it was of no use in trying. What ever this place was seemed to be coated in this fluid. It was thick, slimmy and covering just about everything in the dark room. The smell was unconceivable but most of all it was the loud noises that filled the air.
It almost sounded as if giant bats were flapping their wings and screeching but she wasn't exactly sure. The only person or thing she'd laid eyes upon was Zen. The tiny little creature who brought her, her meals. Food she wouldn't dare eat or wish on her worst enemy. Amunet would toss the tray aside and sooner then later the rodents would feast upon it. Her mind drifting back and forth to a time with Tamuel. She sure could use some of his homemade cooking right about now or even a hot meal from her mother's palace.
Her mind was immdiately brought back as she heard the large metal doors crack open. She crawled towards the iron gates in which held her secured in the room. Her hands gripping tight around the bars as she looked at the tiny figure coming forward. He sat the tray down next to the small opening but she ignored it and kept her eyes on him as he sat down in the chair like always but this time the look in his eyes were a bit different. "You have no idea on what you're doing. When my mother finds out that you've kidnapped me she will come looking for me"
She mustered the strenght and stood to her feet. Wobbly and unbalanced, she held on tight to the bars. Amunet had never felt such a thing before, no powers or abilities to fight. What was this place and how was this possible. She cocked her head to the right, listening to him speak. The words he spoke she'd heard them before but then came the words that would change her life forever. "What?" she muttered. Putting her face closer to the bars. "He's not my father? Ha ha" she laughed. She really didn't give a fuck who her father was. The words brought a huge ring of laughter. "I don't give.."
Amunet's words were cut short just as sharp as the words he spoke. Cutting her ears like a knife. "Naamah? Wait, Naamah is my mother. This is some form trickery, a joke right? Okay I get it now mother, gramps? somebody this joke is no longer funny. I want to go home" she shouted and began to pull on the bars "LET ME OUT!! THIS ISN'T FUCKING FUNNY" she backed away. "No. My mother would have told me this. She would have known some..." her words cut short again. A sharp pain extending from her neck to her tail bone.
Amunet fell to the floor with visions flooding her mind as if someone had turned on a TV and began to show her things unlike ever before. It played in her mind like a slow motion reel. Everything from her mother's family the Ptolemies coming into power to the moment her mother met Naamah. She'd seen it all flash in her mind as well as the constellations of the stars. Her mother was born on the night of the Algol and visited by Naamah. She seen the markings on her mother's right thigh. Bearing the Marques of Naamah "Ughhh" the pain was unbearable.
She felt the carvings being etched into her back like someone slicing through her flesh with a sharp dagger. Amunet squirmed across the floor with her fingernails digging into the stone. Her nails bending back and breaking off. Never had she ever felt such pain "Mother.. help me!" was the only words she could muster up from her lips as the visions continued to roll through her mind. She laid witness to things that had come to past from her mother's birth to her own. Naamah devouring her so called father's sperm and taking her place inside of her womb to lay her own seed.
From the present she witness the great battle of Sobek and her mother on her journey to save her and visions of events yet to come of the rise of the things she heard late at night. Their faces was unlike anything she'd ever seen before. They were no longer contained as they entered into the earthly realm she called home and devouring everything in sight. The visual trance was broken upon hearing the voice of someone in the room with her and Zen. Her translucent hues focused on the figure standing at the door. "Who are you?"
Temple Of Eiseth Post 30
The world was not prepared for what was yet to come. Two days remained before the coming of the eclipse. Kal had reached the end of the road and would have to travel the rest of the way on foot. He had to reach the temple before the eclipse, just as the Queen had ordered him too. Kal was hungry and on his last bottle of water but none of that mattered at the moment. He banged his head against the steering wheel before opening up the driver door of the jeep.
He gathered his things and placed what he could in side of the leather satchel. A swig of water to quench his thirst and the rest would be rationed as he hiked through the harsh landscape of the Iranian desert. The old temple ruins were hidden away in the ancient city of Babylon or Babel. He kept his head lowered to shield himself from the cutting sand that was blowing within the high winds. Kal chanted his everlasting prayer to his Queen to ward of any night spirits that may have attacked him along the dangerous journey.
Just like Israel, Babel was of great importance for him. He'd served as a dedicated priest for most of his life. Surely this was a testament of his faith that would pay off greatly in the end. It was a little after 7pm when he sat out on foot and now it was a quarter past 3am by the time he'd reached the old ruins. He was hungry, tired and thristy. He sat down on one of the large stones against the wall. Taking his bottle from his satchel, he drinked until there was nothing left.
After he'd quenched his thrist, Kal stood up upon his worn and blistered feet. He limped towards the entrance of the temple. Taking his flashlight from his satchel and proceeded inside. The eerie sounds coming from within the dark and cold desolate place sent a chill down his spine. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he moved forward, only stopping ever so often to look at the map of the infostructure. As if he was being guided by some unseen force, Kal moved quickly within the temple. Bypassing giant pillars marked with ancient carving upon them. Then finally he'd reached his destination.
"Hineni..Hineni!!" he called out as he laid eyes upon the giant statue which towered over the alter. "Hineni" Here I am, he said over and over. Kal took a piece of chalk from his satchel and began to draw a circle around him. He wrote the prayers of temple while reciting them then another circle within the large circle. " I awaken thee on this night to lay witness and hold account for the Queen's actions. It is the time of Elohim" he reached one last time into the sack. Taking out a small vial and book, he began to recite the words.
"And the Serpent, the Woman of Harlotry, incited and seduced Eve through the husks of Light which in itself is holiness. And the Serpent seduced Holy Eve, and enough said for him who understands. An all this ruination came about because Adam the first man coupled with Eve while she was in her menstrual impurity — this is the filth and the impure seed of the Serpent who mounted Eve before Adam mounted her.
Behold, here it is before you: because of the sins of Adam the first man all the things mentioned came into being. For Evil Lamashtu, when she saw the greatness of his corruption, became strong in her husks, and came to Adam against his will, and became hot from him and bore him many demons and spirits and Lilin. And Eve bore him Cain who slayed his brother Abel and the Great Mother drinked Abel's blood and here is the blood of Abel"
Kal flipped the top of the vial with his thumb and poured the crimson liquid from the bottle in front of him. "I offer you the ancient blood. The holy blood of Elohim's pride. Daughter of the Great Mother who was casted from the garden before sin. Eiseth Zeninum, the Queen, I summon you from your quarters in the Western zone of the underworld.... Rise!!"
Arsinoe's Revenge Post 31
The floor slowly crumbled away from the edges of where Cleo had fallen through, the circle widening, pulling everyone downward. Arsinoe screamed when she felt it sink around her feet, dropping her into the dark abyss. Her body hit hard against something as she fell, loud shrieks and rustles blaring in her ears. "Watch over your child, Horus'" she pleaded, Horus ironically being the god of protection and of the sky.
Her fall ended abruptly with a solid thud. Arsinoe laid still a moment, trying to determine if she had entered the realm of Duat once again. Moans and groans sounded all around her, the agitated shrieks continuing from above her. Slowly she opened her eyes, lifting her head to spit dirt from her mouth.
Painstakingly, she rolled onto her back, wincing with pain that shot through her body. Her head rang with an annoying buzz accompanied by the squawks of angered monkeys and birds. Lifting her hand to her shoulder, she rubbed a sore lump that was beginning to bruise, bruises and blood spotting her caramel skin. Blood oozed from the gashes on her body, cuts and darkening splotches prominent on her skin.
She looked upward into the expansive tree top canopy that they had fallen through, angered monkeys and birds jumping from branch to branch. Each breath she took was slow, her ribs bruised and sore from hitting tree limbs on her way down. Carefully, she sat up, holding her sides and grunting in pain. Her fingers rubbed her temples to try to ease the throbbing pain in her head.
Groans and moans sounded all around her from the others also laying in the thick plant life. She stood up gingerly, seeing the others doing the same. But no where did she see her sister, Cleopatra, among them. Her bow laid close by, searching through the foliage she found that most of her arrows were salvageable. The knife was still inside of her tunic, luckily it hadn't stabbed her when she fell.
Fatema held a statue in her hand, saying that it wanted them to travel east. Arsinoe peered over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of the strange object that had moved to point. Her brow wrinkled in curious wonder of where it had come from. On their way through the dense vegetation, Fatema held up a piece of ripped cloth. "Cleopatra," Arsinoe whispered, knowing it meant she had been there.
The group walked on, pesky insects buzzing around them. "Ouch!" Arsinoe spat, slapping her hand hard onto a bug biting her arm. She then walked right into a soldier that stopped in front of her, "What are you doing?" she yelled at him. Walking around him, she swat him on the arm, her eyes then noticing what he had.
Directly in front of the group was Sobek, his soldiers positioned between himself and the group. Arsinoe dropped to one knee, pulling an arrow from her scabbard to shoot at them. Harmlessly the arrow bounced off of their thick skin, landing on the ground at their feet and making them seem even more invincible. In no time she discarded her bow and arrows, frustrated with their lack of usefulness.
A soldier beside her was hit square in the heart with an arrow, his body falling to the ground in death. Arsinoe dropped to her knees at the man's side, her hand against his chest. "Unburden your heart before Anubis so Maat will deem it's weight worthy of Duat," she whispered, closing the man's eyes.
The metal balls Fatema threw intrigued her, her wide eyes watching the woman throw them at the enemy just before they exploded into a mass of blood and gore. One of them fell from her pack, rolling toward Arsinoe who knelt down to pick it up, her fingers stroking the strange smooth round ball that felt cold to her touch before tucking it into her tunic with her knife. The family of her sister had powerful weapons which would make them more difficult to conquer.
Rising back to stand by Fatema, her eyes caught the glare of Sobek staring straight into her. Even as a god of military prowess, he seemed as lost as her in the battle with such strange weapons. His soldiers stood in front of him to shield him, those having fallen being quickly replaced by new ones. His mouth seemed to curve into a smile, making a chill run down Arsinoe's spine.
When she looked back over at Fatema, the woman was looking off into the distance behind her. Arsinoe turned to see a huge wave of water moving toward them, an angry face clear upon it's surface. Beyond his watery teeth, a whirlpool swirled, threatening to suck victims to a watery grave in the pit of his belly. On the other side of them was a woman formed from water wearing a crown, both moving quickly toward them.
Acheron and Styx pursued the group, sending raging rivers of water after them which slammed into one another with such force, huge plumes of water spraying upward toward the dark skies before splashing down to mix on the land before them. Acheron bellowed with thunderous rage, his angered eyes watching for victims as they scrambled for safety. The more angry he became, the faster the water rushed along the valley bed. Styx held her staff high, the angry waters swirling in pools at her feet.
Fatema had pointed out the caves in the mountain, grabbing onto Arsinoe as they began to run for the shelter. Sobek's army chased them, the angry waters closing in behind. The group reached the mountain foothills, climbing up the narrow, rocky paths to the caves above. Sobek, only moments behind them, was just a little to late to make it to the perilous pathway up the mountainside.
Monstrous waves rolled closer to the mountains, crashing down with such force onto the army of Sobek. Arsinoe watched with disgust, assuming that her plans for revenge have been destroyed with the death of the god of military prowess. The least he could have done is kill the family of Cleopatra who searched for her daughter, Amunet, along with helping her destroy her sister. The screams of his army rose over the furiously roaring water that slammed against the mountain side so forcefully that it shook.
The waves jolted the mountain so hard that huge pieces of the cave ceiling fell each time the combined rivers crashed against it. Arsinoe watched Naamah try to find safety for the group, wondering how she would deal with the new obstacle in her path to revenge. They tried to escape through the back of the cave, but it ended at a 200 foot cliff over the ocean. The vicious waves continued to torment the mountain, making the cave unsafe for them any longer.
Arsinoe sat in a corner of the cave, scanning over the group and trying to come up with an alternate plan. Very large rocks fell all around her, one suddenly almost crashing on her foot had she not moved it just in time. "Curse you, Sobek," she hissed low under her breath, looking up just as Naamah ran back yelling at them all to jump.
She watched them jump over the ledge one by one, waiting until each had gone. Finally it was just Razakel, Naamah and herself left on the edge of the cliff. She picked up the large rock that almost landed on her foot, silently moving behind Raz while he waited for the person who jumped before him to swim out of the way. Lifting the rock above her head, she forcefully brought it down onto his head, smashing it onto his skull. It made a sick thudding noise, his body instantly going limp from being knocked out.
Before Naamah came upon them, Arsinoe pushed Razakel's body over the edge. The cave suddenly stopped shaking and Raz's body stopped in midair, Arsinoe looking around in wonder. The voice of the one commanding her all along spoke out, "Arsinoe," he began. She found herself looking into the hooded shadowy face of her master, the one whom had made it possible for her to escape her afterlife. His red eyes mesmerized her, only the voice and eyes catching her attention.
Instantly she fell to her knees, her head bowed before him. "Yes, Master," she spoke, wondering why he had shown himself here. The bracelet on her arm caught her attention, reminding her of the day she had finally escaped the land of the dead. Yet she had no idea who her master was, even though she looked upon him, she knew not his name or motive.
He held out his hand with a small sack to her, "Blow this dust into the face of Naamah before she jumps off the edge," he commanded. Her trembling fingers took the bag, a small smile on her lips. "The one you think is your sister is really a pawn of Naamah, she is possessed by the demoness," he continued. Arsinoe looked up at him with surprise on her features, "So how will I get my revenge?" she asked.
No answer came, he faded into nothingness just as the mountain began to shake once again from the water crashing against it. Arsinoe poured some of the contents of the bag into her hand, wondering what it would do. Naamah moved toward the edge, seeing Arsinoe standing there. "You better jump, bitch, or you will die right here," she snapped, looking over the edge to see if it was clear below.
"I don't think so," Arsinoe replied, tapping Naamah's shoulder so that she would turn toward her. Her hand lifted the moment Naamah's questioning face glared at her with annoyance, Arsinoe's lips pursing to blow the dust at her. "I have plans of my own," Arsinoe whispered, curious to see what would happen. She had no idea what she had done except to follow the commands of the one who had given her another chance at life.