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The Kingdom Of Valefor: Updates, Weddings, Stories, And More

Recent Wedding. Emperor Orias and Emperor Azrael Valefor


Upcoming Wedding- Emperor's Vassago and Asmodeus will be marrying Pharaoh Sakkara Purgatori.

Upcoming Alliances-

The Kingdom of Valefor is currently in talks with Dageus MacKeltar and is in talks of an alliance with his upcoming group Bloodhaven.


We are happy to announce Emperor Orias and Empress Jesalyn Valefor are expecting baby number 5! While thanks to a curse from a fertility goddess Empress Nephthys is carrying the love child of Emperor Vassago and the King of Angels Nicaea!


Highlighted Storylines!

Storyline 1-

A sacrifice and a rebirth. Ryders Journey R/R KOV & TROPK(Collab story)

Bloody Tides-Ryder’s Post “Anyway, it doesn't matter how much, how often, or how closely you keep an eye on things because you can't control it. Sometimes things and people just go. Just like that.” Ryder Valefor scoffed at the quote and instead of simply turning the page she ripped it our of the book she had been reading and burnt it to ash. Lately something had been wrong in her home, her father Vassago had been experiencing his bouts of madness more frequently and more then not they happened when Ryder was out collecting souls or even sleeping still and it bothered her greatly. Ryder had found her other half and was content with her life, she had two wonderful fathers, a mother, and their kingdom was ever growing bringing more and more happiness to their world, but still there was a large gaping hole. It festered and pulsed like a wound and the recent return of her grandfather had only added maggots to the infection. Growling Ryder threw the book across the room, it flamed and burnt to ashes falling to the ground, “Looks like daddy will have to get me a new copy…” she muttered angrily grabbing the family history books. Flipping through the pages she grumbled and sighed not knowing how to solve the issue that pushed at her mind. Setting the book down she reached over and looked through a spell book she had come across while researching for her loves wing. Looking through it she was soon immersed in the words, her eyes flew over page after page as she started to form a highly dangerous idea, one that could change the sweet princess for life. Putting the book down she flamed to Eli’s room, she laid on his bed for a moment and just inhaled his smell, somehow his smell gave her the strength she needed to do what needed to be done that night. Kissing the pillow she had brought to replace the ones she destroyed Ryder left the room and flamed to her daddies bedroom standing outside the door she left a note like before. Daddy, Your pain and suffering will soon end, I swear it. Love-Princess. Taping the note to the door Ryder made her way to the dungeons and grab a slave by his hair, growling as he cried and whimpered Ryder dragged him to a empty cell and threw him against the wall, hearing his skull crack she watched his body fall to the ground whimpering. Ryder rolled her eyes “And this is why you’re a slave” she muttered shutting the door and flamed back to her room, walking over to the glass tank she had brought in earlier and she pulled out a large cobra. Stroking the snakes scales she returned to the cell and walked over to the slave, she watched as the snake looked at her for a moment before biting into the slaves neck and tearing at the skin. Ryder held the reptile while he worked and hummed quietly, his screams soon stopped as the snake tore out his vocal cords and slithered inside the gaping hole and into his body. Once Ryder could see him slithering around in the stomach she dipped her fingers into the blood and began drawing symbols on the wall behind the body. She could feel the venom entering her system but her fire burned it off quickly as she wrote. Stepping back she looked over her work tapping her lips leaving bloody prints on her pert lips, nodding she giggled “Perfect!” Making sure she had the room sealed up from anything escaping she began muttering quickly. There were perks of living in a family of demons which meant a house full of spell books, taking out a slender knife she made thirteen cuts up and down her arms, watching as the blood was sucked straight to the wall splattering and crawling towards the body. As the blood reached the body it convulsed and the snake shot out and bit it’s own tail and started spinning, creating a dark portal to which Ryder smiled “Well here goes nothing..” she said before stepping through and out of her families realm and into the realm of the Blood Goddess. Realm of the Blood Goddess-Sakkara’s Post The blood goddess sat on upon her chair made of the bones of her enemies underneath the gaze of a dragon's skull attached to the floor in front of her sexy long legs. The vast hall of purgatory fell silent as, the blood goddess and all of darkling’s creation, took a seat beside her throne. Fifty feet below the dais upon which her throne rested, ten thousand women knelt in a giant stone basin. They shifted nervously, shooting excited glances at each other. Each one of them was stunningly beautiful; that was the criteria of allowance for their participation in this ceremony. Of course, all the women in the Empire are beautiful, compared to those who lived before the blood goddess reign began. However, some would always be more beautiful than others, and these women were the crème of the crop. Apart from that, they were a diverse bunch from all over her Empire. Small, slim eastern beauties knelt beside curvaceous, dark skinned dessert dwellers. Tall blonde babes mingled with the fiery red haired seductresses from the western plains. Even a few of the tall, muscular women from the jungles of the far south had made the long journey to the blood goddess realm capital for Ascension Day.My High Priestess, strode from beside my throne to the front of the dais, swaying her hips along the way for my benefit. She was clad in the pink robe of a priestess, with a sizable hole cut in the front to display the cleavage of her truly momentous bust. A belt of woven silver girded her waist, tightening her robes to accentuate the generous curves of her hips and ass. She raised her arms and began to speak to the congregated women below."Welcome, women! Welcome, my fellow bitches, concubine and ladies in waiting! We gather here on this day to celebrate the 1254th anniversary of our Magnificent Pharaoh, our Glorious dark Gods and goddess, our blood goddess who is the Source of All That Is power dark and evil. In our femininity, we glorify her. With our beauty, we please her. With our bodies, we serve her. As I am sure you all know, today you shall all receive Her Glorious and All-Impregnating Seed soon by her husbands, which is normally reserved for members of the Three Harems." An excited buzz picked up, as the women below were unable to contain their enthusiasm. The High Priestess held up her arms and shouted, "Silence!" and the hall quieted once again. "We should all be duly grateful for this opportunity to serve as conduits for our God's power, and indeed for any opportunity at all to worship our blood goddess Divine Masculinity of her husbands. However, is important, my fellow women, to remember your place. We are mere bitches, concubine, and ladies in waiting. Bow before your blood Goddess!” As they, all would bow down to her all of a sudden young beautiful women walked out from the middle of the crowed room. She was stunning and the blood goddess eyes focused onto her only, as she notices that it was “Well, well what do we have her? I am deeply honored, glorious beauty has graced my party” The blood goddess grins wide. Tricking a Pharaoh-Ryder’s Post Ryder seemed to have arrived in the middle of some celebration, there were bodies all over in various acts of sexual and deviant behavior, it made the young princess slightly blush as the most she had seen of these acts were through cracks in doors and books. Ignoring what was going around her she made her way to the throne room where the others were bowing to the Blood Goddess, Ryder knelt momentarily in respect but rose crossing her arms “I am here to request access to the Vault. There is something there that wasn’t meant to be there and I am here to retrieve it. I know there is a price to pay and I will pay whatever the cost” she said. Moving past the bodies Ryder made her way up the dais, past the high priestess and knelt again at the feet of the goddess. Her wings would sprout from her back and spread wide on either side of her “Take your payment and grant me access to the Vault goddess and I will leave your realm” she said in a low voice. Ryder had an idea about what Sakkara would request as payment but at this point Ryder was willing to pay anything. The Price-Sakkara’s Post The blood goddess stuttered, eyes wide. And she had reason to be amazed at this young being coming out from her own realm into hers asking for the imposable request that most would never attempted for such thing. However, the blood goddess can never turn down a deal, and this was one she would never turn down. She has had billions who would give up anything to her she would declined them in a instant thousand of year many would offer her things that was not worthy of her time. The number of women who was gathered around watched this unfold before them was in awe by what was being discussed. The blood goddess leans up with ease and slowly stood up to her feet taken slow steps down to that young beautiful being she replied “ What I want is you’re soul actually you’re innocents would do nicely my beauty” She watched her wings spout open and placed both hands on each side and brutally rips them apart from her back. But wasn’t as easy as she thought, so she materializing a jagged dagger then cut in deeply ripping her wings out from her back tossing them along the side of her chair. Then kissed and licked the dagger clean of her blood “ Ahhhhh indeed you are worthy of this and so give me what I want to for full this deal” It was a mark not only of her desire to go along with this request, but also a respect. The young beauty had earned that respect. Tricking a Pharaoh pt.2-Ryders post She felt it, every nerve ending, ever tendon screamed in agony as her wings were ripped from her back. Her mouth opened and she let out an ear piercing scream before falling to the ground, breathing hard and crying red tears. Her breathing was rough as she lay on the ground, her back bleeding freely as her body refused to cover the now useless joints, her dragon raging inside of her at the loss of her beautiful wings but Ryder’s demon simply chuckled as she formed a plan. Staggering to her feet she shuddered as she felt a new wave of pain wash over her body, looking up at the goddess she nodded. Ryder knew that for what she wanted she would have to pay more then physical pain. Closing her eyes she captured a small part of her core, a part of her innocence and pushed it out. Cupping her shaking hands she gave the goddess the shinning ball of light, Ryder felt the emptiness inside of her and it killed her but she had to do this. With the price paid Ryder turned away from the goddess and staggered away, blood dripping behind her staining her dress and her skin. Looking over to the high priestess she growled, her eyes pitch black “Take me to the Vault…” The woman nodded and led the way silently. Reaching the Vault Ryder was left alone, only those who had been given permission could enter and so with only her standing there the door opened and Ryder walked into the cold, dark expanse. All around her she heard them, souls who had been captured and taken by the goddess, they begged and pleaded with Ryder to save them but she ignored them all as she searched for the reason she had paid the price for. Closing her eyes she sensed out the one who carried the same song as her own until she found it. The piece was small and Ryder knew she would have to give more before the night was over. Reaching behind her she gathered some of her blood in her hands and whispered as it formed an orb in her hands, whispering to the soul piece she coaxed it to her and into the blood holding it close to her body. Walking back out of the Vault she returned to the throne room with a smirk on her lips as she stayed near the door. “Sakkara! I thank you for your help but there is something you should know” once she had the goddess’s attention Ryder broke the seal on her demon and two large bat wings shot out of her back with a cry from her lips, the ends were tipped in talons and blood “I have two sets” she says with a laugh before opening the portal again and returning to her realm. Awakening and Reconstruction Once she was back in the cell she had left Ryder fell to the ground panting. She had lost a lot of blood and a part of her soul and it took a toll on the young hybrid but she had something to finish. Pushing off the floor she clutched the blood orb to her chest and staggered through the house, sticking to the shadows as she made her way to the family tombs. Shaking her head at the irony of it all, her grandfather, the man who had caused all this had been the one to teach her how to control her powers better, she might just have to thank the bag of bones later after the reunion. Entering the tombs she made sure to seal the door behind her, the next step was highly delicate and she couldn’t be disturbed. Her wings folded back into her body making her wince, they were still sensitive, something she would have to keep secret because people in her family liked messing with each other and she hated to think what they would do if they knew. She made her way past the tombs until she came to the one she was looking for. Constance Valefor. Holding the orb with one hand and pushing off the marble with the other Ryder frowned, she had a hunch her grandmother would need a small facelift after all these years but she hadn’t realized how much. Inside the tomb all that remade was an faceless body. No facial features or identifying markings at all showed the once beautiful woman who was her grandmother. Whispering the orb floated next to her head as Ryder got down to work. Using the reconstruction spells she had learned from long nights of reading Ryder was able to quickly reconstruct the beauty that was Constance Valefor, her compassion and love evident even in her lifeless body. After hours of working and making sure she was once again perfect Ryder pulled down the orb and cracked it above Constance’s parted lips watching as the soul slipped into the body. Leaning back against the wall she took a deep breath for a minute, the soul would be confused for a minute but in time she would remember everything. Moving back to the tomb Ryder leaned over her grandmothers body and breathed into her body, filling her with not only the breathe of life but a black fire. The fire would grow within the soul and would become as pure as Constance had been in her previous life. Coughing from the strain Ryder lit the torches in the tomb as she walked back to the door swinging it open with a triumphant smile on her lips before screaming so everyone in the realm could hear as Constance moved within the tomb and stood behind Ryder blinking at the light. “Ladies and Gentlemen of the Valefor Kingdom! I present to you the reborn Constance Valefor!” The End….?

Storyline 2- Story of a Wing.

150 years earlier….

The golden egg sat in the flames which burned white hot surrounded by a magical protection circle. Outside the circle stood two males, their hands entwined as they watched with anticipation as the egg began to shake. A single crack appeared and tiny fingers appeared between the crack and began pulling at the shell until only the bottom remained and a small female sat looking around her before settling on the two males. Her eyes flared a golden red before settling on a pure green a smile crossing her lips as her arms reached up towards the males, fingers grasping at the air as she let out a tiny shriek, demanding to be picked up. Getting tired of waiting she crawled towards them, the golden bottom of the shell sticking to her backside as she reached the edge of the circle, frowning she shrieked again this time aiming the sound at the circle, breaking it. With the circle broken she crawled through the dirt to the two males pulling on their pants and pounding on their boots. Looking up at them she blinked, her eyes turned black for a moment before back to their normal color, reaching her arms up she huffed “Daddy! Up!”

Present Day…

The years of her life had flown by in a blink of an eye, a few moments after her birth Ryder had already spoken her first well demand and now she was fully grown and ordering people around like the princess she was. Most adults don’t truly understand that from the moment a child achieves consciousness in the womb, or egg in Ryder’s case, they know their parents, they know their smell and the subtle sounds they each make. When she hatched Ryder knew automatically who the two males were standing in front of her and she knew she was the first child so her princess mentality was instant and the demands continued to flow.

While she was still very much a princess her demands on her fathers had slowed and she had learned to look elsewhere to get what she wanted at times. Using her inborn gifts she had attained much in her lifetime and still acquired much to this day. Her brain worked faster then the average humans so her ability to play with stocks and such had become nothing but a pastime because the true fun lay in honing the skills that had been passed down by her father Asmodeus in the form of getting humans to gamble away their very souls. With her cute demeanor it was not hard to have the idiots thinking she was stupid, they thought she was a pretty face and when they signed her contracts they thought nothing of the bind that had wrapped itself around their souls. When they lost they would yell and accuse her of cheating but think nothing of it until they mysteriously died and found themselves in her service. Most of the time Ryder filled orb after orb and left them as presents for her daddy having no real use for them herself but she knew he would find a purpose for them in the end.

Today was different though, Ryder had met a young demon who’s pain echoed her own in a way. He had something taken from him and he felt empty without it. While Ryder had a family who she loved dearly she had always felt like the odd one out, she had always been the only one of her kind seeing as the dragon goddess who helped create her had long since left any realm accessible to any, so there was a hole in her that she filled with temporary happiness and laughs that never quite filled her eyes.

Sending the servants away with all but one of the orbs Ryder looked at the souls swimming in the darkness, watching as their terrified faces that pleaded with her. Shaking her head she tapped the glass with her long nails “You are going to get me what I want..” she whispers before looking around. Biting her lip she pulled out a piece of paper writing a quick note. “Daddies,

I need to do something…please don’t worry about me. I am sorry I couldn’t tell you about this before I made this decision. I promise I will be home soon”

Biting her lip she snapped her fingers, knowing a copy would go to each of her fathers rooms before walking out to her gardens. Looking around Ryder took a moment to appreciate all she had, she knew if she failed to bring the right tribute she would be stuck until a bargain was made, one that would involve losing more then her immortality. Shaking the thoughts from her head she strode through the maze until she reached the inner most part of her gardens. This place housed her new Bull which was currently being loaded with some humans she had found sinning beautifully and would be perfect for her purpose. Kneeling next to the waters of her personal oasis she waited until the screams started and the incense filled her nose before placing her hand carefully on the waters.

Her lips moved fast, she knew the minute her daddies found her notes and sensed something changing they would be after her and would tan her hide for even thinking of attempting what she was. Soon the water bubbled and a hand reached out and grabbed her throat causing her to gasp, holding on tightly to the orb she took a deep breath before she was dragged down into the water and pulled through the barriers of the world.


Leviathan Valefor | KOA | TROPK | KOV

Uncles Fury

The earth shifted on its axis like it always did, Leviathan Valefor was asleep deep in the ocean’s bosom. Cradling the cavernous water mountains in such a way he blended into the surroundings, his mind rested, and time passed, and his body healed from its containment in human form. His slumbering was always deep and lasted for many years, however, this time he was awoken before he had properly rested. Instantly his mind projected anger the overwhelming need to protect took hold, he could sense the water portals were being used in a dangerous fashion; it was his job to protect the portals and not let any unauthorized portal usage take place. The water portals were severely dangerous to anyone, immortals as well as humans. If the portals were used for the wrong reasons, it could lead to death, and catastrophic time changes that could end the world as we knew it.

This time however, it felt familiar, blood relation of some sort. His daughter Galene knew better than to use the portals, as well as his fiancée, no one else could even access the portals. However, orbs have been known to go missing that could transport a victim of drowning to a different place, which was the case in this instance. Appearing in the disappearing waters, his long tentacle reached out and snatched up the would-be traveler from the watering confines. Looking down at his wet niece, he growled thunderously in his true form. “You dare use one of my portals? You are not allowed, for ANY reason. Furthermore, you would worry your fathers and for what?” Upon hearing her explanation of needed to be a leader, to bargain and return to be the leader her riders wanted her to be.

“You have to do it the right way. Abandoning your family on an adventure is not being a leader, a leader leads through example, not being reckless which is what you were doing. If all of your riders did something like this and it went bad, you would have no more riders. Rather than just do something without proper planning, consult your family, ask your family for help. A true leader isn't afraid to ask for help.” Ryder responded, “I did my research Uncle. I was going to ask for help from my daddies but they have both been under stress. I wanted to do something on my own for once. I was aware of what could happen.” Towering over her, he snarled angrily, “YOU DEFY YOUR OWN FATHERS TO DO SOMETHING ON YOUR OWN FOR ONCE?!” Anyone who knew Leviathan knew he had a terrible temper, and was terribly protective of his family. “You will stay in my holding cells until your fathers come to get you, you shame our family by your willingness for death. There are very few, myself included that do not escape unharmed from these portals. They would chew you up and spit you out like yesterday’s news.”

Tapping his fingers on the bars, he looked at her yet again, his eyes bright red with pure venomous anger. “I have never in all my years of knowing you, been so disappointed. You broke one of my rules, ‘no portal use without permission’ this goes even for your own fathers. I know more about every portal, and have been through every portal to know whom would make it, and whom wouldn’t. Ryder, I love you like you were my own, and yet, I know your strengths, even some that you are not aware of. Portal jumping takes training, you have to develop trust of the portals, and they you. The people in each are not always friendly, and what were you planning to bargain exactly?” Huffing, he started to walk away, “I will be informing your fathers….” Looking to his guards, “Watch her, and do not let her out unless I expressly say so.”


Over the Threshold

He stopped her! He flippin stopped her! Her mind was still reeling from the events of the previous day as she stood in her room looking around. She had stayed the night with her Cousin Atheema while her daddies had a special night but now she had to get back on track with things and not take anymore time relaxing .With the water ways inaccessible to her now she had to find anotherway to get to the Netherrealms which meant a little more research and more collecting. A groan escaped her lips at the thought of taking more time but this was something she wanted to finish and so she would do whatever it took.

Taking a hot cup of hot chocolate with her she walked through the house and ended up in the library. Setting her drink down she started looking through the books that lined the walls, there were many books on the subject she was looking for but one stood out. Pulling the book down from the shelf she curled up in the biggest chair she could find and started reading. She stayed that way for hours, not moving unless it was to turn a page, get another book, or take a drink. A few times a servant had entered and quietly brought her more to drink and even laid mess-free snacks out for her to munch on but other then that she was left alone.

As the sun went down Ryder finally set down the last book she had been reading and rubbed her eyes. She had been in the library all day and she was stiff but she understood now what she needed to do in order to accomplish her goals. As she put the books away her mind went over everything she had consumed, she had to keep in mind not to affect the timelines in anyway or it would throw her world into chaos. Walking to the kitchen she dropped off her tray, much to the surprise of the servants who all bowed and asked if she needed anything but she waved her hand and left walking back to her room. Walking to the second room attached to hers she picked up her fox Vixen and set her down on the pillows as she pulls out a duffle bag and starts putting clothes in it. Once she was packed she found the special collar she had gotten for Vixen and attached it and the leash to the fox then she went and collected the elf girl her father had given her and put a leash on her too.

It was a sight to see, the small petite princess walking down the stairs with two leashes in hand, one connected to the elf girl and the other connected to her pretty arctic fox. Calling one of the servants she handed the male a note for her fathers stating her intent and her promise that she would be home soon and that she promised not to cause trouble. Looking the servant in the eyes she frowned “Make sure both of my daddies get the notes or you will end up missing an appendage” she threatened before leading her pets out the door.

Gripping the leashes tightly she transported them all to the human realm, some out of the way place with lots of woods which would be perfect for what she needed. Picking up Vixen she pushed the elf girl into the woods. They walked for a couple hours until they found the tree she was looking for, it was old and gnarled, a smirk crossed her lips. It was no ordinary tree, as a portal it moved a lot when it was threatened and it would only open to one of the elven race which was the reason she had brought the slave girl with her. Pushing the girl up to the tree with a raised eyebrow. The girl shook and opened the portal , gasping as she was pushed through by a sighing Ryder, “Lets go Vixen , we have a god to de-wing” she said stepping through to the realm of the Fae.


Princess Ryder Valefor-ll-KOV-ll-ROV-ll-

Winter World

Ryder knew that entering the Fae world would change her, she had done all her research on the matter and it would bring out her true form. The minute Ryders feet landed in the Fae realm she felt a deep change taking over her body. Her feet reshaped and busted through her shoes revealing black, polished hooves, a tail shot out from above her ass. The tail itself was thick at the base but thinned to whip like traits at the end. Her normally small wings busted from her back and touched the ground now. Her skin rippled as scales covered her body and heated up, burning away her clothing until she stood there naked as the day she was born with only her scales covering her chest and her intimate areas. Her fingers, still holding onto Vixen thinned out as razor sharp claws formed, still gently holding the fox. Finally her head changed, her face stayed the same but her eyes slanted becoming more dragon like but her eyes were pitch black showing her inner demon and on top of her head in her honey blonde hair appeared a curved pair of horns and dragon spikes down the middle. A smile crossed her lips showing razor sharp teeth "Thought the ink was driedHellish gardens floweredIvy to be climbedSpread my filth, my wings, my weeds, my weeds"The land of the Fae always showed a persons trueself...and the once cute and innocent looking princess was now a fierce Drakaina.........

As her body got used to the changes Ryder let Vixen sniff around as she flexed her claws and her wings. Her ears twitched as she listened to the world around her, she heard screams but ignored them as she picked up Vixen and pulled the elf girl along behind her. Walking through the dark woods she kept her eyes peeled for any trouble that might attempt to stop them from passing. Now once she got into this world she figured it would take sometime to find the right portal to the Netherrealm but she knew at least one existed, it had been created years ago by some Unseelie who used it to visit her husband who was a demon prince in the dark realm but the location was hidden. After walking for what seemed like forever Ryder left the woods and emerged into a snowy wonderland, her dragon grumbled at he cold not liking it one bit but she loved it none the less. The elf girl behind her squeaked in nervousness and attempted to pull away but the leash prevented that, “Mistress, we must leave this place, it is the Winter lands…” she whispered touching Ryder’s arm. Growling Ryder backhanded the girl “You think I am stupid? I know where we are and this is exactly where we need to be”

Ryder dragged the elf through the snow, intent on reaching the ice castle in the distance before she got t cold. The moon was full and high in the sky and the screams continued as did the growls although the latter became louder as Ryder got to the middle of the field. Gripping the leash that held the elf girl she stopped and listened as the screams and growls got closer to where she stood, she saw a large black horse approaching her. As the horse stopped Ryder looked up at the rider with narrowed eyes and teeth bared.

To be continued in “The Unseelie Queen”


The Unseelie Queen

Mortals underestimate the power of a full moon

The Host of Geamhrail Dris had gathered in celebration not only of the full moon but the fact that winter had taken hold in the worlds, sealing Rayne’s hold for the next few months and the centuries to come. This winter would be the first season the young Queen lead the Host without her mothers guidance and not only were the eyes of the Unseelie on her but the eyes of the Seelie Courts. They would watch and determine whether her mixed blood would prove to make her more of threat or if it’s properties would dull down her sidhe qualities.

When she had first taken the throne after her mothers departure there was an outcry, the court originally did not approve of a mixed blood queen especially one with blood of a creature from a different world. Rayne had faced attempted assassinations and had even managed to kill a wannabe usurper, but still her court did not trust her because she still refused to tell her true name. In her childhood Rayne had learned that even among vampyres a name is a powerful weapon and could mean the end of someone so she had never told anyone the name that had been whispered to her at birth by the Bodoach. When she turned one hundred she left the mortal realm and returned to the Otherworld where she has been since that day and still none, not even her own mother knew her true name.

The court of Geamhrail Dris was empty at the moment, the hall silent as Rayne looked from her throne on the dais, she was awaiting the arrival of a very important guest who would seal her right and the wait was unbearable and she was not known for her patience. Tapping her blackened nails against the ice that formed her throne she let out a sigh, she knew she needed to be patient but the guests she was expecting always took their time and for all she knew they could already be here, watching her and observing her manner. Even that thought didn’t stop her annoyed movements, she had shown long ago that she was not bound by tradition and even something as important as this moment would not hold her still.

“You will have our hospitality in return for yours.” The voice came out of nowhere and everywhere at the same time and caused Rayne to jump from her throne and look around her before she remembered protocol and knelt with her face pressed to the cold floor beneath her, this was one main reason she refused to allow any in the hall while she received her guests, showing this would undermine her position and that was something she would never allow. With her fiery hair encasing her face she parted her lips and spoke the words that had been drilled into her brain since birth “Oh great Elatha, with justice we rule, with justice we die. Seven rules of the Faery kingdom we hold most high” her voice was strong and did not shake or quiver for she did not fear the beings that were appearing around her.

Feeling a hand on her shoulder Rayne stood and turned, she saw the being before her and lowered her head again, the original invader and settler of her people now sat on her throne, it’s organs visible but that is not what made her look away, it was the great eye that bared down on her that caused her to show humility to the one before her. Silence stretched between them, Rayne dared not speak until she was addressed which was a change to her normal outspoken self but in the presence of the One she was silent. Lifting it’s one hand it spoke again “Name yourself” holding her head high she answered “Rayne LeMoan- Nactual Mór Ní of Geamhrail Dris “ she said giving her fathers last name along with her mothers. The great being laughed and shook it’s head “Name yourself of the Bodoach” Rayne frowned at this, giving her true name put her in danger but this was all part of her proving straightening her back she stood proud “ Nicnivin Riresyh Mór Ní of Geamhrail Dris.”

With her true name spoken the Fomorian nodded and it’s blue eye shone brightly, blinding the young sidhe and bathing her in it’s light. She felt and heard the presence and voices of her ancestors flowing through her in acceptance. Rayne had been truly named after one of her oldest ancestors and that presence filled her mind and spoke her acceptance of the young woman. The feelings inside her died down to a simmer as she came out of her trance, her crimson hues shimmering with power as she returned her gaze to the being in front of her kneeling once again “Geamhrail Dris is under the hand of the Fomorian as is it’s queen” the being stood and placed it’s one hand on Rayne and a shock ran through her body, filling every inch of her before settling between her shoulders right at the top of her spine. Rayne knew that there would be the mark naming her “The Fomorian accepts you Nicnivin Riresyh Mór Ní of Geamhrail Dris and this court is yours but remember where you came from and who will always be watching” came the reply before the great being left taking the air with it.

When she regained her breath Rayne wasted no time leaving the hall, walking out of the doors she was greeted by a great crowed who all cheered her name, screeches and wails filled the air and creatures for miles knew it was time to either hide or become prey. Rayne walked over to her advisor, he had no name and was simply called the Bodoach, with a smirk on her lips she ran a nail along his jaw “You got what we wanted? “ he simply nodded with a dark smile and she leaned up kissing his cheek before moving to mount her black horse, it’s red eyes shone brightly in the night and she patted it’s neck affectionately. Looking around she nodded, her court was behind her and tonight they would all feast on the flesh of a mortal, one of the few remaining Hounds of Ulster stood next to her horse waiting for her sign, clicking her teeth the hound let out a ferocious howl and took off ahead of her. Her horse followed and so did the rest of her court. Soon the sounds of human screams would be heard all through out the Otherworld, none were safe this night as the Host was alive and the Hunt was on.

Soon the Host came upon the most questioning of companions. A young Drakaina holding a fox and a elf crouched behind her. Holding up her hand Rayne looked over the young girl, with a smirk on her lips, the magic of her realm took hold of the youngling and have given her a true form “Who are you that you walk fearlessly through my realm?” she asked hauntingly. Rayne watched as the girl stood tall, draconic eyes fixed on her own unwaveringly “I am Princess Ryder Valefor, I am not here to cause you trouble I simply seek passage through your world”. The Host twitched and grumbled, they wanted to skin the dragonling where she stood, dragon scales were a valued treasure in their world but they would not move unless given word . Rayne turned to her advisor “Take the others and continue the hunt, I am sure there is still a virgin or two who’s flesh remains intact” the Host roared with pleasure and began to move but the Hound of Ulster remained at her side, he would not leave the queen’s side even if she demanded it.

Rayne looked Ryder in the eyes, she could see the reason the princess had come here and where she was attempting to go “Where you go is not for the living, should you cross that door you will be taken straight to the one you seek and he may kill you…you do realize the risk you are taking?” Ryder nodded, “I go to him willingly and knowingly risk my life crossing him. I don’t know if you have ever had feelings for someone, but when you do nothing matters but seeing him smile, even if it is not for you” she said , her voice portraying a girl wise beyond her years. Rayne looked away, looking to the full moon knowing all to well what it meant to be in love. Closing her eyes for a moment, remembering her own heartache she decided to help the young woman. Looking back to Ryder she nodded “I know how it feels, I almost gave up my birthright. Just make sure what you do is not in vain, for this I will assist you” Rayne reached into her chest, groaning and shuddering as she pulled out a blackened heart encased in thick ice. Holding out the heart to Ryder she spoke “Give this to the demon, he will eat it and become paralyzed. But be warned it won’t last long so you much accomplish your goal and leave quickly.” Rayne wasn’t sure why she was helping but thinking about it a little more she realized under her icy exterior…she was a sucker for love.

Without questioning the girl any further she waved her hand and a blackened door appeared with chains covering it, rolling her eyes Rayne blew ice spears towards the chains and they all shattered “He thinks that will keep me out, I swear for a demon he is stupid sometimes” Rayne said shaking her head. Looking back at Ryder she nodded “Through the door is the one you want, be careful, and you can leave the elf here, I will put her to work in my advisors harem” she added with a smirk. Ryder would hand the Queen the leash before asking “You never told me who you are….” Rayne threw her crimson locks back laughing loudly “Smart one, I thought you would simply leave. I am Queen Rayne LeMoan, Queen of the Unseelie of Winter. Now hurry before he realizes I opened his door”

As the young girl walked through the portal and the door enchained itself once again and disappeared Rayne watched, she hoped the girl would accomplish her goal, she knew what being thwarted by love would do to a person. Shaking her head of the thoughts she patted her mounts neck and they took off to rejoin the rest of the Host not noticing that the Hound had stayed where the portal had appeared. He watched Rayne leave before barking, calling back the door and following the young girl to the Netherrealm…..


A Wing. The Netherrealm, or as most called it the Underworld was not a place most young princess’s would ever travel to no matter what but then again Ryder Valefor was no normal princess. As she walked through the portal way her hooves clattered, sending echoes all around her in the dismal desolate realm. She felt the change though as she reached the gates of Kur and stood in front of Neti, the guardian of the gates. The guardian looked over the young girl and shook his head “Surely you are lost young one, this place is for the dead not the living” Ryder sighed “I am here to speak with you Master Nergal so let me pass” she said, authority filling her voice. Neti laughed, a dead laugh that made even her shiver but he nodded “You know the rules” he told her motioning to Vixen. After leaving Vixen with Neti on the solemn promise that the fox would be returned to her once her visit was over Ryder then proceeded to pass through all seven gates, after passing through the final gate she stood in the hall of Kur naked, her scales having been returned into her body. Standing tall in her slime and nubile body Ryder looked forward to the throne that held the demon she had come in search of, Nergal. The demon looked Ryder over, she could feel his gaze tracing over her every feature and she knew he liked what he saw but with the threat of his wife’s return he would not dare attempt anything, not that he would get far without her claws ending up in his throat. Motioning her forward she rolled her eyes and walked silently through the seemingly empty hall, her long honey blonde hair flowing behind her on an unseen breeze. As she reached the bottom of the dais she looked up at him before continuing her ascent up the blackened steps. Kur is an eternally dark, quiet place, where dust covers everything, where there is no joy, no eating or drinking, no companionship with loved ones, a very gloomy location indeed but Ryder seemed to emit a light that stung the demons eyes and gave light to his features. The demon was in his natural form which was normal for him in his own realm, his skin was red-tinted and he did have a delicious amount of muscles his claws would grip the edges of his throne as she came closer, her youth and beauty showing in her perfect alabaster skin. A smirk would cross her lips as he showed his approval but she was not about to fall to her knees for him, he was nothing compared to one that occupied her mind at this moment. Standing only a few inches away from the demon Ryder placed her hands on her hips raising an eyebrow “Come on Nergal, enough looking. I followed your pathetic rules and you have a damn tent pole in your lap, I am sure we can talk or I can leave” she said impatiently. Shocked by her words the demon was taken back for a moment but soon let out a loud laugh, exposing his fangs as he stood. Walking around her he brushed a finger along her lower back, teasing her and making her cringe and move away from his touch “Quicquid est hoc, fili? Nusquam aliquis tactus ante?” he said in a rough voice filled with lust. Sighing Ryder knew she would have to play her cards right in order to get what she came for “Vellem , de quibus paulo ante attonitus tam facilem Daemon.” As the lies spilled from her tongue she held back the bile that threatened to spill, “Dic mihi, quid huc . Procul a patria est .” Turning to face the demon she smiled sweetly, batting her eyelashes as her tongue darted across her pink lips, teasing him and in turn lowering his defenses “Non possum venire ? Neregel tibi noceret imbutum.” she said moving close, letting her nails run down his chest slowly, he stopped her hand and looked in her eyes “Uxor statim posset , si fecerit cognoscite, si te hic invenit puerum.” Rolling her eyes Ryder pulled away and moved to his throne, turning to face him as she sat down crossing her legs “Enough with the games then, I came here to give you a present in return for a favor” she told him simply. It was a bold move sitting in the throne of Kur but Ryder didn’t care at this point. She was exhausted and wanted to go home. Reaching up she shifted slightly and pulled the frozen Sidhe heart out from it’s hiding place inside her neck gills. The moment Nergal saw it his eyes grew wide and he licked his lips “Is that what I think it is?” he asked abandoning the latin in which he normally spoke, nodding and smiling Ryder giggled “I killed the Winter Queen to get it for you, I knew you would like it” she told him. Nergal walked over to her kneeling in front of her grasping her wrist “What is the price for this?” he asked keeping his eyes on the heart. Ryder smiled and with her free hand she ran her nails across the top of his bald head “O I will think of it, but for now eat and enjoy darling.” For a moment Ryder wasn’t sure he would but then he leaned his head down and consumed the heart, licking her hand before sitting back sighing. Ryder sat there smiling, watching as light blue veins started appearing through his body, his eyes grew wide with shock as his body seized up and he fell over on his side. Standing up she leaned over to brush her licked hand on his arm before reaching beside his throne pulling out the sword that hung there. Pulling it from it’s sheath she tested it’s weight for a moment looking down at him “Get a good look Nergal, cause this is the last time you are going to see this pussy anywhere near you” she said laughing as she stepped over him, kicking him onto his stomach and felt around. After finding the joint where his wings connected to his back she stabbed the sword through, breaking through skin, muscles and tendons. He tried to cry out as she ripped apart his wings but nothing was coming out and nothing was stopping her. As soon as the wing was free of his body she folded it up carefully and used the strap from the sheath and strapped it to her back. Ryder heard Vixen scampering across the floor and frowned. Looking up her eyes grew wide as Ereshkigal appeared in front of her smirking. Looking down at her paralyzed husband then back up at the naked dragoness she threw her head back laughing loudly “He is a fool, he see’s one glimpse of nubile pure flesh and he falls for the oldest trick” kneeling beside the frozen god she shook her head touching the bloodied spot that once held a wing “You have gotten what you came for young Valefor, I suggest you leave and not return to this place until my husband forgets your betrayal” she said smiling. Ryder thought for a moment that she was getting away with this and stood picking up Vixen, Eresh opened up a portal behind her and walked to stand next to her caressing her cheek “Such beauty” she said before backhanding the young girl, busting her lip and sending her through the portal. Ryder flew through the portal and soon she landed back in her gardens back on her families grounds. Groaning she rolled carefully over until she lay on her back, the wing still secured to her back “Fucking bitch” she groaned before passing out. Her body was drained and she was tired, Vixen pushed some leaves over her mistress’s body before running off to the house yipping loudly, attempting to get anyones attention that would listen. Ryder lay there, a smile on her lips as she felt immense pride in accomplishing something very few others could ever do. Her journey had ended but what happened from this point forward only the gods could decide.

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