Erzsebet Bathory

Erzs had made a major impact on alot of us who gotten to know her. You could have never asked for a more loving and thoughtful person then her. I myself only knew her for a very short time and I wished I would havemeet her sooner. She was more then a friend to me she was like my sister. Me and Erzs spent hours laughing and talking getting to know each other we became very close in role play. I use to laugh at her for being so protective over Shawn Michaels but honestly she loved him and I know he loved her as well to her he was her rock her protecter and her very best friend.
She thought the world of him and Amara,she was happy that Amara shared Shawn with her.I know when I meet her I just returned to DX and started to see my ex husband Mark again, she always saw a different side in people then I did. She would laugh at me constantly when I would tell her Mark was a animal and Shawn was giving me a hard time. I believe Mark was right that I am a bad influence on people case in the end she was starting to be just as aunry as I was. I am sure she was laughing from up above seeing the beast get down on one knee to purpose to me I know it shocked alot of us.
It is very sad that such a fun and loving person had to be taken away from us so soon. But her influence in our lives meant the world to us. She is a big reminder to me on why I am here,there is no reason to fight and make enemis and honestly the way we are towards one another does refelect on us in genereal.Erzs taught me that,knowing she was on her death bed and took time to tell me a complete stranger goodbye.I would like to share her heart felt letter to me. This is the reason I keep going and no matter what I will continue to try to be a good influence onto others as I was on her.
erzse.bathory: Dear Zephyr,
I do not know what to say except that I will miss our talks. You are so fun loving and you and Mark are so funny. I know that you know by now that I will not be here any longer. Please do not be upset. I could not leave my dear friends wondering. You made me smile and laugh, when really I wanted to cry. So for that I thank you. You are my friend and sister. Do not think badly of me. Smile when you think of me and live well. Give Mark all my love because I know he will be upset. He and I grew quite close during our time on lrpe. Remind him that he was dear to me and that I love him deeply as I do you.
I do not want to go but I tire so easily. Goodbye is so hard but truly it is a goodbye and may God bless you my sweet friend.
All my love,
God bless you Zephyr Calaway
Erzsebet has made a major impact on the DX family and all of its members. And that no matter how she felt she always came on line to bring love and laughter to everyone. Not just to DX but to a every one that she knew. We "DX" will always keep her account up and going as a memorial to her legacy as a friend and she will always be family.
Shawn Micheals
I cried when I read your message. So sweet. Erzse had a huge effect on all of us and a few that didn't really want that effect. She crossed boundaries and touched a lot of people. A person who can show their personality through words and bring would be enemies to them and befriend them is no less than an angel. She defended DX but yet those who hated DX were touched by her. I miss her. She will always be DX's angel. Thank you, Zephyr, for doing this for her. I wish only that she could be here to tell you that herself.
Amara Micheals